
fàn zuì shǐ
  • Criminal history;history of crime
  1. 他们把所有的证据提供给我,一般说来我都能凭着我对犯罪史的知识,把他们的错误纠正过来。

    They lay all the evidence before me , and I am generally able , by the help of my knowledge of the history of crime , to set them straight .

  2. BC组的离婚率、犯罪史、最高教育程度明显高于湖南组,评估时年龄明显大于湖南组;

    The divorce rate , educational level and conviction histories are significantly higher , and the age is significantly older in the BC group as compared with the Hunan group .

  3. 丹尼尔她隐瞒了她的犯罪史

    She 's been hiding a criminal record , Daniel .

  4. 人类犯罪史简论

    A Brief Discussion on the History of Human Crime

  5. 你对自己那段犯罪史还挺自豪啊是吧?我很在行的

    Pretty proud of your criminal past , aren 't you ? I was good at it .

  6. 警方了解这名枪手,他有很长的犯罪史,并处在保释期间。

    The gunman was known to police and was out on bail despite a long criminal history .

  7. 既往有精神异常史和无犯罪史者评定为无服刑能力比率较高,鉴定中应重点关注。

    We must devote much attention to the group that who had mental disease and who had boken the low .

  8. 应该说,犯罪史作为刚起步发展的学科领域在这三十年里发展还是相当迅速的,但仍然有许多重要的问题需待解决。

    This field develop very rapidly , but there are many problems wait to answer . Finally , I put forward a problem that I will study .

  9. 该联邦政府项目为来到美国的年轻移民提供在美国生活的合法渠道,每两年更新一次居住许可证,前提是他们符合一定的年龄限制,而且没有犯罪史。

    That federal program provides young immigrants who arrived in the United States as children a legal way to live in the country on renewable two-year stays , if they meet certain age and non-criminal history criteria .

  10. 未来你想没有麻烦也许不仅仅和你约会的女孩年龄相关,也取决于她有什么样的犯罪史。

    Your legal future may not solely be tied up in whether or not the girl you are interested in is above the age of consent . It also may depend on what kind of criminal history she has .

  11. 日本极道的历史可以追溯到好几百年前。《集团犯罪的经济史》(AnEconomicHistoryofOrganizedCrime)的作者丹尼斯o麦卡锡表示,极道团伙是全球最为集权的组织之一。

    The Yakuza date back hundreds of years , and according to Dennis McCarthy , author of An Economic History of Organized Crime , Yakuza groups are among the most centralized in the world .

  12. 对国际及我国有关信用卡犯罪的立法史源进行了系统梳理,明晰了信用卡犯罪的历史演进。

    Through systemic analysis of domestic and international legislations on Credit Card crimes in history , historical development of Credit Card crimes shall be revealed .

  13. 主要内容包括问题的提出、背信犯罪的立法史考察、德日刑法中的背信罪和德日刑法中背信罪的异同。

    Main elements of the problem and breach of the legislative history of criminal investigation , criminal law in Germany and Japan , and the German-Japanese criminal breach of trust breach of trust in the similarities and differences .