
fàn zuì shǒu duàn
  • means of crime
  1. 她的犯罪手段很残忍,但她的供认不讳还是可以认可的。

    Although the offences were horrific it was to her credit that she had owned up .

  2. 另外,犯罪手段的不断提高,利用PGP对信息的传递和存储加密,不利于调查过程中的犯罪取证。

    In addition , the continous improvement of criminal means , which using PGP to encrypt the information during transmission and storage , is not conducive to the process of crime forensics .

  3. 偷税犯罪手段的隐蔽性、多样性;

    The hidden character and variety of crime of evading taxes ;

  4. 论犯罪手段的传播途径及侦控对策

    On the Spread of Means of Offense and the Scouting Counter-measures

  5. 以及充分利用现代化设备,犯罪手段由暴力向智能化转变。

    And its criminal means change from force to intelligence .

  6. 浅析贷款诈骗犯罪手段、特点及侦查对策

    The Analysis on the Means , Features and Investigation Countermeasures of Loan Fraud

  7. 胁迫作为一种重要的犯罪手段,无论是对定罪还是量刑都有重要的影响。

    The coercion as an important crime method , it has important influence both in conviction and sentence .

  8. 第二部分网络游戏私服的犯罪手段、犯罪特点和犯罪成因。

    The second game Sifu part of the network of criminal means , criminal characteristics and causes of crime .

  9. 到目前为止,今年已发生十起此类袭击案件,而且暴徒的犯罪手段越来越凶残,所使用的武器也向重型发展。

    More than 10 attacks have been reported so far this year , with the raiders using increasingly violent methods and heavy weaponry .

  10. 随着互联网在青少年中的普及,出现了一种以互联网为犯罪手段的新型犯罪&网络犯罪。

    With the popularization of Internet among teenagers , network crime , a new type of crime comes forth , with Internet as its means .

  11. 犯罪手段的隐蔽性和高智能性;社会危害的广泛性和严重性。

    It is characterized by younger offenders , concealment and high intelligence of means , widespread seriousness of harm to the society , and so on .

  12. 胁迫在香港刑法中既是某些罪的犯罪手段,更是刑事被告人的一种合法的辨护理由。

    Coercion is not only a means of some crimes , but also a lawful defending reason of criminal defendants in Criminal Law of Hong Kong .

  13. 跨国性、高度严密的组织性、犯罪手段日益现代化、智能化、犯罪的最终目的在于攫取尽可能大的经济利益是其主要特征。

    Transnational , highly well-organized , more and more modern and resourceful criminal means and gaining economic benefit to the full are the main characteristics of them .

  14. 其犯罪手段残忍、肆无忌惮,又形成集团化、组织化、国际化的态势,给世界贸易和海上安全带来极大威胁。

    The crime 's cruel means , unbridled behaviors and the tendency of forming groups , organization and internationalization bring great threat to world trade and maritime safety .

  15. 而且,随着社会的发展和技术的进步,绑架罪的犯罪手段也不再局限于暴力、胁迫、麻醉等方式。

    Moreover , with development and technological progress of society , the means of the crime of kidnapping is no longer limited to violence , coercion , anesthesia , etc.

  16. 同时,由于劳荣枝的犯罪手段及其残忍,主观恶念极深,犯罪情节极其严重。

    At the same time , because Lao 's criminal methods were particularly cruel , the purpose was extremely vicious , and the circumstances of her offenses were extremely serious .

  17. 另一方面,利用爆炸进行恐怖活动已成为当今世界一种新的恐怖犯罪手段,而且有愈演愈烈之势,爆炸恐怖事件层出不穷,造成的损失非常惨重。

    On the other hand , the terrorist activity using explosives has become a new kind of crime , and it become increasing intense , leading to a great loss .

  18. 然而,本罪在立法上还存在着犯罪手段和犯罪对象的范围过窄等缺陷。

    However , there are still such defects in the legislation of this crime . For example , the scope of the crime method and the crime object is too narrow .

  19. 本文把这些对犯罪手段的兜底性规定总称为犯罪的其他手段,以与相应的刑法分则条文中的明确的犯罪手段相区别。

    This abstract regulation is called " other means " of the crime in the text , by dividing the clear crime means in the clause to distinguish with corresponding criminal law .

