
lǐ xiǎnɡ jiào yù
  • education in ideals
  1. 走出抽象化理想教育的误区

    Walking out Mistakes of Abstraction of Education in Ideals

  2. 树立马克思主义实践论思维方式,是理想教育实现理论创新、统一理想的普遍性和崇高性、获得社会改革及其成果支持的重要条件。

    Setting thinking way of Mars 's theory of practice is important condition that education in ideals will actualize theory innovation , unionize ideal 's universality and sublimity and acquire society reform .

  3. 因此,我们应该重视和加强中学生的理想教育。

    Therefore , we should strengthen the ideal education for them .

  4. 大学生职业理想教育体系建设初探

    Study on Construction of University Student 's Vocational Ideal Education System

  5. 中小学生理想教育初探

    Ideal Education for the Students of Primary and Middle School

  6. 论新时期职业技术学院的理想教育

    Ideal education of technology vocational college in the new era

  7. 当代大学生理想教育面临着新课题。

    Some new problems are arising about Ideal education for college students nowadays .

  8. 柔性管理与中学理想教育

    Soft Management Theory and Ideal Education of Middle School

  9. 试析当代大学生的理想教育

    Analysis of Ideal Education of Contemporary College Students

  10. 由此,必须把理想教育和信念教育有机结合起来。

    Therefore , it is necessary to combine the ideal education and belief education .

  11. 面对新的形势,高校大学生理想教育在教育内容和方式、方法等方面存在缺失。

    The content and method of ideal education in colleges drop behind the new situation .

  12. 本文说明了如何结合物理教学对学生进行爱国教育和理想教育。

    This essay tell us how to give students ideological and patriotic education by physics studying .

  13. 技校生的职业理想教育

    Career Education of Professional School Students

  14. 理想教育是人与人之间的交流,情感在理想教育中起着重要的作用。

    Ideal education is a kind of communication , so passion is important in ideal education .

  15. 但是,中职生理想教育中还是存在很多亟需研究解决的问题。

    However , a lot of problems are still in urgent need of being studied and solved .

  16. 抓住了理想教育,就抓住了培养四有新人的关键和核心。

    To put emphasis on the education of ideal is the key to training the new generation .

  17. 理想教育浅谈

    On the Educational Ideal

  18. 理想教育漫议

    Discussion on Ideal Education

  19. 孙中山的德育思想主要包括爱国主义教育、理想教育和道德教育三个方面。

    The moral culture of Sun Zhongshan included mainly to patriotism education 、 idealism education and moral education .

  20. 注重理想教育,培养四有新人;

    Placing emphasis on the education of ideals and fostering a new generation with the " four haves ";

  21. 理想教育是知行统一的建构过程,是伴随着人的成长,不断发展和成长的实践过程。

    Ideal education is process of knowledge applying on activity , and a developing process with a person growing up .

  22. 正文第一部分是对中职生理想教育相关概念及理论基础的分析。

    The first part of the text analyzes related definitions and theoretical foundations of ideal education secondary vocational school students .

  23. 全球化背景下我国大学生理想教育既面临着发展的机遇,又面临着严峻的挑战;

    Our education of tertiary student ideological goals not only confronts the chance of development but also confronts the severe challenge .

  24. 挖掘加工教材内容加强社会主义理想教育&《当代世界政治与经济》课的教学体会

    Processing the Content of Teaching Material and Strengthening the Education of Socialist Ideal Teaching Understanding for Politics and Economy of Contemporary World

  25. 个人理想教育是大学生理想教育的重要方面,在当前形势下,更具有特殊的重要意义。

    Individual ideality education is an important aspect of ideality education for academician . Under current position , it has a special significance .

  26. 其次,把性道德教育与学生的世界观、人生观、理想教育和性法制教育结合起来;

    Secondly we must combine the sex education with student 's outlook on society and life , education idea and legislation education of sex .

  27. 儒家立德立功观与大学生的理想教育曹丕提出“夫文章,经国之大业,不朽之盛事”,为文学争得了与“立功”、“立德”平等的地位;

    The Confucian Values of Being Morality and Making Contribution and Ideal Education of Undergraduates Cao Pi had realized the idea outside the literature .

  28. 教育者在理想教育中起着重要作用。尤其是以辅导员队伍和专业教师队伍最为重要,他们与大学生最为贴近,接触的时间最多。

    The educators play important role in ideal education , assistants and teachers are the most important educators because they contact them most frequently .

  29. 论文回归教学领域,对理想教育的教学内容和教学方法提出了改进建议。

    This paper come back to the teaching field , and suggest to improve the teaching content and method in polytechnic college ideal education .

  30. 通过研究,本文指出刚性管理是中学理想教育实效不高的重要原因;

    Through research , the thesis point out that hard management is the main reason for the invalidity of ideal education of middle schools .