
  • 网络bangalore;Bengaluru;BLR;Banglore;Bangaluru
  1. 您忠实的P曼达尔(P.Mandal),班加罗尔分行客户存款部助理经理。

    Yours faithfully , P. Mandal , assistant manager customer deposits , Bangalore branch .

  2. 丹尼尔·莫克劳尔-麦登(DanielMokrauer-Madden),29岁,印度班加罗尔

    Daniel Mokrauer-Madden , 29 , Bangalore , India

  3. 秩序和效率是印度南部班加罗尔附近TVS摩托车厂的标志。

    Order and efficiency are hallmarks of the TVS motorbike factory near Bangalore in southern India .

  4. 班加罗尔印度管理学院(IndianInstituteofManagement)院长德文纳特?蒂鲁伯蒂估计,在全球商业教育市场上,多达三分之二的项目对这项考试没有要求。

    Devanath Tirupati , dean of the Indian Institute of Management in Bangalore , estimates that as much as two-thirds of the global market for business programs doesn 't require the exam .

  5. 塔塔钢铁集团(TataSteel)在俄亥俄州有一家工厂;波音公司聘用班加罗尔(Bangalore)的工程师设计787型飞机,而飞机零件则在美国各地生产。

    Tata Steel has a plant in Ohio ; Boeing uses engineers in Bangalore to design787s whose parts are manufactured across America .

  6. 几年后,我和几位同事飞往班加罗尔(Bangalore)。

    A few years later , several colleagues and I were flying into Bangalore .

  7. 过去几周,印度已与包括俄罗斯和法国在内的主要大国签署多份协议,以促进由位于班加罗尔的印度空间研究组织(IndianSpaceResearchOrganisation,简称:ISRO)主持的印度太空计划。

    India has in past weeks signed agreements with major powers , including Russia and France , to boost its space programme , the Bangalore-based Indian Space Research Organisation .

  8. 相同的顾虑在印度南部的班加罗尔也得到了回应,在那里,由西门子(Siemens)牵头的一个国际财团投资兴建的一座亟需的新机场刚刚建成开业。

    The same concerns are echoed in Bangalore in India 's south , where a Siemens-led consortium has just opened a much-needed new airport .

  9. 在之后的两年中,该公司在印度的班加罗尔和瑞典首都斯德哥尔摩设立了研究中心,这是IBM的经典手法,帮助华为拉近了与潜在新客户的距离。

    In the next two years , it established research centers in Bangalore , India , and in Stockholm , a classic IBM technique that helped Huawei get closer to potential new customers .

  10. TCS还以类似的方式与普纳和班加罗尔等两座印度城市的大约90家公司展开合作。

    It is also working in a similar way with about 90 companies in two other Indian cities , Pune and Bangalore .

  11. 走进班加罗尔的约翰F韦尔奇技术中心(JohnF.WelchTechnologyCentre),你可能会以为自己误入了詹姆斯邦德(Jamesbond)影片中的Q部门(专门发明新装置的实验室)。

    Walk into the John F. Welch Technology Centre in Bangalore and you could be forgiven for thinking you have strayed into Q division the laboratory dedicated to inventing new gadgets from a James Bond film .

  12. 谷歌印度的普拉塞德拉姆(prasadram)表示,班加罗尔办公室已开始琢磨,为什么使用互联网的印度人数量如此之少。

    Prasad ram of Google India says the Bangalore office began to wonder why so few Indians used the Internet .

  13. 他在班加罗尔的印度信息技术区开一家名为ChaiPoint的茶馆,随后不到1年时间里就在全市开了14家ChaiPoint。

    He has opened a tea store called Chai Point in India 's information technology section in Bangalore . In less than a year , fourteen Chai Points have opened in the city .

  14. 一位印度班加罗尔(Bangalore)的女青年可以通过互联网与世界上的任何人竞争。

    A young woman with an Internet connection in Bangalore , India can compete with anybody anywhere in the world .

  15. IBT传媒集团总部设在纽约,在印度班加罗尔、中国上海和澳大利亚悉尼设有办事处。

    Headquarters are in New York , with offices in Bangalore , Shanghai , and Sidney .

  16. 去年,他离开了硅谷,搬出了位于一条小溪旁非常豪华的五居室住宅,回到印度,担任雅虎(Yahoo)班加罗尔研发中心的首席运营官。

    Last year , he moved out of his rather lavish five-bedroom creek-side house in Silicon Valley to return to India as chief operating officer of Yahoo 's research and development centre in Bangalore .

