
  • 网络special loan
  1. 工商银行现在给那些缴不起学费的学生提供一种特别贷款。

    The Business Bank now offers a special loan for students who can 't pay for their education .

  2. 通过特别贷款安排和拯救贝尔斯登,美联储(fed)已经开始这么做了。

    The US Federal Reserve has already begun to do this with its special lending facilities and rescue of bear .

  3. 撒南非洲特别贷款业务

    Special Facility for Sub-Saharan Africa

  4. 继续推进金融体制改革,特别注意贷款投向结构问题,提升金融发展对技术效率的推动作用。

    Third , it is necessary to push forward the financial reform continually , especially the structure of loans investment so as to enhance the promoting effect to the technical efficiency .

  5. 由于多方面的原因,农村金融服务仍存在许多问题,特别是农民贷款难问题比较突出。

    Due to many reasons , there still exist many problems in rural financial service , especially the problem of loans .

  6. 银行体系竞争激烈的情况相信会持续,特别是若贷款需求随着经济增长放缓而下降。

    Keen competition in the banking system will probably persist , particularly if loan demand slows along with a slower economy .

  7. 次级系统涉及到特别贷款者的贷款质量,这个系统使赊贷历史和一个首要贷款者更大的贷款违约变得薄弱。

    The term subprime refers to the credit quality of particular borrowers , who have weakened credit histories and a greater risk of loan default than prime borrowers .

  8. 银行不得接受可能对其宗旨或职能产生任何损害、限制、歪曲或改变的特别基金、贷款或资助。

    The Bank shall not accept Special Funds , loans or assistance that may in any way prejudice , limit , deflect or otherwise alter its purpose or functions .

  9. 富国银行首席财务官蒂姆·斯隆(TimSloan)在上周某次会议上谈到了该银行的整体贷款增长,并特别提及了外国贷款。

    Wells CFO Tim Sloan spoke about the bank 's overall loan growth at a conference last week and noted the foreign loans .

  10. 美国金融稳定监管委员会表示,他们也担心最近高风险债券的发行量增加,特别是将杠杆贷款打包出售给投资者的CDO。

    The FSOC says they are also worried about the recent increase of issuance of riskier bonds in particular collateralized debt obligations , which are deals that package up leveraged loans and sell them off to investors .

  11. 中海外似乎并不特别担心自己的贷款将如何得到偿还。

    COVEC does not seem particularly concerned about how this money will be paid back .

  12. 政府对财政预算(特别是税收和贷款)的政策。

    A government policy for dealing with the budget ( especially with taxation and borrowing ) .

  13. 他估计,将来企业借入人民币的意愿将会增强,特别是如果美元贷款利率继续上升的话。

    He reckons companies will become more willing to borrow in Renminbi in future , especially if dollar borrowing rates continue to rise .

  14. 而银行业的发展,特别是银行取得贷款资金方式的增加,反过来又会促进房地产的发展。

    On hand real estate industry 's development need a lot of money to loan from banks that improves the development of banks , the same reversely .

  15. 有很多方案可供选择,可以更改破产法让法官重组抵押债务,也可以授权特别委托人减低贷款账面价值,等等。

    There are plenty of ideas on offer , from changing the bankruptcy law so that judges can restructure mortgage debt to empowering special trustees to write down loans .

  16. 由于我国一直实行利率管制,使得我国商业银行长期对利率风险未引起足够的重视,特别是对于存贷款中的提前支取和提前偿付行为所引起的信用风险和利率风险长期忽视。

    Because of interest rate control has been implemented , making long-term interest rate of commercial banks did not attract enough attention to risk , especially for the early withdrawal of deposits and loans in the prepayment behavior and caused long-term credit risk and interest rate risks ignored .