
  • 网络meo;Medium Earth Orbit
  1. 分析了在星座结构参数确定的条件下,中轨道/低轨道(MEO/LEO)双层卫星网络弱连接模型中层间连接度参数的选取。

    The selection of connected degree of MEO satellite and LEO satellite in MEO / LEO double layer satellite networks under certain constellation parameters was analyzed in this paper .

  2. 一种区域性中轨道卫星移动通信星座

    A MEO Satellite Constellation for Regional Mobile Communication

  3. 位于类GPS卫星星座时,与中轨道探测器探测星下点基本相同,不会影响光辐射辐照度的探测和爆炸当量的确定。

    Detection of the irradiance and the power would not be effected when the detector on the ISGO or similar GPS constellation .

  4. 计算了到达探测器靶面上目标和背景的光谱辐照度。位于类GPS卫星星座时,与中轨道探测器探测星下点基本相同,不会影响光辐射辐照度的探测和爆炸当量的确定。

    The target and background irradiance that can arrive at the detector 's target plane were computed . Detection of the irradiance and the power would not be effected when the detector on the ISGO or similar GPS constellation .

  5. 分析了卫星总体设计中轨道设计、卫星设计和发射选择间的耦合关系与协同效应,建立了MDO的简化模型。

    The coupling relationship and associated effect among orbit design , satellite design and launch determination in the satellite system design were analyzed , and the simplified MDO module was founded .

  6. 大城市发展进程中轨道交通网络运营收益平衡分析

    An Analysis of Running Cost and Income Balance of Urban Rail Transit

  7. 道床清筛过程中轨道状况动态测试方法探讨

    A Discussion on the Dynamic Measurement Method of Railway Track Under Cleaning

  8. 分子筛中轨道相互作用及其C~+的催化活性

    Molecular orbital interaction and catalytic activity of carbonium of molecular sieve zeolites

  9. 区域性中轨道卫星移动通信系统时间决定星座设计

    Time-dependent constellation design for regional mobile satellite communication systems

  10. 卫-卫跟踪测量模式中轨道高度的优化选取

    Optimal design of orbital altitude in satellite-to-satellite tracking model

  11. 卫星自主定轨中轨道摄动仿真组合大视场星敏感器自主定轨方法

    An Autonomous Orbit Determination Method for Satellite Star Sensors with Large Field of View

  12. 卫星拦截问题中轨道离心率的求解

    Solving process of track 's centrifugal rate E in the intercepting process of two satellites

  13. 一般三体问题中轨道形状和位置的变化

    The ranges of change of the configurations and positions of orbits in general three-body problem

  14. 一般三体问题中轨道的近点方向及形状的变化

    The changes of the argument of periastron and configurations of the orbit in general three-body problem

  15. 为了发展全球个人通信,现正积极准备发射低、中轨道卫星族。

    The low / mediun earth orbit satellite systems would soon be put into public service for global personal communications .

  16. 仿真结果表明,中轨道跟踪与数据中继卫星系统能够提供更好的覆盖性能,但实现难度大于静止轨道跟踪与数据中继卫星系统。

    The analysis and simulation results indicate that the MEO - TDRSS can provide better coverage performance with more implementing cost .

  17. TiC/Fe3Al复合体系中轨道相互作用和共价键比TiC/FeAl的强。

    The interaction of the orbitals and the covalent bond of TiC / Fe_3Al were stronger than those of TiC / FeAl .

  18. 讨论了改进短弧长积分法中轨道与星间观测值的权重及弧段长度的优化等关键问题。

    The optimal arc and the weight between orbit and satellite-to-satellite observations in the improved short-arc integral approach have been analyzed . 8 .

  19. 本文先全面说明同步卫星和低/中轨道移动卫星通信系统的最新动态。

    The paper begins with a brief outline on the recent status of geosynchronous and low / medium earth orbit satellite communication systems .

  20. 在分析了我国可采用的静止轨道和中轨道跟踪与数据中继卫星系统的系统结构和特点的基础上,给出了2个系统方案。

    Based on the analysis of the architecture and characteristics of the GEO / MEO TDRSS for China , two system schemes are given .

  21. 对地球同步静止轨道、中轨道卫星标准大气下的核爆光辐射探测器的接收照度进行了计算,得出了理想状态下探测器的动态范围及灵敏度。

    ORBIT OF LIGHT On the Orbit Stability The irradiance on the earth synchronous orbit and median orbit in the standard atmosphere was computed .

  22. 格蕾丝是首个破解伽利略试验卫星和北斗一代地球中轨道卫星所使用的编码规则的人。

    Grace was the first to derive the code generators used by the Galileo validation satellites and the first Compass satellite in medium earth orbit .

  23. 在化学领域内特别是自Woodward&Hoffmann对称性守恒原理问世之后,有机化学家特别热衷于研究分子中轨道的对称性及其电离能。

    In the wake of the Woodward-Hoffmann rules organic chemists are keen on knowing the symmetries of molecular orbitals and the energies to which they belong .

  24. 根据所画各相图中轨道的走向确定系统(1)的有界性及零解的大范围渐近稳定性。

    Last , according to the trend of the trajectory we can determine the boundedness of the system and globally asymptotically stability of the zero solution .

  25. 阐述目前城市轨道交通建设中轨道工程采用的几种施工方法,并在总结经验的基础上对进一步探索先进的轨道工程施工方法提出了一些看法。

    The paper introduces several construction methods of rail track engineering in the urban rail transit and proposes some ideas in the exploration of some advanced construction methods .

  26. 对于带自旋的全同粒子系,讨论了二次量子化表象中轨道自旋的性质,给出了将它们等效为粒子自旋的条件。

    After exploring the properties of orbital spins in an identical particle system in the second quantization representation , the conditions are given for regarding the orbital spins as the particle spins .

  27. 本文将轮轨接触关系中轨道的含义由传统的平直轨道延伸到具有一定半径的轨道轮。探讨典型的轮轨型面匹配在各种接触条件下的重力效应。

    This paper deals with the extention of traditional wheel / rail interactions to wheel / roller case and investigating the gravitational effects under contact conditions with different wheel and rail ( or roller ) profiles .

  28. 该系统既保持了原系统中轨道电路的优点,又可增加传输信息量,减少信号传输电缆50%以上,缩短了信号显示应变时间。

    Both the advantages of track circuit are kept in this system , and the transmission information is increased . The electric cable is decreased about 50 percent and the time of signal display respond is reduced .

  29. 根据动量定理和角动量定理,通过直角坐标系和平面极坐标系单位矢量的变换,给出了推导平方反比有心力场中轨道的一种新方法。

    Based on the theorems of momentum and angular momentum , a new method for determining the orbit in central force field of inverse & square law is given by the transformation of unit vectors in two coordinate systems .

  30. 迁移地将物质结构论中轨道这一物理学概念引入宏观体系研究中,提出生态轨道理论,从能量的角度探索生命活动的相互作用机制。

    An advanced Ecological Orbital theory is presented in order to explore the interactive mechanisms of biological activities from the view of energy and to stimulate the transformation of the concept of Orbit from the theory of material structure to macroscopical system .