  20. 以财产犯罪手段行使权利的行为在实践中各式各样,对该行为进行类型化分析是解决行使权利与财产犯罪界限的方法之一。

    Property crime means to exercise the right behavior in practice every kind of the behavior , the type of analysis is to solve the exercise of rights and property crime boundary method .

  21. 第三部分:胁迫行为与暴力行为的区别。作为犯罪手段,暴力和胁迫经常是联系在一起的,而且,在很多情况下特别是在暴力胁迫的场合,两者是很难区分的。

    The violence and the coercion is frequently relates in together as the crime method , moreover , the difference between is hard to distinguish in many situations especially in the violence coercion situation .

  22. 随着科学技术的巨大进步,犯罪手段的高科技化和犯罪领域的不断扩展,使得法庭审判活动越加依赖于包括鉴定结论在内的科学证据。

    With the great progress of science and technology , the criminal means high tech and crime expansion of field , make activities on the court be more dependent on appraisal conclusion and the scientific evidence .

  23. 安全专家表示,每次得悉恶意网页或新的犯罪手段,谷歌都会做出反应。但他们补充称,谷歌也承担了一种特殊责任在犯罪分子和受害者之间扮演了主要的连接者。

    Security professionals say that Google is responsive when it hears about a bad page or new criminal method but they add that the company has a special responsibility as the dominant connector between thugs and victims .

  24. 虚拟社会对人的价值观的冲击使中国网民的民族认同感在虚拟社会中已经被弱化了,虚拟社会中主体道德行为失范,虚拟社会犯罪手段复杂化。

    Virtual social human values of the impact of the national identity to Chinese Internet users in virtual society has been weakening , virtual social subject in the moral behavior anomie , virtual social crime means complicated .

  25. 并对暴力、胁迫和其他方法的理解以及司法实践中存在的争议进行了论述,得出这三种侵犯人身权利的犯罪手段是抢劫罪的本质特征。

    The understanding of violence , coercing and other methods and some dispute existing in the judicial practice have been discoursed here to gain that these three criminal means to infringe personal right are the essential characteristics of robbery .

  26. 兴起于20世纪60年代末的现代恐怖主义,不仅在发展和蔓延速度上来势凶猛,像爱滋病一样肆虐全球,而且在侵害目标、犯罪手段、犯罪后果等方面有了极大的变化。

    The modern terrorism springing up at the end of the 1960s not only developed and spread violently over the whole world like AIDS , but also had great changes in hurting goals , criminal means and criminal consequence , etc.

  27. 随着高科技的发展,以网络化和数码化为核心的信息技术在为会计业务提高新技术装备和手段的同时,也给会计造假提供了更新、更高级的违法犯罪手段。

    Along with developing modern technology , the information technique , which regards developing network and numeral as kernel , provides not only new technical equipment and medium for accounting operation , but also more super illegal activities for accounting counterfeit .

  28. 然而,本罪的立法规定还存在诸多不足,犯罪手段、犯罪对象的范围规定过窄,入罪门槛的规定不够准确。

    However , there are still many deficiencies in the legislative provision of this crime . For example , the scope of the criminal means and object is too narrow , and the provision of the conviction threshold is not accurate .

  29. 因此通过捡拾、保管、抵押等合法方式取得他人信用卡并使用的以及通过诈骗、抢夺、盗窃、抢劫等犯罪手段获取他人信用卡并使用的,符合冒用信用卡的诈骗犯罪。

    Therefore , through pick up , storage , and other legal way to obtain mortgage credit card , through fraud , robbery , theft and other criminal means to obtain and use another credit card , in line with fraudulent use of credit card .

  30. 第一,论述了虚拟财产的概念及特征,并论证涉案的虚拟物品属于虚拟财产;第二,论证虚拟财产应受刑法保护;第三,对罪犯的犯罪手段进行分析;第五部分是案件结论。

    First , it discusses the concept and characteristics of virtual property , and demonstrate the virtual goods involved are virtual property ; second , virtual property should be subject to criminal law protection ; Third , the criminal means of analysis ; The fifth part is the case conclusion .