
  • 网络criminal amount
  1. 犯罪数额在刑法中是一个很微妙的问题。

    The criminal amount is a very delicate problem in the Criminal Law .

  2. 累计计算犯罪数额是司法实践中经常遇到的问题。

    Accumulative calculation of criminal amount is a problem which we meet frequently in judicial practice .

  3. 犯罪数额问题研究数额犯中数额概念的展开

    Research On the " Amount " In the Crime of Amount

  4. 完善知识产权犯罪数额立法的建议。

    Three , the amount of intellectual property crime legislation suggestions .

  5. 论犯罪数额与金融诈骗罪的定罪量刑

    On Criminal Amount with Convictions and Sentencing of Financial Fraud Crimes

  6. 以系统论的观点看犯罪数额

    Seeing the Quantity of Crime with the Standpoint of Systemic Theory

  7. 犯罪数额是刑法中一个很重要的范畴。

    The amount of crime is a very important criminal law area .

  8. 第四个问题是如何准确确定犯罪数额。

    The fourth problem is the amount of crime identified .

  9. 浅析共同贪污犯罪数额的计算

    Elementary Analysis of Calculation of the Sum of Crime of Joint Corruption

  10. 精神变态者应对不成比例的犯罪数额负责人。

    Psychopaths are responsible for a disproportionate amount of crime .

  11. 贪污贿赂犯罪数额的确定

    On the Calculation of the Amount of the Crimes of Corruption and Bribery

  12. 经济犯罪数额立法之维新

    Discussion on legislation of amount in economy crimes

  13. 金融诈骗犯罪数额及犯罪形态问题研究

    Studies on Financial Fraud Amount and Crime Pattern

  14. 犯罪数额的理论依据。

    Part II : Theory of Crime Amount .

  15. 我国受贿犯罪数额研究

    Research on the Amount of Bribery in China

  16. 关于犯罪数额的几个问题

    On Issues Of Crim in al Amount

  17. 本案涉及惩罚性赔偿费用是否为诈骗罪犯罪数额的问题。

    Case involves punitive damages for the fraud cost is the amount of crime problems .

  18. 虽然犯罪数额对于量刑有着重要的作用,但不是决定性的作用。

    Although crime amount for sentencing plays an important role , but not the decisive role .

  19. 而对于既遂犯的犯罪数额,以被害人实际交付的财物数额作为定罪数额的观点。

    As for the accomplished crime , the delivery should be the criterion of the conviction .

  20. 犯罪数额在我国财产犯罪中的作用举足轻重。

    The role of the criminal amount is very important in property crime in our country .

  21. 如何对犯罪数额进行累计计算数额犯研究

    Study of the Amount-related Offense

  22. 刑法对犯罪数额的规定大致有概括型、具体型和比例型三种方式。

    The crime law has three ways of stipulating the of crime : generalizing , specificing and scaling .

  23. 合同诈骗罪的犯罪数额是犯罪行为给受害人造成的直接损失额。

    The amount of the contract fraud is the victim ' direct loss caused by the guilty conduct .

  24. 犯罪数额问题研究

    Study on Criminal Amount

  25. 在司法实践中,犯罪数额往往困惑着法官对案件的裁量。

    In judicial practice , criminal amount is often confused with the judge on the case of discretion .

  26. 但是,鉴于犯罪数额在定罪量刑上具有特殊的地位,对犯罪数额问题研究是非常必要的。

    However , criminal amount has a special status on the criminal conviction and sentencing on the criminal .

  27. 票据犯罪数额的认定,应以票据兑现数额为依据。

    The cognizance of the sum of instrument crime should be based on how much the instrument is honored .

  28. 如今国外有关犯罪数额的立法已经相当完善,理论也相对成熟。

    Nowadays , the amount of foreign-related criminal legislation has been very comprehensive , and the theory is relatively mature .

  29. 数额犯是刑法条文中涉及犯罪数额的一类犯罪。

    Crime of amount is a kind of crime that is enacted in the criminal law for a period oftime .

  30. 税收犯罪数额对税收犯罪的定罪和量刑均有重要意义,当然,不同种类的数额,其作用又不同。

    The amount of crimes of tax revenue has important significance . The amount of both reversible and irreversible adsorption was calculated .