• fox
  • 哺乳动物的一属,形状略像狼。毛赤黄色,性狡猾多疑,遇见攻击时肛门放出臭气,乘机逃跑。皮可做衣服(通称“狐狸”):~臭(腋下臭气)。~肷(狐腋下和腹部的毛皮)。~疑(多疑)。~媚(曲意逢迎,投入所好)。~死首丘(传说狐狸将死,头必向出生的山丘。喻不忘本,亦喻对故乡的思念)。

  • 姓。


(哺乳动物的一属, 通称狐狸) fox:

  • 白狐

    white fox;

  • 银狐

    silver fox


(姓氏) a surname:

  • 狐偃

    Hu Yan

  1. 狡狐难免就擒。

    Every fox must pay his skin to the furrier .

  2. 维生素E对母蓝狐繁殖力的影响

    The Effect of Vitamin E on reproductive capacity of Female Blue Fox

  3. 水貂和狐犬瘟热病毒F基因的克隆与序列分析

    Cloning and Sequencing Analysis of F Gene of Canine Distemper Virus from Mink and Fox

  4. 随着DMSO浓度的上升蓝狐精子的活率显著下降(P<0.05)。

    With the concentration of DMSO increased , the survival rate of blue fox sperm decreased significantly ( P0.05 ) . 2 .

  5. FSH诱导小鼠卵母细胞体外成熟机制的研究蓝狐卵母细胞的体内外成熟

    Mechanism of Mouse Oocyte IVM Induced by FSH Study on the Maturation in vitro of Blue Fox Oocyte

  6. 结果表明,EM添加剂能增强幼狐的采食量和平均日增重,Ⅲ组、Ⅳ组的平均日增重显著高于对照组(P<0.05);

    The results showed that with EM additives applied , the ingestion and average daily gains were increased remarkably ( P < 0.05 ) .

  7. 试验一:蓝狐抗CDV、CAV、CPV免疫球蛋白的制备。本试验在两个狐场进行。

    The test was studied in two foxes field .

  8. 结果表明:DSC只可以将蓝狐、赤狐、银狐、南貉、北貉、水貂部分鉴别,无法将六种动物毛皮纤维全部鉴别。

    The results demonstrate that : DSC can only distinguish south raccoon , north raccoon , mink , blue fox , from red fox , silver fox .

  9. 蓝狐精子体外获能及顶体反应实验中,DMSO的浓度应控制在0.5%以下。

    The concentration of DMSO should be controlled below 0.5 % in Blue Fox sperm capacitation and acrosome reaction . 4 .

  10. PMSG、E2、PGF(2α)和hCG组合处理对初情前蓝狐卵巢和子宫的影响

    Effects of Combined Treatment with E_2 , PGF_ ( 2 α), PMSG and hCG on Ovarian and Uterine Development of Pre-puberal Blue Foxes

  11. 使用PMSG、HCG调节繁殖末期母蓝狐发情和产仔效果的试验研究

    Study on Effects of PMSG and HCG on Estrus and Fertility of Female Blue Fox at the End of Breeding Season

  12. 对SN抗体和HI抗体进行动态分析表明,两者呈正相关,均可用于狐传染性脑炎活疫苗免疫效力监测。

    And the results also disclosed SN and HI antibody titer appeared positive linearity relation and could be used to monitor the efficacy of fox infectious encephalitis live vaccine .

  13. LRH-3、HCG、PMSG影响人工授精(AI)蓝狐繁殖率的比较研究

    Comparative Study on the Breeding Rate in Artificial Inseminated Blue Fox under the Influence of LRH-3 、 HCG 、 PMSG

  14. 0.1%,0.2%,0.5%浓度的DMSO对已进行获能处理的蓝狐精子顶体反应有促进作用。

    The acrosome reaction rate of capacitated Blue Fox sperm was promoted by DMSO ( 0.1 % , 0.2 % and 0.5 % ) .

