
  • 网络teddy;Teddy Wang;Wang Te-Hui
  1. 龚如心希望风水术能帮她找到丈夫王德辉(TeddyWang)的下落。王德辉1990年被绑架,此后便音讯全无。

    Wang hoped feng shui magic could help locate her husband , Teddy , who was kidnapped in 1990 and never heard from again .

  2. 这笔金额显然不够:王德辉从此下落不明。

    It was evidently not enough : Teddy was never seen again .

  3. 这份遗嘱原本只有两位证人,即龚如心本人和王德辉的管家,但后者在王德辉被宣布死亡后不久也故去。

    Only two witnesses existed for this will , Nina and the Wangs'butler , who died shortly after Teddy was declared dead .

  4. 因绑架事件入狱的多人中有一人称王德辉被投入了香港港的大海中,但其尸首遍寻不得,至今依旧疑窦丛生。

    One of the many people jailed in connection with the abduction said he had been dumped into Hong Kong harbour , but Teddy 's body was never found and doubts persisted .