
bō sè zǐ
  • boson
玻色子[bō sè zǐ]
  1. 新的规范玻色子Z′对顶夸克对产生的自旋修正

    New Gauge Boson and the Spin Correction of Top Quark Pair Production

  2. 非普适规范玻色子Z′与轻子味破坏过程

    Non - universal Gauge Boson Z ′ and the Lepton Flavor Violation Processes

  3. s,d,g玻色子相互作用中的三种极限

    Three limits in the interactions of the s , d , g , bosons

  4. 相互作用玻色子-费米子模型的Spin(6)的极限

    The spin ( 6 ) limit of interacting BOSON-FERMION model ⅱ

  5. 相互作用玻色子模型中的F旋破缺

    F-spin breaking in IBM

  6. 包括额外Z°玻色子的大统一理论

    Grand unified models including extra Z bosons

  7. 尤其是SU(1,1)李代数的玻色子算符实现形式,可以描述简并参数放大器,非简并参数放大器及线性耗散过程。

    And the linear dissipative process can also be described by this algebra .

  8. 他认为原子核作为玻色子的系统时的有效哈密尔顿量是同位旋SU(2)不变的。

    They advocated that the effective Hamiltonian is isospin SU ( 2 ) invariant .

  9. 过去50年间,粒子物理学家建立起所谓的物理学标准模型(StandardModel)。在这种模型中,希格斯玻色子是解释物质获得质量的关键。

    In the so-called Standard Model , which particle physicists have built up over the past 50 years , the Higgs boson is crucial to explaining how matter acquires its substance or mass .

  10. 这一结果说明了SD对近似的合理性,同时也证明了相互作用玻色子模型具有很好的壳模型基础。

    This results show that the SD-pair truncation is reasonable and the IBM has a sound shell model foundation .

  11. 作者曾经用sd玻色子相互作用玻色子模型中的玻色子有效相互作用研究核谱。

    The sd boson IBM with the boson effective interaction has been used by the authors to study the nuclear spectra .

  12. 同类玻色子四极相互作用与Staggering现象准一维偶极玻色-爱因斯坦凝聚体中的亮孤子

    The Same Boson quadrupole Interaction and Staggering Phenomenon ; Bright Solitons in Dipole Bose-Einstein Condensates

  13. 目前观测到的重子光子数比10~(-9)可能是由极早期宇宙中的超重玻色子的衰变产生的,在这种衰变中C及CP是破坏的。

    The observed baryon-to-photon ratio of 10-9 could be produced by the decays of superheavy bosons in the very early universe if C and CP are violated in its actions .

  14. 与通常家族的概念不同,我们建议存在着一个氏族粒子的概念,这些氏族的粒子由相应的Z°玻色子和费米子组成。

    A conception of clans of particles , which are not families , is suggested . These clans consist of extra Z bosons and the corresponding fermions of the scale .

  15. 由于在轻核中质子与中子处于同一壳,当用相互作用玻色子模型(IBM)描述轻核时,必须引入同位旋。

    Because protons and neutrons in light nuclei fill the same shell , it is necessary to introduce isospin when the light nuclei are described by the interacting boson model ( IBM ) .

  16. 许多超出标准模型的新物理理论预言了非普适规范玻色子Z′的存在,这种新粒子可在高能对撞机实验中产生可观测的物理迹象。

    Many new physics theories beyond the standard model predict the existence of the non-universal gauge boson Z ′, which can produce characteristic signatures at the present or future collider experiments .

  17. ATLAS的目的是寻找黑格斯粒子,较重的类W、Z玻色子以及超对称粒子,研究基本费米子的结构以及B衰变中的CP破坏。

    The purpose of ATLAS is to find Higgs particle , heavy W and Z ' objects and super-symmetric particles and to investigate the structure of fundamental fermions and the CP violation in B-physics .

  18. 提出了一种研究sdg相互作用玻色子模型的微观基础的理论方案。

    A basic theoretical approach is presented to study the microscopic interacting boson model including g boson degree of freedom .

