
shēng chǎn yào sù
  • production factors;essential productive factors
生产要素[shēng chǎn yào sù]
  1. 知识,正日益成为人类社会最基本的生产要素和战略性资源。

    Knowledge is becoming the essential productive factors and strategic resources of human society .

  2. 经济的全球化和信息化正导致各种生产要素日益集聚于有个性的地区。

    Economical globalization and informationize being leading to various essential productive factors assemble gradually in area having individuality .

  3. 新古典边际生产率理论把生产要素同任何商品一样对待。

    The neoclassical marginal productivity doctrine freats the factors of production like any commodity .

  4. 根据纲要草案,国家将打通制约生产要素合理流动的堵点,形成需求牵引供给、供给创造需求的更高水平动态平衡。

    The country will remove impediments to the rational flow of production factors , and create a higher-level dynamic equilibrium where supply and demand boost each other , according to the draft outline .

  5. 要坚持党的领导,坚持中国特色社会主义制度,对接国际高水平经贸规则,促进生产要素自由便利流动,高质量高标准建设海南自由贸易港。

    We should stick to the leadership of the CPC and to the system of socialism with Chinese characteristics , align with high-standard international economic and trade rules , promote the smooth flow of production factors and build Hainan into a high-quality free trade port with high standards .

  6. 尤其是WTO《与贸易有关的投资措施协议》的制定将进一步促进各项生产要素在全球范围流动。

    Especially , the establishment of WTO " Agreement on Trade-related Investment Measures " will promote each element of production to flow in the global scope .

  7. 国际直接投资(FDI)作为生产要素在区域间的重新分配与组合,对世界各国的资本形成、技术进步、产业升级以及贸易发展等方面产生了重要影响。

    As an interregional act of redistribution and combination of production factors , foreign direct investment ( FDI ) has a great impact on the capital formation , the progress of technology , the industrial upgrading and the trade development around the world .

  8. 信息和通讯技术(ICT),特别是因特网技术的迅猛发展,推动着全球经济进入一种全球化状态,而生产要素在上述技术进步的支撑下也以一种新的经济形态呈现于世。

    With the swift development of information and communication technology ( ICT ), especially internet technology , economy is promoted to be globalized . , and under the support of above-mentioned technological progress production elements appears in new economic shape .

  9. 90年代以来,随着以计算机技术为支柱的信息技术的迅速发展,现代IE开始研究生产要素之间的新规律,为创造新的IE技术寻求理论依据。

    Since the 1990s , with the rapid development of information technology which is taking technology of the computer as of the pillar , modern IE begins to study the new law between the factors of production , and seeks the theoretical foundation in order to create new IE technology .

  10. 将水资源作为生产要素之一,通过基于面向输出的C2GS2模型与C2R模型DEA相对有效性评价,建立工业用水及总产出值的有效前沿,分析产出的技术效率和规模效率。

    Regarding water resources as one of the elements of production , the efficient production frontier is built based on the DEA relative efficiency evaluation with C ~ 2GS ~ 2 model and C ~ 2R model of output oriented . Technical efficiency and managerial efficiency of production are analyzed .

  11. 按生产要素分配的若干理论问题&兼与朱沁夫、杨国宝、张云峰等同志商榷

    Some theoretical problems of distribution according to essential factors of production

  12. 土地作为重要的生产要素之一,其价值日益显现出来。

    The land was took one of important elements of production .

  13. 试论森林生态环境因素是林业生产要素

    Study on Forest Ecological Environment as Essential Factor of Forest Production

  14. 文化禀赋是一种重要的生产要素。

    Culture endowment is a sort of important production factor .

  15. 生产要素参与医院分配的理论研究

    The Research of the Hospital 's Distributive Theory of the Productive Element

  16. 转轨时期中国工业生产要素拥挤的特征分析

    Analysis of congestion characteristics of Chinese industrial production factors during transition period

  17. 香港与珠三角区域经济融合:生产要素市场流动初探

    Economic Integration between Hong Kong and the Pearl River Delta

  18. 土地是农业最稀缺的基本生产要素。

    The land is the basic production factor in the agriculture scarce .

  19. 主要农业生产要素的配置效率在不同领域是否存在着差异呢?

    And whether efficiency has notable difference in different field ?

  20. 浅论美国反倾销法中的生产要素价值方法

    On the Methods of Evaluating Production Factors in the US Anti-Dumping Law

  21. 当然,生产要素市场也无可避免。

    Of course , the factor market is inevitable .

  22. 企业集群与西部生产要素的聚集

    Enterprise Clusters and the Accumulation of Factors of Production in the Western Region

  23. 关于按生产要素分配的几点理论思考

    Theoretical Reflection on the Distribution upon Key Production Factors

  24. 在各种生产要素中,人是最活跃的因素。

    In various factors of production , people are the most active ones .

  25. 土地是一种基本的生产要素和生活来源。

    The land is one of the basic factors of production and life .

  26. 价值是各生产要素共同创造的。

    Commodity value is made by productive elements .

  27. 信息化己成为21世纪的生产要素,网络教育也正深入到家庭和社会群体中。

    Informatization has become an import an t productive factor in the 21st century .

  28. 研究了生产要素不同组合条件下,技术适度投入问题;

    Under different combinations of production factors , the optimum technological investment is studied .

  29. 技术资本是进行要素配置研究的一个理想的概念性框架,在此基础上形成的技术资本理论主要关注各生产要素之间的互动作用。

    Technology capital is a perfect conceptual framework for studying elements and resources arrangement .

  30. 农村生产要素市场培育与发展的策略构思

    Tactics of cultivating and developing rural factor market