
  • 网络Benghazi;banghazi
  1. 以上这些让我们回想起古德尔、克里斯蒂和班加西的例子。

    All of which brings us back to Goodell and the Christie case and Benghazi .

  2. “难道主流媒体对他升了什么一点儿也不好奇吗?”保守派作家詹妮弗·鲁宾今年早些时候这样写道,她暗指在利比亚班加西的美国人遭受袭击的事件。

    " Isn 't the mainstream media the least bit curious about what happened ? " wrote conservative writer Jennifer Rubin earlier this year , referring to the attack on Americans in Benghazi , Libya .

  3. 出于同样的原因,马上停止战争,比反对党根据目前班加西国家过渡委员会(nationaltransitionalcouncil)支持的条件获胜还要重要。

    For the same reasons , stopping the fighting now is more important than an opposition victory on the current terms advocated by the national Transitional Council in Benghazi .

  4. 班加西国家过渡委员会(NationalTransitionalCouncil)已起草了一份宪法草案,其覆盖范围、抱负和详细程度都令人印象深刻,其中有关权利、自由和治理安排的条款就有37条。

    The National Transitional Council has a draft constitutional charter that is impressive in scope , aspirations and detail – including 37 articles on rights , freedoms and governance arrangements .

  5. Tarhouni在叛军控制的城市班加西罕见的采访中发表讲话。

    Mr Tarhouni was speaking in a rare interview in the rebel-held city of Benghazi .

  6. 美国驻利比亚大使克里斯史蒂文斯(chrisstevens)及另外三名使馆工作人员在一次针对美国驻利比亚东部城市班加西领事馆的攻击中丧生。

    Chris Stevens , the US ambassador to Libya , and three other embassy staff were killed during an attack on the American Consulate in the eastern city of Benghazi .

  7. 支持军事干预的主要倡导者之一的美国政客麦凯恩参议员正在叛军控制的城市班加西。PeterBiles在当地报道。

    One of the leading American advocates of military intervention , Senator John McCain , was in the opposition-held city of Benghazi , from where Peter Biles reports .

  8. NPR的克雷格·温德姆报道,其中一个很可能提出的问题是上个月在利比亚,班加西美国领事馆遭到袭击的事情。

    NPR 's Craig Windham reports one topic expected to surface tonight is last month 's deadly attack on the U.S. consulate in Benghazi , Libya .

  9. 而有班加西两倍大的的黎波里却只有五位代表。只有不到一半的NTC成员迁移到了首都,他们在等待视频会议设备把利比亚最大的两座城市联系起来。

    Fewer than half of NTC members have moved to the capital , and those who have are waiting for video-conference equipment to connect Libya 's two biggest cities .

  10. 全国过渡委员会(NTC)由一群2月在利比亚东部主要城市班加西发动叛乱的律师发展而来。

    THE National Transitional Council ( NTC ) grew out of a clutch of lawyers who launched an uprising in February in Libya 's main eastern city , Benghazi .

  11. 九月,美国大使在利比亚班加西遭遇袭击,目前立法机关正在调查中央情报局(CIA)在这件事上掌握了多少信息。今日,中央情报局前局长戴维·彼得雷乌斯接受问询。

    Lawmakers investigating what the CIA knew before , during and after the attack on the US consulate in Benghazi , Libya in September heard today from the agency 's former director David Petraeus .

  12. 现在,有迹象表明卡扎菲军队即将对班加西发动进攻,ICRC决定他们别无选择,只能撤退。

    Now amid signs an attack on Benghazi is imminent , the ICRC has decided it has no choice but to withdraw .

  13. 在班加西(benghazi),反叛力量领导人表示,他们听说由卡扎菲儿子指挥的哈米斯旅(khamisbrigade)的一个上校已经倒戈。

    In Benghazi , rebel leaders said they had heard that a colonel in the Khamis brigade , led by the son of the Libyan leader , had defected .

