
  • 网络glass container;terrarium
  1. Ksyusha就是这么一只能从玻璃容器中逃生的小猫咪。

    Well , Ksyusha the kitten has no problem escaping the glass container .

  2. 玻璃容器及其成型模自动设计系统的研究

    The research of glass container and blow mould automatic design system

  3. 和葡萄酒不同的是,白兰地只能在木制容器而非玻璃容器里酿制。

    Unlike wine , brandy matures only in wood , not glass .

  4. 那个玻璃容器里盛放的是热的水银蒸汽。

    The glass tank contains hot mercury vapour .

  5. ICP-MS测定包装玻璃容器中铅、镉、砷和锑溶出量

    The determination of lead cadmium arsenic and antimony released from packaging glass containers by ICP-MS

  6. 采用玻璃容器时可用大气压力(15psi)合成棒料和较大坯段。

    Using a glass enclosure atmospheric pressure ( 15psi ) is used to consolidate bars and larger billets .

  7. 微机控制玻璃容器内压测试装置的研制

    Development of Glass Vessel Inside Pressure Measuring Device Controlled by Microcomputer

  8. 富兰克林用一个玻璃容器来做实验。

    Franklin used a glass container to do the experiment .

  9. 玻璃容器模具图自动参数化绘制

    Automatic and Parametric Drawing for the Mould of Glass Container

  10. 硅碳棒在玻璃容器行业中的应用

    Application of Silica Carbide Heating Elements in Glass Ware Industry

  11. 这个塑料容器比那个玻璃容器轻六分之五。

    The plastic container is five times lighter than that glass one .

  12. 退回的有后退或退回倾向的可以退回的玻璃容器

    Tending to go backward or recede . returnable glass container

  13. 玻璃容器压-吹过程的计算机模拟

    Computer simulation of press blow process for glass containers

  14. 搪玻璃容器壁厚经验公式的探讨

    A Discussion on the Experiential Formula of the Wall Thickness of Glass-Lined Vessels

  15. 基于知识的玻璃容器CAD/CAM系统

    A Knowledge-Based CAD / CAM System for Glass Vessel

  16. 智能工程及其在玻璃容器模具设计中的应用

    Intelligence Engineering and Its Application to The Design of Mould for Glass Container

  17. 将腌汁材料放入瓷碗或玻璃容器里拌匀。

    Combine all the marinade ingredients in a ceramic or glass dish bowl .

  18. 玻璃容器(例如过滤的,浓缩的、沉淀的),实验室用

    Glass jar ( e.g. , filtering , graduating , precipitating ), for laboratory use

  19. 烟气可以在玻璃容器内悬浮一分钟之久才会下沉。

    It then stays suspended inside the glass for a minute before it sinks .

  20. GB/T7996-1987搪玻璃容器公称容积与公称直径

    Nominal volume and nominal diameter for glass-lined vessel

  21. 自动蒸汽真空玻璃容器封瓶机

    Automatic steam vacuum glass jar sealing machine

  22. 时间是个盛大的玻璃容器,任何事情都可以被它毫无留存的收纳。

    Time is a big glass container , anything can be it no left receive .

  23. 花粉在玻璃容器内能自如滑动而不会贴着于器壁。

    The pollen flows freely without sticking to the sides of a glass storage container .

  24. 玻璃容器,供原电池用

    Glass container , for primary cells

  25. 磁铁块的上表面与玻璃容器的底部相对应;

    The upper surface of the magnet block corresponds to the bottom of the glass container .

  26. 玻璃容器耐热冲击试验方法

    Thermal shock test on glass containers

  27. 如果你把它装在玻璃容器里,它会把玻璃变成紫红色或淡紫色。

    If you shut it in glass , it would turn the glass mauve or violet .

  28. 食物放在一个独立地收集热能的塑料或玻璃容器内。

    The food is inside a separate container of plastic or glass that traps heat energy .

  29. 波恩大学教授弗兰克·内曼一直在用钟形玻璃容器收集这种气体。

    Doctor Frank Kuhnemann of Bonn University has been trapping the ethylene in a bell jar .

  30. 是一个小玻璃容器被砸破。

    A glass capsule was broken .