
lǐ lùn shēnɡ wù xué
  • theoretical biology
  1. 从网上在线服务、电子邮件服务和本地运行三个方面介绍BLAST的使用方法,目的是使大家尽快掌握它,使其成为理论生物学研究的有力工具。

    The usage of Blast is introduced by on-line service , E-mail service and local running respectively , in order to make everybody master it as soon as possible , and to make it become a valuable tool in studying theoretical biology .

  2. 关注理论生物学创新的基础&生物学哲学的地位及学科建设

    Pay Close Attention to the Foundation of Innovation in Theoretical Biology

  3. 理论生物学中关于免疫网络调节的研究

    Studies on the Idiotypic Network Regulation of Immune Systems in Theoretical Biology

  4. 虚拟生物的研究促进了理论生物学和生物学哲学的发展。

    The research of virtual organisms promote to the developments of Biological theory and Biological philosophy .

  5. 另外一个例子是了加州大学洛杉矶分校的汤超教授,同时也是北京大学理论生物学中心的创始人和领导者,每年他都会在那里任教一段时间。

    Another case is UC San Francisco professor Chao Tang , who also is founder and director of the Center for Theoretical Biology at Peking University , where he teaches part of the year .

  6. 分形(Fractal)理论与生物学研究

    Fractal theory and biology investigation

  7. Brownmotion有很多非常好的分析性质这使它成为其他科学领域,如经济学、通讯理论,生物学,管理科学,数理统计等研究的重要工具。

    Brown motion has many elegant and elaborate analysis properties , so that it becomes vital vehicle of the study in the other science areas such as economics , communication theory , biology , management science , mathematical statistics , and so on .

  8. 具体有以下几方面的工作:①介绍了DNA计算产生的生物背景、发展现状、DNA计算的数学理论、生物学基础以及DNA计算的机理,并对近年来有关DNA计算的研究成果进行了综述。

    The specific works are as follow : ① This paper introduced the biological background of DNA computing , and the present development condition , the mathematical theory and the biological foundations , some essential operation of DNA molecule and the overview of study in recent years .

  9. 在试验条件下,系统中发生SND脱氮作用的主要作用机理是微环境理论和生物学理论,在反应初期以微环境理论为主导,而反应后期则是以生物学理论为主导。

    During the trial conditions , the main mechanism of the system is micro-environment theory and biological theory . In the initial reaction , the micro-environment is the main , and the reaction later is the biological theory-driven .

  10. 是这样的,这个理论对于生物学还是非常新的。

    Yeah , it is fairly new to biology .

  11. 试论突变理论的生物学应用及其意义

    On applications and significance of catastrophe theory in Bioscience

  12. 主要介绍寡糖的结构理论、生物学功能的研究进展及应用前景。

    I introduce the structure , the biology functions and the using of oligosaccharide .

  13. 学习策略理论对生物学教学的启示

    Revelation of Biology Teaching by Learning Strategy

  14. 博弈理论在生物学当中的应用

    Application of Game Theory in Biology

  15. 生物序列的比较问题是生物信息学的一个基本问题,也是数学与生物学的一个重要汇合点,它是数学理论在生物学中得到成功应用的典范。

    Comparison and analysis of biological sequences is one of the most important and basic problems of biological information .

  16. 截止到目前,自组织理论在生物学、物理、化学、热力学等科学领域的研究中取得了举世卓著的成绩。

    Until now , self-organization theory in biology , physics , chemistry , thermodynamics and other scientific field study made extraordinary distinguished achievements .

  17. 并对有关理论的生物学似然性进行了评定。这些来自心理的研究证据对不同的计算模型有着不同的结论,它们或支持于或矛盾于计算模型。

    The described theories are assessed with respect to their biological plausibility . Evidence from psychological studies is given , which either supports or contradicts the different computational models .

  18. 在电工理论与生物学及医学等学科的交叉领域,从学科建设的角度提出了“生物电工理论”这一新的学科概念,体现了学科交叉、技术相融、应用相通的特点;

    This paper put forward a new subject concept named " biology electrician theoretic " in the intersectant field between electrician theoretic and biomedicine . This concept can make an embodiment of subject cross , technique being in harmony and application communication .

  19. 这种理论不仅在生物学并且在哲学、甚至意识形态上都有其不可低估的影响力。

    Its influence on biology , philosophy , most ideology is not underestimated .

  20. 迁移理论指导下生物学概念教学

    Biological Concept Teaching under the Instruction of Transfer Theory

  21. 建构主义理论下的生物学自主学习教学模式研究

    A Research for Biological Teaching Method of Independent Study Guided by the Theory of Construction

  22. “蛋白质与酶工程”理论课程是生物学基础专业教学的重要组成部分。

    " Protein and Enzyme engineering " is a major basic course during the college biology teaching .

  23. 如今,这一理论仍然是生物学的基础,并对地球上的生物多样性提供了逻辑解释。

    It is still the foundation of biology and provides a logical explanation for the diversity of life on Earth .

  24. 首先,利用现代教育技术理论对幼师生物学教材做出分析,选择了一些适合整合的内容;

    First , use the theory of IT to analyze the material of Preschool Normal Biology , choose some material which is suitable for integration ;

  25. 有机生长理论原本是生物学的一种理论,但己被应用于城市规划学的研究中。

    The Theory of Organic Growth has originally been a theory of Biology , but it has been already used in study of Urban Planning .

  26. 非线性脉冲微分方程理论来源于生物学和医学的一些数学模型,是微分方程中一个新的重要分支。

    The theory of nonlinear impulsive differential equations is a new and important branch of differential equation , which originates from some mathematical model of biology , medicine .

  27. 因此,中医证的概念与理论除具有生物学基础外,还具有整体联系性、主客一体性、动态时序性、模型性、模糊性等特征。

    So the concepts and theories of TCM syndrome had not only biological foundation but also holism , integration of subjectivity and objectivity , dynamic time-phase , modeling and subtlety .

  28. 生物学是以实验为基础研究生命现象的学科,作为高中阶段的必修课程,和理论知识相比生物学实验更具有直观性、实践性和创新性,是学生获取生物学知识的有效手段。

    As biology is a compulsory course on the high school stage , the biology experiment is more intuitive than the theoretical knowledge , so it is an effective means for students to get biological knowledge .

  29. Granger因果关系的理论及其在系统生物学中的应用

    The Theory of Granger Causality and Its Applications in Systems Biology

  30. 文章描述了由ATP分子水解释放的生物能量传递的新理论的物理和生物学基础。

    We present the biological and physical foundations of the new theory of transport of bio-energy released by hydrolysis of ATP molecules .