
  • 网络operational stripping ratio
  1. 在露天矿设计与生产剥采比控制的现有理论基础上,运用现代控制理论提出了一种适合市场经济要求的新的剥采比控制原则与方法。

    Based on the original principle of the design and operational stripping ratio control method of surface mining , considering market-economy , a new control way and principle have been put forward .

  2. 市场经济条件下露天矿生产剥采比控制方法

    The Control Method of Surface Mining of the Operational Stripping Ratio on Condition of Market-economy

  3. 当量生产剥采比在露天矿生产中的应用

    Application of equivalent production stripping ratio in open pit coal production

  4. 露天矿生产剥采比的优化与调控

    Optimization , regulation and control of open-pit stripping ratio

  5. 露天煤矿生产剥采比的确定

    Determination of stripping ratio of opencast mine

  6. 作者根据投资经济效果的原则,即在本部门额定投资回收期限内能将全部投资回收完毕,提出了前期生产剥采比的计算公式。

    The author puts forward a formula for determining the stripping ratio in initial period of production in accordance with the principles of investment economic effectiveness , i. e. to recover all the investment within the rated return time limit .