  19. Weinberg-Salam模型中W~±矢量中间玻色子的磁矩

    On the magnetic moment of w ± bosons in weinberg-salam model

  20. 利用代数Betheansatz方法在可积开边界条件下推广了q形变玻色子模型,得到可积开边界条件下此模型的哈密顿量及其本征方程。

    Utilizing the algebraic Bethe Ansatz method , the Hamiltonian of q-boson hopping model and its eigenvalue equation are calculated under the integrable open boundary condition .

  21. 本文采用相互作用玻色子模型(IBM)和相互作用玻色子-费米子模型(IBFM)对稀土区的核进行了讨论。

    The Interacting Boson Model and the Interacting Boson-Fermion Model are applied to nuclei in the rare earth region in this paper .

  22. 欧洲物理研究中心&欧洲核子研究中心(Cern)的科学家们从日内瓦附近耗资80亿美元的大型强子对撞机(LargeHadronCollider)的原子撞击实验中,展示了希格斯玻色子存在的最新证据。

    The scientists at Cern , the European physics research centre , presented the latest evidence of the Higgs boson from atom-smashing experiments at the $ 8bn Large Hadron Collider near Geneva .

  23. 由Goldstone理论可知,当手征自发破缺时会生成零质量的Goldstone玻色子。

    According to Goldstone theorem , the Goldstone bosons with zero mass will emerge as the chiral symmetry is spontaneously broken .

  24. 本文分析了由原子核的相互作用玻色子模型揭示的SU6对称性,阐述了SU6哈密顿量在统一描述原子核低能集体态上的重要作用。

    This paper is devoted to analyse the SU_6 symmetry in nuclei , as indicated by the interacting model ( IBM ), and explain the important role of the SU_6 Hamiltonian in unifying the description of the nuclear collective motion .

  25. 除标准模型的Z°玻色子和15个费米子以外:其它氏族的费米子均是下夸克,无上夸克,因此由这些夸克组成的强子将跟现有标度的不同。

    The all of fermions in the clans are down quarks except for the standard model which consists of Z bosons and 15 fermions , therefore , the spectrum of the hadrons which are composed of these down quarks are different from hadrons at present .

  26. 人们希望从更基本的自由度:夸克、胶子、Goldstone玻色子等来进行研究。

    So many people turn to study the problem from the more essential degrees of freedom such as quark gluon Goldstone boson and so on .

  27. 本文利用Zou和Anderson的spinon-holon有效哈密顿量,在较大的库仑排斥U下,通过研究玻色子holon的涨落效应,考虑了平方格点上铁磁性问题。

    From Zou and Anderson 's spinon-bolon effective Hamiltonian , for very large Coulomb repulsion U , we consider the problem of ferromagnetism on the square lattice by studying the fluctuation effect of bosons ( holons ) .

  28. 以分段均匀玻色子闭弦为例,结合Casimir能量的计算,对用来消除发散的几种正规化方法,如截断法、广义黎曼ζ函数法,作简单讨论。

    The Casimir energy for piecewise bosonic strings composed by two segments is calculated . Some regularization used in calculating Casimir energy , such as cut-off method and general ζ - function method , was discussed .

  29. 以最新格点QCD和手征对称自发破缺结果为基础,对目前流行的组分夸克模型中采用的夸克囚禁方案和Goldstone玻色子夸克耦合中存在的问题进行了讨论。

    The problems related to the modelling of quark confinement and Goldstone boson-quark coupling in the prevailing constituent quark models are discussed based on the lattice QCD result and the chiral symmetry spontaneous breaking theory .

  30. 在Tonks极限,密度分布显示出类似费米分布的行为;在强吸引相互作用极限下,玻色子形成Ⅳ原子束缚态。

    In the Tonks limit the density profiles display the Fermi-like behavior , while in the strong attractive limit the Bosons form a bound state of N atoms corresponding to the N - string solution .