
lǐ kē
  • science;science department in a college
理科 [lǐ kē]
  • [science department in a college] 教学上对物理、化学、数学、生物等学科的总称

理科[lǐ kē]
  1. 我总是学不好理科。

    I was always weak in the science subjects .

  2. 教学不好使他失去了对理科的兴趣。

    He was put off science by bad teaching .

  3. 汤姆很擅长理科,而他的兄弟绝对是不可救药。

    While Tom 's very good at science , his brother is absolutely hopeless .

  4. 我们教的学生都是理科方向的。

    Our students are oriented towards science subjects .

  5. 他在最近的一部电影中扮演疯狂的理科教师,表现出色。

    He 's right on form as a crazy science teacher in his latest movie .

  6. 我对理科一窍不通。

    I 'm hopeless at science .

  7. 理科教师詹姆斯·伍德因为掌掴一名男生而被开除。

    Science teacher James Wood was sacked for slapping a schoolboy .

  8. 有理科教学资格的老师一直都很短缺。

    There 's a perennial shortage of teachers with science qualifications .

  9. 学校将重点发展理科、数学和现代语言。

    The school will give priority to science , maths and modern languages

  10. 我上学时理科从来都不是我的强项。

    Science was never my strong point at school .

  11. 我理科很棒,所以很有机会拿高分。

    Being very good at science subjects , I stood a good chance of gaining high grades

  12. 不应让能力非常差的孩子放松对理科课程的学习。

    Children of very low ability should not be permitted to pay less attention to the sciences .

  13. 他的未来尚未确定,不过他可能会学理科。

    His future has not yet been determined , but he may study science .

  14. 中文是我们这些理科学生的选修科目。

    Chinese is our optional course to us students of science .

  15. 这学校以优良的理科教学而出名。

    The school has a name for good science .

  16. 他是理科主考人之一。

    He is one of the science examiners .

  17. 1856年,18岁的理科学生威廉·珀金在做实验时注意到了一些奇怪的事情。

    In 1856 . William Perkin , an 18-year-old science student , noticed something strange while doing an experiment .

  18. 2006年,斯坦福开办了“创业能力暑期学院”(summerinstituteforentrepreneurship),专门面向理科、工科和人文学科的研究生。

    In 2006 , Stanford launched the Summer Institute for entrepreneurship , specifically for graduate students in sciences , engineering and humanities .

  19. (glorified:美其名的scienceteacher:理科教员)你说他是被捧出来的高中理科老师。(experiment:试验lighting:点燃fart:屁)还说他上一次成功的试验是点燃了自己的屁。

    Leonard : Well , you did call him a glorified high school science teacher whose last successful experiment was lighting his own farts . -

  20. 这份报告的结果表明,美国政府提出的目标——提高攻读理科、技术、工程及数学(所谓“STEM”学科)的人群比例——的出发点可能错了。

    Its results show that Washington 's goal of boosting the share of Americans who study science , technology , engineering and maths - the so-called Stem subjects - may be ill-conceived .

  21. Izzie和她的高中理科老师AdamSinger联系了,Adam是激励她成为外科医生的人。

    Reconnecting with the man who inspired her to become a surgeon , her high school science teacher , Dr.

  22. 在Bronx理科中学。

    At the Bronx High School of Science .

  23. 在Bronx区的理科中学读书。她在攻读文科学位。

    At the Bronx High School of Science . She is reading for an arts degree .

  24. 方法:在苏州大学一年级、四年级的文理科中按性别比例随机抽样,采用《大学生压抑感调查问卷》进行问卷测试并将采集到的数据输入计算机,进行SPSS统计检验。

    Methods : With stratified sampling , 197 the first grade and the forth grade students were surveyed at Suzhou University using Questionnaire for Undergraduate Repression , data were analyzed using SPSS .

  25. SEB检测到大学生对文科专业有明显的内隐刻板印象,对理科专业没有明显的内隐刻板印象。

    SEB detect that college students have obvious implicit stereotypes to liberal arts , and donot have obvious implicit stereotypes to science students .

  26. 在Bronx区的理科中学读书。我们每晚读书。珍妮,他好聪明。

    At the Bronx High School of Science . And every night , we read a book . He 's so smart , Jenny .

  27. STEM(科学,技术,工程,数学)研究发现,成见、性别歧视、压抑的课堂氛围都会使女性在面对理科职业时望而却步,这也是女性科学家、女工程师如此之少的原因。

    Furthermore , various STEM research studies have shown that ... " barriers like stereotypes , gender bias , and a discouraging classroom atmosphere can deter women from pursuing careers in these areas and may explain why there are so few female scientists and engineers . " Another STEM research study noted ,

  28. 在IRI-C共情性关心量表得分上,文科教师得分显著高于理科和文体类教师。

    On the subscale of IRI-C empathic concern , arts teachers scored significantly higher than science teachers and cultural and sports teachers .

  29. 由东京理科大学科学技术研究所TakashiTsuji领导的小组希望这项技术可以用于人体器官的生长。

    Led by Takashi Tsuji of the Research Institute of Science and Technology at the Tokyo University of Science , the team hopes this technology can be used to grow human organs .

  30. 理科教师要具有相应的科学本质教学行为。通过行动研究的方法对发展理科教师教学行为的途径和方法的研究发现:教师理解科学本质教育的价值是自主发展科学本质教学行为的前提;

    Science teachers should possess the teaching behavior of scientific nature .