  15. 蓝狐GDF-8多态性及其血液生化指标的测定

    Measurement of GDF-8 polymorphism and Blood biochemical parameters in Arctic Foxes

  16. 在蓝狐育成期的日粮中分别添加不同剂量的微生态制剂EM,研究不同剂量的EM添加剂对幼狐生长发育、消化代谢及免疫机能的影响。

    Different doses of probiotics EM were added to the diets of blue fox in its growth phase to study the effects of EM additives on its growth , digestion metabolism and immune function .

  17. OEP及卵黄浓度对蓝狐冻融精子质量的影响

    Effect of different concentrations of Orvus ES Paste and egg-yolk on quality of frozen-thawed spermatozoa in the blue fox Alopex lagopus

  18. 在蓝狐精液稀释剂中,卵黄、OEP的适宜含量分别为20%,1%。

    The optimum concentrations of egg yolk and OEP were 20 % and 1 % respectively in extenders of blue fox spermatozoa .

  19. “夜狐”(Nightfox)1986年1月推出,用于夜间侦察和其它军事用途。

    The MD500 Nightfox was first shown in Jan1986 , designed for night reconnaissance and other purposes .

  20. 犬科一种荒漠狐,学名Fennecuszerda。分布于北非、西奈(半岛)及阿拉伯半岛。

    Desert-dwelling fox ( Fennecus zerda ) found in northern Africa and the Sinai and Arabian peninsulas .

  21. 犬1型腺病毒(Canineadenovirustype1,CAV-1)可引起犬的传染性肝炎及熊、狐脑炎等,犬自然感染该病毒的发病率大于50%,死亡率高达25~40%。

    Canine adenovirus type 1 ( CAV-1 ) can cause infectious canine hepatitis and encephalitis of bear and fox . Its infectious rate in dog is over 50 % , and the death rate reaches at 25 % 40 % .

  22. 系统在ASA数据库的基础上建立了应用对象、菜单、窗口、窗口上的控件等操作对象,针对各对象不同的具体事件编写驱动程序来实现狐繁育电子数据处理系统的功能。

    On the basis of ASA database , system constructed the function of compiling drivers to realize fox breeding electronic data processing system , with applying operation objects as objects , menu , windows and controls in windows , towards different concrete affairs of every object .

  23. 建立的诊断狐和貉细小病毒性肠炎的对流免疫电泳(CIEP),抗原最佳稀释度为1∶16,血清最佳稀释度为1∶8,最佳电泳时间为60min。

    In the counter immunoelectrophoresis ( CIEP ) established for diagnosis parvovirus enteritis in foxes and racoon dogs the optimum dilution of the antigen was 1 ∶ 16 , the optimum dilution of the serum 1 ∶ 8 , and the optimum time of electrophoresis 60 min.

  24. 由开放阅读框推测出的氨基酸序列与人、狒狒、狐和小鼠的SP10氨基酸序列之间存在较高水平的同源性,同源性分别为70%、69%、68%和61%。

    Deduced protein sequence shows high levels of homology to SP10 proteins isolated from the human , baboon , fox and mouse , and the homologies are 70 % , 69 % , 68 % and 61 % respectively .

  25. 大耳狐那一对大耳朵亦有同样的功效。

    The Fennec fox 's huge ears serve the same purpose .

  26. 狐犬瘟热、细小病毒性肠炎和脑炎免疫研究进展

    Research Progress on Fox Distemper , Parvovirus Enteritis and Encephalitis Immunity

  27. 狐的能量、蛋白质需要量及其饲料配制技术的综合研究报告

    Requirement of Energy , Protein and Feed Formulation Techniques in Fox

  28. 养狐场投资风险若干问题的初步研究

    Tentative Research on Several Problems about Investment Risks of Fox Farms

  29. 袋与狐部落野蛮部落吗?

    Is the sac and Fox Indian tribe a wild one ?

  30. 狐檬是土生土长于南非和喀拉哈里沙漠。

    Meerkats are native to southern Africa and the Kalahari desert .