
dú lì xínɡ wéi
  • independent act
  1. 本文介绍了制造商的独立行为,代理关系,子公司,以及对出版物这种特殊商品的价格约束。

    This article introduces independent act of the manufacturer , agency relationship , subsidiary and price limitation to publication .

  2. 婚姻登记的理论学说主要包括广义行政许可说、行政确认说、独立行为模式说、行政公示说、特殊具体行政行为说。

    Theories of marriage registration include general administrative license theory , administrative confirmation theory , independent act model theory , administrative publicity theory and special concrete administrative act theory .

  3. 苏伊士运河危机暴露了英国流连不肯放弃其帝国虚荣,加速了其殖民地的独立行为。

    The crisis exploded Britain 's lingering imperial pretensions , and hastened the independence of its colonies .

  4. 第二个实验显示,很有凝聚力的团队并不为成员的独立行为负责。

    A second experiment revealed that subjects did not hold members of a very cohesive group responsible for their individual actions .

  5. 研究表明,独立行为主体地位的确立和独立利益的出现,是市与市辖区政府竞争及治理困境产生的重要诱因。

    It points out that the enhancement of autonomous behavior and the appearance of individual benefit cause the competition and the predicament in governance .

  6. 利用均衡理论以及变分不等式的方法分析网络中各层决策者的独立行为及其相互作用,进而得到了该系统达到均衡状态的条件。

    The behavior of the various decision-makers as well as the effect of their interaction at different levels is analyzed using the equilibrium theory and method of variational inequality .

  7. 作为独立行为体的国家为实现本国利益而进行外交活动时必须遵循的指导原则就是其外交政策。

    As the independent behavior body-country carried on its diplomatic activity in order to realize its own country benefit , the guiding principle of what must be obeyed is its foreign policy .

  8. 公然侵犯国家独立的行为之一是干涉。国际公法一直被视为是调整主权国关系的一套原则和规则。

    One of the most flagrant of infringement . Public international law has been regarded as a system of principles and rules designed to govern relations between sovereign states .

  9. 通过对少数博弈模型和EZ羊群模型的比较分析,研究表明金融指数的两相行为和长程自关联行为是两种相互独立的行为。

    By a comparative study of the minority games and the EZ herding model it is observed that the two phase behavior and the long-range volatility autocorrelation are two independent characteristics .

  10. 遗嘱是遗嘱人亲自作出的独立的行为;

    The testament is the independent behavior that the legator makes in person ;

  11. 公然侵犯国家独立的行为之一是干涉。

    One of the most flagrant of infringement of independence of States is intervention .

  12. 不准无理由的限制学生在求知过程中独立的行为。

    Shall not unreasonably restrain the student from independent action in the pursuit of learning .

  13. 独立董事行为的博弈分析及其激励约束

    The Analysis of Independent Directors ' Behavior Based on Game Theory and the Incentive Control

  14. 上市公司独立董事行为有效性及激励机制研究

    On the Encourage Mechanism and Effectiveness of the Independent Board Director 's System of Listed Company

  15. 其中认为持有的性质是独立于行为外的第三种方式,即事态。

    Some think the " possessing " nature is the third way which is independent of the behavior .

  16. 博弈条件下独立董事行为分析及对策

    The Behavior Analysis of the Independent Board Director under the Condition of the Game Theory and the Management Method

  17. 独立自主自己独立选择行为,信仰和言论的权利和能力。

    The right and power to act , believe , or express oneself in a manner of one 's own choosing .

  18. 但是你要知道学习是一种独立的行为,如果你能自主学习的话,你会学的更好。

    However , you can also study independently in fact ; this will be more likely to make you a successful language learner .

  19. 本文认为遗赠与同居行为是两个独立的行为,而法院对遗赠行为效力的判断与遗赠人与原告的同居行为性质的判断掺杂在一起进行道德判断,显然不妥。

    This article asserts bequeath and cohabitation acts are two separate acts , the court mixes together then do a moral judgment , clearly inappropriate .

  20. 调节定向理论认为个体在生存发展过程中进化出两种独立的行为调节系统,促进定向和防御定向。

    Regulatory focus theory proposes that people have developed two distinct regulatory systems during the survival and development process , promotion focus and prevention focus .

  21. 可以说,如今独立审计行为主体所处的经济环境、所面临的利益冲突较之以前不可同日而语。

    That is to say , nowadays the auditing environments and interest conflict of individuals of the have hardly been the same as those before .

  22. 作为现存的审计制度之一,它实际上是以独立审计行为主体在某一时点的利益冲突以及协调的结果为基础。

    As an auditing system , it is based on the result of interest conflict and balance of the individuals of social auditing at certain times actually .

  23. 作为行政法上强制性行为的统称,行政强制可以根据基础决定与强制执行是否合一为标准被划分为两类独立的行为,即行政强制执行和行政即时强制。

    According to whether the basic decision and coercive execution can be separated , the administrative coercion can be classified administrative coercive execution and immediate administrative coercion .

  24. 在银行公司治理中,各利益相关者作为独立的行为主体都是理性的经济人,其行为是追求自身利益最大化。

    In the course of banking corporate governance , each stakeholder as an independent actor is a rational " businessperson ," intent on maximizing his / her own interest .

  25. 合理、高效的独立审计行为成为维护广大中小投资者利益的重要措施,为社会稀缺资源实现有效配置提供了重要的制度保证。

    The rational and efficient public auditing behaviors become the most important method to protect the interests of the medium-small investors and the institutional guarantee for the efficient allocation of resources .

  26. 环境行为可以被划分为正性环境行为和负性环境行为;又可以被分为合作环境行为和独立环境行为。

    The results showed that : ( 1 ) The environmental behavior can be divided into positive environmental behavior and the negative , it can also be divided into cooperate environmental behavior and the independent .

  27. 地方政府具有独立的行为目标和行为模式,其努力程度在该地区体制变迁中起着重要的作用,主动谋取潜在体制净收益。

    The local government has independent behavior target and behavior pattern and plays the role of " first activity group " in the system transformation , seeking clean income from the latent system on its own initiative .

  28. 改革开放之后,随着放权让利和分灶吃饭财政体制的推行,地方政府有了自己的行为空间、行为能力、行为权利和行为动机,成为相对独立的行为和利益主体。

    After reform and opening up , with the decentralization and division eating style , local governments have their own space of actions , capacity , rights and motivation to become relatively independent of the main actors and interests .

  29. 公司人格否认是用来规制滥用公司独立人格行为的一项现代公司法律制度,它为西方市场经济发达国家所普遍确立。该制度是弥补公司独立人格制度潜在缺陷以及完善公司法人制度的必然要求。

    The system of disregard of corporate personality , which has been established in western countries , is a legal measure to regulate the behaviors of abusing the system of corporate personality and to perfect the system of corporate entity .

  30. 独立董事行为特质对公司绩效的有效性影响,比如说独立董事在董事会中所提出提案的性质。

    Such as the remuneration of independent directors and so on . 4 . The behavioral characteristics of independent directors on the effectiveness of company performance . Such as the type of the view the independent directors proposing in the board .