
hú yí
  • suspicion;doubt
狐疑 [hú yí]
  • (1) [doubt;suspicion] 狐性多疑,每渡冰河,且听且渡。后用以称遇事犹豫不决

  • 尚怀狐疑。--《资治通鉴》

  • (2) 又

  • 狐疑之众。

  • 满腹狐疑

狐疑[hú yí]
  1. 在西医院建立之初,人们满怀狐疑,更多的是对医院的不信任,甚至是无情的打击和迫害。

    At first , people filled with doubt , and even made merciless blows and persecutions on it .

  2. 我知道过去的阿罗汉,去除了所有的欲望,恶意,懒惰,骄傲,狐疑,知道所有使人变得虚弱的精神错误;

    I know that the Arahat Buddhas of the past , putting away all lust , ill will , sloth , pride , and doubt ; knowing all those mental faults which make men weak ;

  3. 他狐疑满面。

    Suspicion clouded his face .

  4. 他皱着眉,狐疑地看着她。

    He was looking at her with his eyebrows raised questioningly .

  5. 塔玛拉一边狐疑地盯着他看,一边摇着头。

    Tamara stared at him in disbelief , shaking her head

  6. 这老鼠狐疑地看着她,好像还把一只小眼睛向她眨了眨,但没说话。

    The Mouse looked at her rather inquisitively , and seemed to her to wink with one of its little eyes , but It'said nothing .

  7. 她丈夫狐疑地问道,但我知道她的意思。

    Said her husband incredulously but I knew what she meant .

  8. 修女狐疑地看着她,但父亲点了点头。

    The septa peered at her suspiciously , but Father nodded .

  9. 肥大的圆脸抬起来,狐疑地看着他。

    The round fat face looked up at him , suspicious .

  10. 那倒希奇了,巴特勒太太满心狐疑地表示意见。

    That 's odd , observed Mrs butler , doubtfully .

  11. 但他们的另一个研究结果可能会让人狐疑好一阵子。

    But their other finding is likely to raise a few eyebrows .

  12. 爱,暗中,我用狐疑的心声。

    Beloved , I , amid the darkness greeted .

  13. 提利昂·兰尼斯特坐在他对面,一脸狐疑地嗅着浓汤。

    Tyrion Lannister sat across from him , sniffing at the stew suspiciously .

  14. 栾斯重新坐了下来,但是脸上狐疑的神气还没消除。

    Rance resumed his seat , without , however , losing his mystified expression .

  15. 她满眼狐疑地看着我,然后摇了摇头。

    She looked at me with the eyes of a skeptic and shook her head .

  16. 人们都点头称是,但他们脸上狐疑的表情我不能视而不见。

    They would nod along but the skepticism on their face was hard to ignore .

  17. 那个男人以狐疑的目光看着她。

    The man looked at her suspiciously .

  18. 当她们很友善对我的时候,我就会满脸狐疑地猜测她们的动机;当她们在说悄悄话的时候,我就怀疑她们在背后说我的坏话。

    I questioned when they were nice to me and bristled when they whispered about anything .

  19. 我走向前台,前台小姐狐疑地看着我。

    I went up to the front desk and the lady there looked at me suspiciously .

  20. 秃头脸上浮现出忍俊含笑的表情,而我在一旁一脸狐疑地看着。

    A suppressed smile appeared on the bald man 's face while I watched with incredulity .

  21. 老板狐疑地看者他。

    The boss eyed him suspiciously .

  22. 瑟曦·兰尼斯特满脸狐疑地看着他。

    Cersei Lannister regarded him suspiciously .

  23. 那女人似乎是很狐疑不安,我向她解释说,我们是失迷路途的旅客,她才算心安神定。

    The woman seemed uneasy until I explained that we were travelers and had lost our way .

  24. 常常沉浸于深度思考的他眼神锋利,可脸上略带狐疑的微笑又软化了这种锋利。

    Intellectually intense , he has a piercing gaze softened by a faint , slightly quizzical smile .

  25. 他用眼角飞快又狐疑地瞄了奈德一眼,但没有多问。

    He gave Ned a quick , curious glance from the corner of his eye , but asked no questions .

  26. 琼恩狐疑地看着她:“小妹,你这会儿不是该上缝纫课么?”

    Jon gave her a curious look . " Shouldn 't you be working on your stitches , little sister ? "

  27. 他象一个狐疑不定的航海家,漫步在沙滩上等待涨潮。风暴使那条船漫无目标地飘流。

    He was like a sceptical voyager strolling on the beach while he waited for the tide . The storm set the boat adrift .

  28. 她满眼狐疑地看着我,然后摇了摇头。“他们怎么知道它们确实是孪生的呢?”

    She looked at me with the eyes of a skeptic and shook her head . " how do they know they 're really twins ?"

  29. 现在这老鼠狐疑地看着她,好像还把一只小眼睛向她眨了眨,但没说话。

    The Mouse looked at her rather inquisitively , and seemed to her to wink with one of its little eyes , but it said nothing .

  30. 另外,他的眉毛厚密,眼睛又圆又亮,大小如微生物,在厚如防弹玻璃的镜片后面狐疑地滴溜溜乱转。

    Add to this thick , bushy brows and beady eyes the size of microbes , which dart about suspiciously behind spectacles the thickness of bulletproof glass .