
  1. 考察资本主义的产生,对于我们理解资本主义有重要意义。

    Investigating the origin of capitalism is significant to understand capitalism for us .

  2. 不理解资本主义的本质就无从科学界定社会主义的本质。

    If make little of capitalism 's essence we cannot definition socialism 's essence .

  3. 马克思关于资本主义信用中第三配置的洞见,对于理解资本主义经济的运行和历史演化具有重要的价值。

    Marx 's penetrating views about the third configuration in capitalism credit are of great value to help comprehend the functioning and historical evolution of capitalism economy .

  4. 第三种以杰姆逊等人为代表,认为当代资本主义仍然处于马克思所讨论的理论问题域中,生产理论仍是我们理解资本主义及其文化的逻辑前提。

    Fredric Jameson , who sees capitalism today as being in the domain of Marxist theory , and production theory as a logical premise for understanding capitalism and its culture .

  5. 韦伯把资本主义看作一个文明体,从文化与宗教的角度理解资本主义,认为理性化是资本主义产生的关键因素,资本主义文明是人类的进步;

    Weber regards capitalism as civilization and he comprehends capitalism from the angles of culture and religion . Weber argues that rationalization is the key factor to the origin of capitalism and that capitalism proved to be the progress of the human being .

  6. 有一种解释称,无论银行家是否理解资本主义,他们都明白,要保住自己的工作和奖金,就必须借越来越多钱来放越来越多的贷,以完成利润目标并支撑股价。

    An explanation offered is that the bankers , whatever they knew about capitalism , knew that to keep their jobs and their bonuses they would have to borrow more and more to lend more and more , in order to meet profit targets and hold up share prices .

  7. 他旨在把文本、意识形态和辩证法统一起来理解晚期资本主义的文化逻辑。

    He aims to integrate texts with ideology and dialectics in order to interpret the culture logic of capitalism in its late stage .

  8. 主观原因主要包括两个方面,即人们主观上对马克思主义的教条化理解和资本主义自由化思想对马克思主义信仰的侵蚀。

    The subjective cause mainly includes two facets , that is the doctrinaire understanding of Marxism and the erosion of Marxist faith by the capitalist liberalized thoughts .

  9. 他的自由困境理论为我们理解现代资本主义社会人们的生存境遇提供了坚实的理论基础,也对我国的社会主义建设具有重要的参考价值。

    This theory has provided us the solid theoretical basis for us to understand the living condition in modern capital society , and also , it has great reference value to the construction of socialism in our country .

  10. 陈序经所主张的“全盘西化”论不能简单地理解为全盘资本主义化,其真实含义应当是要求在中国文化土壤中确立现代性。

    Chen Xujing s theory of " wholesale Westernization " can not be interpreted as wholesale capitalism and it means modernization of Chinese culture .

  11. 财产神圣原则应作广义理解,不仅是资本主义国家宪法的原则,而且也应是社会主义国家宪法的基本原则。

    The principle of sacred right of property should be explained in a broad sense . That is to say , it is not only basic principle of capitalist constitutions , but also of socialistic countries .

  12. 本文以资本本质为核心,重点论述了西方经济学层面上的资本内涵、马克思对资本的理解、资本与资本主义社会制度、资本与中国社会主义初级阶段建设等四个方面的问题。

    This paper on the basis of capital focuses on four aspects : Concept of Western Economics , content of Marxist understanding of capital , capital and the capitalist system , capital and building the primary stage of socialism in China .