
  • 网络class teaching;class-based teaching system
  1. 有助于提升学校心理健康教育的目标;有助于形成与现代班级授课制相协调的学校心理健康教育组织管理系统。

    It also helps to improve the objectives of mental health and form organization and management system that coordinates with class-based teaching system .

  2. 关于科学技术的发展对班级授课制影响的思考

    On the Impact of Scientific and Technological Development on Class Teaching System

  3. 对现行教学组织形式&班级授课制的再审视

    The reexamination of the classes and grades system of instruction in schools

  4. 改良班级授课制提高教育公平性

    Reform the Classroom Teaching And Improve the Education Fairness

  5. 班级授课制的历史、现状与对策

    The History , the Status Quo and Complementary Measures of Class Teaching System

  6. 现代网络教育对班级授课制的积极影响

    Positive Influence of Modern Web-based Education on Class-based Teaching

  7. 班级授课制从产生沿用至今,曾推动了教学实践的发展。

    Classroom teaching has enhanced the development of school education since it came into being .

  8. 未能形成基于班级授课制的规模化学校;

    Schooling on a large scale based on class teaching is unable to be formed ;

  9. 班级授课制中存在的种种弊端,限制了教育公平性的提高。

    Various drawbacks in the classroom teaching have limited the development of the education fairness .

  10. 高中教育阶段重视课程的灵活设置并在全国推行无班级授课制。

    Flexible layout of courses in high-school education , and the " no-class teaching " system ;

  11. 打破班级授课制的形式,进行多模式教学改革;

    The mode of teaching in class should be abandoned and multi mode teaching reform be executed .

  12. 因此,研究班级授课制下的因材施教方法具有特别重要的意义。

    Therefore , to study different ways to different students in big class is of special significance .

  13. 这种教学组织形式与传统的班级授课制和学科制有着不同的理念和方法。

    Such teaching organizational forms with the traditional system of class instruction and academic system have different ideas and methods .

  14. 为此,笔者对英语阅读课的教学进行了认真反思,认为在众多的教学方法中,合作学习作为对传统班级授课制的一种补充和突破,十分可行。

    There is a great need to reflect on the teaching methods in the English reading class and make some changes .

  15. 提高课堂教学效率,是自夸美纽斯的班级授课制以来,教育工作者潜心研究的一个永恒的主题。

    Increasing the teaching efficiency has been the theme researched by generations of educators after the class-teaching system put forward by Comenius .

  16. 由班级授课制向个性化的教学组织形式转变,是现代大学教学组织形式的发展趋势。

    The trend for college instructional organization is that the basic system of classroom teaching transforms to the personalized form of instruction .

  17. 这主要是由于以知识传递为取向的学科中心教学观在我国学校教育中长期占统治地位,班级授课制几乎是学校教育的唯一组织形式。

    The main reason is that knowledge passed subject center teaching depend on our education , class school teaching nearly is scholastic only form .

  18. 伴随美术教育课程的开设,师徒传授的传统美术教育方式向班级授课制的新式美术教育转型。

    With the essence of art education , art education and traditional way to teach the class teaching transformation to modern art education system .

  19. 当进入工业化时代后班级授课制应运而生,而信息时代的降临使我们从新审视教育。

    In the industrial times , the class-based teaching mode was in need , while education is being rethought with the coming of informational age .

  20. 合作学习作为对传统班级授课制的一种突破和补充,目前被广泛地应用于中学英语课堂教学设计中。

    Cooperative learning as a breakthrough and complement against traditional classroom instruction is widely applied in the instructional design of English courses for high school .

  21. 班级授课制仍然是我国现阶段教学的基本组织形式,这种形式既有它的优势,也有着一定的缺陷。

    Class teaching is still the basic organizational forms at the present stage of China , this form has advantages , also has some defects .

  22. 随着教育技术的不断发展,运用现代教育技术手段实现分层次教学,是弥补班级授课制存在不足的一个重要途径和实践形式。

    With the continuous development of educational technology , using modern educational technology to achieve different levels of teaching is an important way and practical form to .

  23. 第四部分当前国内主要课堂教学组织形式及特点,包括班级授课制及现代教学的特殊组织形式。

    The fourth part is the domestic of current main classroom teaching organizational forms and characteristics , including class teaching system and special form of modern teaching organization .

  24. 转变教学方式是关键。改革注入式教学方法和传统的班级授课制教学组织形式,改变僵化的制度化形式,提倡个性化学习方式,开展选择性学习和研究性学习。

    Changing teaching method as a key measure , changing traditional cram class teaching form and rigid educational system , introducing choosing and research study into the practical teaching ;

  25. 高中诗歌教学的层次特点很不适合班级授课制下的课堂教学组织形式,由此极易造成教学的困窘局面。

    The layer features of the poems teaching are not appropriate for the classroom-based teaching system in the senior middle schools , which will form the situation of dilemma .

  26. 我们进入了知识爆炸的信息时代,班级授课制的弊端日益凸显,很多大学生毕业即失业。

    We entered the information age of " knowledge explosion ", the shortcomings of class teaching has become increasingly prominent . Many university students lose job as soon as graduating .

  27. 合作学习法能提高学生语言运用的能力,增强学生的自信,拓展班级授课制条件下的学习空间。

    The study indicates that learners in experimental group tend to be more self-confident and benefit a lot from it and have a further study space beyond the teaching in class .

  28. 因材施教、个性化学习是教育所追求的最高目标,但在传统教学的班级授课制中采用集体教学,要实现这一点是很困难的。

    The teaching according to one ′ s aptitude and learning of individuation is the aim of education , but it is difficult to realize this aim in traditional teaching mode .

  29. 因此,深入了解学生个体智能发展的情况,探索在班级授课制下进行语文差异教学的方法与策略,是很有必要的。

    Thus it is necessary to make a further understanding of individual intelligence development of students , to probe into the approaches and strategies of Chinese difference teaching under class-base instruction system .

  30. 在这样的情况下,如何在班级授课制下尊重学生个体差异成了教育者们日益关注的焦点。

    In such situation , how to face all students and respect difference under the classroom-based teaching system has become the focal point which the teachers pay attention to day by day .