  17. 柯蒂斯称,国际生源多元化的战略转向成本相当高昂。他所在的部门埃克塞特大学国际部(InternationalExeter)拥有31名员工,另外还有两名全职员工在印度班加罗尔协助招生。

    The shift toward a diverse international field is quite expensive , said Dr. Curtis , whose department , International Exeter , employs 31 people , with two other full-time employees assisting with recruitment in Bangalore , India .

  18. DarshanShankar是印度班加罗尔的地方卫生传统再复兴基金会(RELHT)的创始主任。

    Darshan Shankar is founder director of the Foundation for Revitalisation of Local Health Traditions ( FRLHT ), Bangalore .

  19. 咨询机构仲量联行酒店集团(JonesLangLaSalleHotels)称,2004年底,印度酒店客房数量不足10万间,其中31%位于德里、孟买、钦奈和班加罗尔。

    At the end of 2004 there were fewer than 100,000 hotel rooms , 31 per cent of which were in Delhi , Mumbai , Chennai and Bangalore , says adviser Jones Lang LaSalle Hotels .

  20. 分析结果表明,硅谷是目前世界上最为成功的ICT产业集群区,班加罗尔和新竹的成功发展都是借鉴硅谷经验并与之互动发展的结果。

    The analyzing result indicates that Silicon is the most successful ICT clusters in the world while the successful development of Bangalore and Hsinchu is base on the experience of Silicon and the interaction with Silicon .

  21. INSEAD开设的创办企业选修课,让MBA学员到世界各地的科技和创新中心观摩,如印度的班加罗尔和孟买,以及美国的硅谷,了解那里的企业家们是如何创业的。

    Insead 's " Building Businesses " elective allows MBA students to travel to global technology and innovation hubs such as Bangalore and Mumbai , as well as Silicon Valley to see how entrepreneurs build companies .

  22. Ravindranath和ShamamaAfreen是印度班加罗尔的印度科学研究院的科学家。

    N.H.Ravindranath and Shamama Afreen are researchers at the Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , India .

  23. 在班加罗尔市科尔芒加拉街区繁忙的SangeethaMobiles手机店里,20岁的店员穆尔提·拉克什米帕提(MurthyLakshmipathy)仔细地利用着这种思维。

    At a bustling Sangeetha Mobiles shop in Bangalore 's Koramangala neighborhood , the 20-year-old store attendant , Murthy Lakshmipathy , took careful aim at those expectations .

  24. 随着全球传媒公司都将目标对准印度日益壮大的年轻人市场,李察•布莱信爵士(SirRichardBranson)在印度班加罗尔建立的初创企业VirginComics也加入了造就印度首批电影超级英雄的竞赛之中。

    Virgin Comics , Sir Richard Branson 's Bangalore-based start-up , has entered the race to develop India 's first set of modern superheroes for the big screen as global media companies look to target the country 's growing youth market .

  25. 中标企业将必须与总部设在班加罗尔的印度斯坦航空有限公司(HAL)合作。HAL过去曾与俄罗斯、英国和法国的国防企业密切合作,迄今生产过大约3600架飞机和直升机。

    Any winning bidder would have to partner Bangalore-based Hindustan Aeronautics Limited , which has in the past worked closely with Russian , British and French defence companies and produced an estimated 3,600 aircraft and helicopters .

  26. AshokRaichur是印度班加罗尔的印度理工学院材料工程系的副教授。

    Ashok Raichur is associate professor in the Department of Materials Engineering at the Indian Institute of Science in Bangalore , India .

  27. 2007年,萨钦•班萨尔(SachinBansal)与宾尼•班萨尔(BinnyBansal)在班加罗尔的一间卧室创建了自己的电子商务公司Flipkart。

    Sachin Bansal and Binny Bansal started their ecommerce company Flipkart in a Bangalore bedroom in 2007 .

  28. 在全球经济低迷时期,总部位于班加罗尔的信息技术业外包公司威普罗(wipro)开始在欧洲、中东地区和非洲招人。

    Wipro , the bangalore-based IT outsourcing company , started to recruit workers in Europe , the Middle East and Africa during the global economic downturn .

  29. Tilak在印度加尔各答的Presidency学院获得了物理学学士学位,并且已经在班加罗尔的印度科学学院获得了电子工程学学士和硕士学位。

    Tilak did his Bachelors in Physics from Presidency College , Calcutta , India , and has an Integrated Bachelors and Masters in EE from Indian Institute of Science , Bangalore , India .

  30. 在南部城市班加罗尔,印度空军飞行员驾驶两架由美国波音公司制造的F-18超级大黄蜂战机进行了单机飞行。

    In the southern city of Bangalore , Indian air force pilots have carried out sorties of two F18 " Super hornet " fighter jets manufactured by U.