
  • 网络Understanding Poetry
  1. 因此,可以断定,理解诗歌的本质是理解其中的意象,发现意象的含义。

    Therefore , it can be said that understanding poetry is picking up the image in it and finding out what the image implies .

  2. 那个学生不能完全理解诗歌的意思。

    The student can not understand the poem fully .

  3. 这就是珀赖因所著的,关于理解诗歌的手册中所讲到的内容,声音能够强调含义。

    That 's what it says in Perrine 's handbook about understanding potry Sound reinforces sense .

  4. 而高考对诗歌教学的要求又是什么呢?是快速准确的理解诗歌含义,掌握固定的答题方法和答题思路。

    Is fast and accurate understanding of the meaning of the poem , fixed method and the answer answer .

  5. 这一结构的形成过程可以解释人们理解诗歌意象的心理运作机制。

    With the emergent structure , the psychological mechanism about the process of understanding the poetic imagery will be revealed .

  6. 他认为,作者的生平事迹可能包含极其广泛的讯息,能帮助读者理解诗歌的真正思想内涵。

    Biographical information can be enormously informative , he says , enlightening the reader as to the poet 's real preoccupations .

  7. 这对学生真正意义上的理解诗歌,理解诗人,以及能力和水平的提高是没有好处的。

    The students ' understanding of the real meaning , understanding , and poetry poet and raise the level of ability is not good .

  8. 从语用学角度对诗歌进行解码是帮助我们理解诗歌思想内涵与艺术魅力的有效手段。

    It is an effective method to decode poetry from the perspective of pragmatics in helping us interpret the connotation and artistic charm of it .

  9. 意象的运用给诗歌赋予了新的理念,帮助读者更好的理解诗歌,体会诗歌中的经典意象给人们带来的无限魅力。

    The employment of images contributes to the new conception of poems , which helps readers better understand poems and experience the charm of poems .

  10. 增强隐喻意识,提高隐喻能力,从认知的角度理解诗歌隐喻是诗歌欣赏的最好途径。

    Strengthening metaphorical awareness and developing metaphorical competence is the most effective way to improve their ability to appreciate poetry and stimulate readers ' interest in poetry .

  11. 春秋时代人们称《诗》时没有文本观念,而孔子却已具有朦胧的文本概念,他在引导学生理解诗歌时,要求他们注意《诗》作者的本意。

    People in the Spring-Autumn Period do not have the concept of text in citing The Poems , but Confucius already has a vague idea so that when he guides his students to interpret the poems , he calls their attention to the original intentions of the author .

  12. 把握李贺诗歌中所表现出的生命意识,对于理解他的诗歌具有重要意义。

    A mastery of this consciousness is of great significance to understanding his poetry .

  13. 例如它可以校正其他作家著作中的某些错误,同时还有助于更好地理解清代诗歌中的一些重要现象与作品。

    For instance , it can correct some mistakes in works of others , and help for better understanding many significant phenomena in Qing poems .

  14. G威多森在它的专著《实用文体学》中,以其本人对诗歌作为语言创作形式的本质理解,就诗歌教学作了一番深入的论述。

    In his book Practical Stylistics , based on his understanding of the nature of poetry as the creative form of language , Widdowson made a thorough study on style in the view of poetic teaching .

  15. 理解约翰·多恩的诗歌

    Understanding John Donne 's Poetry

  16. 艾兹拉?庞德的诗有时候难以理解,因为诗歌中含有许多令人费解的典故。

    The poetry of Ezra Pound is sometimes difficult to understand because it contains so many obscure references .

  17. 今天我有些理解了,诗歌对于爱好诗歌的人来说,首先是一种精神的滋养。

    Now I realized that those people devoted in poems , poems are the result of nutritious of spirits .

  18. 中国古典诗歌在中国甚至整个世界都极具文学价值,但理解中国古典诗歌更需要读者的辛劳。

    The classical Chinese poetry , which is of great literary value in China and the world at large , needs much hard work from the readers .

  19. 希望该课题能够丰富当前白居易研究,帮助我们更客观地理解白居易的诗歌,以对后来白居易的心态研究产生积极的意义。

    Hope this will help our current research , bai juyi more objective understanding to the poetry , bai juyi later research mentality of bai juyi of positive significance .

  20. 从内容上分析唐代边塞诗,可以帮助我们理解唐代的诗歌创作,并深刻理解唐代的社会生活和盛唐精神。

    We may understand the poem creation , social life and the spirit of grand Tang Dynasty if we analyze the materials of frontier fortress poem in Tang Dynasty .

  21. 要想真正理解北岛的诗歌,必须澄清北岛的孤独情节,追寻、还原北岛诗歌的创作背景,以及在这背景笼罩下北岛所持有的哲学玄想。

    If we want to understand Bei Dao 's pomes truly , we must clarify " the lonely plot " of Bei Dao 's , track down and return to original state the Bei Dao poetry creation background .

  22. 在本文中,作者尝试应用近年来对隐喻的研究成果包括体验主义理论的双域模型和概念融合理论的多空间模型来探索理解中国古典诗歌中的隐喻,并付诸翻译过程中。

    In this dissertation , the author attempts to apply the recent researches on metaphor-the " two-domain " model from the experientialist theory and the " many-space " model from the conceptual integration theory to the translation of metaphor in Chinese classical poetry ( CCP ) .

  23. 对这些不同层面上不同衔接方式的把握有助于我们加深对诗歌语言变异的理解,加深对诗歌意义的理解。

    The mastery of covert cohesion in English lyrics can help us deepen the understanding of lyrics .

  24. 在此阶段的诗作中,斯奈德充分地运用了他对佛禅理念的理解,为他的诗歌作品增添了独特的禅宗美学特性及新的宗教文化维度。

    Correspondingly , Snyder fully exemplified these understandings in his poems , thus adding much Zen aesthetic features and a new religious and cultural dimension to his poetry works .

  25. 不理解这个时期现代诗歌诗意表达的语言焦虑,不认识其中语言表征的矛盾与混乱和它对意义失落的无限追寻,就不能有效的理解和阐释当代诗歌面临的复杂性和深刻性。

    Disregarding language worry in modern poetry expression io this period , incognizant of antinomy and disorder in language representation and meaning loss of constant pursuit , one can 't effectively comprehend and explain the complexity and profundity that contemporary poems are confronted with .

  26. 理解是翻译中的重要过程。理解诗歌需要译者付出努力。

    Understanding is an essential process in the process of translation and to understand poems requires much effort on the part of the translator .

  27. 而理解隐藏在悲秋主题背后的死亡意识则能更好的理解诗歌中的忧郁情感。

    It is Better to understand the melancholy feelings of the poetry by comprehending the death awareness which hidden behind the subject of sad Autumn .