
  1. 生态建筑设计原理及设计方法研究

    Study on the Design Basic and Design Methodology of Ecological Architecture

  2. 基于可持续发展的生态建筑设计方法

    Ecological Architecture Design Methods and Techniques Based on the Sustainable Development

  3. 生态建筑设计中的因地制宜原则

    The Principle of Adapting to Surrounding Conditions in Eco-architecture Design

  4. 人性化的节能适宜技术生态建筑设计

    The humanized energy saving proper technology ecological building design

  5. “集成设计”是现代生态建筑设计的重要原则。

    " Integrated design " is a key principle for mod-ern eco-building design .

  6. 原生态建筑设计理念的实验

    Experiment on the Idea of Primordial Architecture Design

  7. 生态建筑设计的原则及对策研究

    Principles and Countermeasures of Ecological Architecture Design

  8. 关注环境、资源等问题的生态建筑设计越来越受到人们的重视。

    More and more importance has been attached to ecological architecture design concerning environment and resources .

  9. 生态建筑设计策略

    Strategy of ecological architecture design

  10. 清华大学设计中心楼是根据生态建筑设计理念设计建造的综合型办公建筑,是一次生态建筑设计的有效实践。

    The construction of Tsinghua University Design Center is an effective practice of ecological comprehensive office building design .

  11. 本文总结了7大常规生态建筑设计技术,并阐述了他们的原理和应用方法。

    Conventional design techniques are studied in this paper . The principle and using methods of these techniques is also studied .

  12. 生态建筑设计理念在别墅中的体现&山东诸城龙海花园别墅组团设计实践

    The embodiment of ecological architecture designing theory in villa design & Shandong Zhucheng ' Longhai Garden ' group villa project practice

  13. 第三部分简要论述了当代本土化的生态建筑设计理论和实践;

    The third part is to state simply the theory and practices of the contemporary vernacular and ecological architecture 's design ;

  14. 因此仿生学自然成为生态建筑设计这一课题下不可或缺的一个研究方向,为生态建筑提供了全新视角。

    So bionic naturally becomes a necessary study branch of biological architecture design , which provides a completely new visual angle for biological architecture .

  15. 绿色、节能、生态建筑设计理念在一个能源设计研究单位自用的建筑中得以实施。

    The design idea of Green , Energy-saving and ecological buildings has been used for the office building of an institution which design and study energy .

  16. 无论从社会需求、技术发展还是审美追求的角度来看,在生态建筑设计领域运用数字技术已经成为一种不可逆转的趋势。

    Whether from the social demand , technology development or the pursuit of the aesthetic point of view , using digital technology in design field of eco-building is becoming a hot trend .

  17. 在注重对生态建筑设计手法运用的同时,也寻求在建筑艺术中的探索,从而使得两者在形式和内容上达到完美的和谐统一性。

    In focusing on the use of eco-building design practices , while also seeking to the explorations in architectural art , it allows to achieve the unity of perfect harmony both in forms and contents .

  18. 摘要中国传统民居具有良好所候适应性,深入地研究传统民居的所候适应性,发掘其中有价值的策略和技术,对当今的生态建筑设计很有帮助。

    Chinese traditional dwelling houses have good climate adaptability , through deeply research to find out the valuable maneuver and technology which help to achieve good climate adaptability in traditional resides will great promote the ecological architecture design today .

  19. 本文通过生态建筑设计组织建筑储能技术应用,不仅可以提高建筑运行能耗效率,还能利用太阳能光伏电池、风力发电等高级建筑储能技术存储可再生自然能源。

    In this paper , use the ecological architecture design to organization building energy storage applications . Not only improve the efficiency of energy consumption , but also store renewable natural energy with advanced energy storage technology such as solar photovoltaic cells , wind power and so on .

  20. 将太阳能烟囱、Trombe墙以及太阳能空气集热器等构件与生态建筑一体化设计安装能够取得较好的效果。

    Integrating solar chimneys , Trombe walls and solar air collectors with bioclimatic buildings can lead to good results .

  21. 山西省窑洞式生态建筑的设计与研究

    Design and research on cave dwelling ecological building in Shanxi province

  22. 希望对了解和指导高技生态建筑的设计有所帮助。

    Hope this article can make help to high-tech ecological building design .

  23. 探索生态居住建筑设计的发展趋势

    The Research on the Development Trend of Ecological House Design

  24. 国际学生生态建筑合作设计教学

    International Students ' " Ecological Architecture " Studio for Collaborative Design and Teaching

  25. 城市类型注重生态的建筑设计

    The urban type architectural design with ecological concerns

  26. 基于建筑全生命周期的生态建筑集成设计&崇明生态人居集成设计

    Eco-building Integrated Design Based on Building LCA-Design of Ecological Human Settlements in Chongming Island

  27. 高层出租型生态办公建筑设计的研究&常青大厦方案设计

    The Design Plan of Chang Qing Building

  28. 生态建筑的设计体现在建筑的每一个环节,更渗透于建筑寿命过程的每一个角落。

    The design of ecological architecture materializes at every part of building , and it is holistic and dynamic .

  29. 指出生态建筑的设计应从多方位、多科学的角度,结合生态学原理,走可持续发展的道路。

    In the design process of this kind of building sustainable development thought should be considered from different viewpoints and combined with theory of ecology .

  30. 生态思想与建筑设计教学模式变革

    Ecological Thought and Transformation of Teaching Mode for Architectural Design