
lǐ jiě lì
  • understanding;comprehension;reason;sense;feeling;wit;faculty of understanding
理解力[lǐ jiě lì]
  1. 英语学习者需要深入了解汉英文化之间的差异,才能提高文化理解力,促进汉英文化的沟通交流。

    Only by understanding the cultural differences can the learners of English heighten the faculty of understanding the cultures and facilitate the flow of cultures between the two languages .

  2. 别的学生佩服他的理解力深刻。

    The other students admired his depth of understanding .

  3. 这种测试是判断阅读理解力的好方法吗?

    Is this test a good measure of reading comprehension ?

  4. 她并不是个才智非凡的人,但理解力很强。

    She is not an intellectual , but is quick on the uptake

  5. 我承认那些想法中有很多远远超出了我的理解力。

    I admit that a lot of the ideas went way over my head .

  6. 他是个聪明的孩子,理解力很强。

    He is a bright lad , always quick on the up take .

  7. 我理解力差,无法理解这次任务的绝对正确性。

    My inferior understanding prevents my grasping the unquestionable soundness of the mission .

  8. 根据一项最新发布的研究,猫似乎能够通过自己的耳朵以及一种天生的对于物理世界如何运转的理解力来预测隐藏猎物的位置。

    According to a newly published study , cats seem to be able to predict the location of hiding preyusing both their ears and an inbornunderstanding of how the physical world works .

  9. 让孩子们学习所有受教育者必须学习的东西,学习如何衡量他们自己的理解力,如何知道他们知道或不知道的东西。

    Let the children learn what all educated persons must learn , how to measure their own understanding , how to know what they know or do not know .

  10. 不成熟就是不经他人的指引就无法运用自身的理解力

    Immaturity is the inability to use one 's understanding without guidance from another .

  11. 那位智者有很广博的理解力。v.称赞同:praise

    The wise man has a great breadth of understanding . commend

  12. 不过Siri的功能和理解力还是有待提高。

    Tired Siri is limited in what it can do and understand .

  13. 最后,Aristotle说真正的幸福是理解力的练习,是一种缜密思考的生活。

    In the end , Aristotle says that true happiness is the exercise of reason , a life of intellectual contemplation of thinking .

  14. 伦敦大学学院认知神经病学研究所的RoiCohenKadosh博士说:这是第一次证实,顶叶是理解力发展相关性计算障碍的关键部位。

    Dr Roi Cohen Kadosh , of the UCL Institute of Cognitive Neuroscience said : this is the first causal demonstration that the parietal lobe is the key to understanding developmental dyscalculia .

  15. 英国的普通国家职业资格(GNVQ)课程是一种能力本位课程,该课程旨在开发多种职业领域都需要的一般技能、知识和理解力。

    The curriculum for general national and vocational qualification is a kind of competent-based curriculum , which aims to develop students ' common skill , knowledge and understanding that are necessary to many occupations .

  16. 范畴是理解力与句子共有的形式。

    A category is a form shared by understanding and sentences .

  17. 译文:判断力将使你免遭伤害,理解力可以佑你无灾。

    Discretion will protect you , and understanding will guard you .

  18. 适合多数人的理解力和口味的音乐。

    Music adapted to the understanding and taste of the majority .

  19. 值班军官理解力迟钝。

    The officer on duty had been slow on the uptake .

  20. 我们讲的内容不应该超出学生的理解力。

    We shouldn 't talk above the heads of our students .

  21. 唯有理解力强的读者才能了解作者此处的用意。

    Only intelligent readers can understand what the author means here .

  22. 记忆力,注意力,精神能量,理解力,情感共鸣。

    memory , concentration , mental energy , intelligence , empathy .

  23. 以建立在判断力、辨别力和移情作用基础之上的理解力为特点的。

    Characterized by understanding based on comprehension and discernment and empathy .

  24. 如何培养学生的历史理解力

    How to Improve the Students ' Ability to Understand His to ry

  25. 他是一个具有非凡才智、理解力和吸引力的人。

    He was a man of uncommon intelligence , perception and charm .

  26. 幼儿羞耻感理解力的发展存在显著的年龄差异。

    A significant age difference exists in development of understanding of shame .

  27. 结合语文教学培养审美理解力

    Training the comprehension of appreciation of beauty in language teaching

  28. 他承认他的理解力有些薄弱。

    He admitted that his comprehension was a little weak .

  29. 迅速注意的;表现出迅速而敏锐的理解力的。

    Quick to notice ; showing quick and keen perception .

  30. 说是思维敏捷,理解力强。

    Said to be quick thinking , understanding and strong .