
hú li jīnɡ
  • vixen;fox spirit—a seductive woman;witch
狐狸精 [hú lí jīng]
  • [fox spirit symbolizing a seductive woman] 迷信人认为狐狸能修炼成精,变成美女迷惑人。指勾引诱惑男人的女子

  • 王夫人道:唱戏的女孩子,自然是狐狸精了!--《红楼梦》

  1. 后来,她听说他告诉她的一个朋友,说她是狐狸精。

    Later she heard he had told one of her friends she was a tease .

  2. 防着点儿,他是只老狐狸精。

    Watch out for him , He 's an old fox .

  3. 他觉得好像被一个狐狸精迷惑住了。

    He felt as if he had been bewitched by a fox .

  4. 你看到帐目支出部新来的狐狸精了吗?

    Have you seen the new fox in the accounts payable department ?

  5. 艾米莉可真是个狐狸精啊

    That Emily 's a real man-eater .

  6. 祝你和“狐狸精女友”好运。

    Good luck with your cheating girlfriend .

  7. 只有没有礼仪的人才会去叫一个女人狐狸精!这么做不礼貌。

    Only someone with no manners would call a woman a fox ! It 's not polite .