  14. 在班加西,分别载有NTCALQAEDA旅士兵的5辆武装皮卡车驶往高速公路时,被绿色抵抗武装摧毁。

    In benghazi entire NTC ALQAEDA group has been destroyed and5 pickup trucks for fighters as they headed on highway by green resistance .

  15. 起义之前,他的部队被安排看守RasLanuf的重要石油设施,那里离班加西几百公里,靠近卡扎菲的军事要塞Sirte。

    Before the uprising , his unit was assigned to guard an important oil installation at Ras Lanuf , several hundred kilometers west of Benghazi , near the Gaddafi stronghold of Sirte .

  16. 在叛军控制的利比亚城市班加西,成千上万的人走向街头悼念叛军军事指挥官尤尼斯(AbdulFatahYounis)。

    Thousands of people have taken to the streets in the rebel-held Libyan city of Benghazi to mourn the death of the rebel military commander General Abdul Fatah Younis .

  17. 2012年驻利比亚班加西的美国领事馆被袭事件的幸存者也被安排了发言,几名在初选中被特朗普击败的对手也被安排发言,如参议员特德·克鲁兹(TedCruz)和本·卡森(BenCarson)。

    Survivors of the 2012 attack on the American consulate in Benghazi , Libya , are scheduled to speak , as are several of Mr. Trump 's vanquished rivals from the primary contest , like Senator Ted Cruz and Ben Carson .

  18. 通过位于班加西的阿拉伯海湾石油公司(agoco),利比亚东部应该会率先恢复生产。

    The east of the country would be the first to start producing again through their benghazi-based arab arabian gulf oil company .

  19. 美国派遣资深外交官ChrisStevens在利比亚叛军堡垒班加西负责与TNC联络,但是美国并不承认叛军为利比亚的合法政府。北约一些盟国也是如此。

    The United States has a senior diplomat , Chris Stevens , in the Libyan rebel stronghold Benghazi to with the TNC , but it has not recognized the rebel movement as the country 's government , as have some NATO allies .

  20. 在班加西,在全利比亚,我们都开始买Naseem乳品厂出售的牛奶,随后又有了普通味道和水果味道的酸奶,最后甚至还有了冰淇淋。

    In Benghazi and all across Libya we started to buy Naseem milk , then plain and flavored yogurt , eventually even ice cream .

  21. 袭击的消息激怒了附近城市埃贾比耶和班加西的民兵。他们带着AK-47冲锋枪、火箭筒和陈旧的反坦克武器冲到前线。

    News of the attack galvanized citizen militias in the nearby cities of Ajdabiya and Benghazi , who raced to the front lines armed with AK-47s , rocket-propelled grenades and aging anti-tank weapons .

  22. 当地居民说,那群恶棍是乘坐Afriqiyah航空公司的飞机从利比亚各地和南方邻近的乍得和尼日尔等国抵达班加西机场的。

    Residents say the thugs were ferried into Benghazi 's local airport by Afriqiyah airlines from elsewhere in Libya , or from neighbouring countries to the south , such as Chad and Niger .

  23. 班加西利比亚东北的一个城市,位于锡德拉海湾。

    A city of northeast Libya on the Gulf of Sidra .

  24. 在班加西对平民的袭击就是对美国的袭击。

    The attacks on the civilians in Benghazi were attacks on America .

  25. 通往的黎波利和班加西的航线被掐断。

    Libo Li and leading to the Benghazi route was cut off .

  26. 在班加西军事院校时,卡扎菲开始策划起义;

    Benghazi , where at military college he began to plot revolution ;

  27. 战机成员称他们是受命轰炸班加西市,但他们拒绝执行该命令。

    They said they 'd been ordered to bomb Benghazi but refused .

  28. 美国飞机袭击了班加西和的黎波里的目标。

    American planes attacked targets in Benghazi and Tripoli .

  29. 班加西和黎波里在控制石油这一问题上的矛盾持续存在。

    Rivalry between Benghazi and Tripoli for control of the oil sector persists .

  30. 利比亚政府对于谴责攻击班加西非常明确。

    Libya 's government was clear in its condemnation of the Benghazi attack .