
  • 网络character;signature
  1. 设χ是G的一个A-不变不可约特征标,π(G,A)表示Glauberman-Isaacs特征标对映。

    Let χ be an A-invariant irreducible character of G and π( G , A ) denote the character correspondences .

  2. 这一部分的主要结论是下文中的定理A和定理B,其中定理A为特征标的研究提供了一种新的技术,定理B是该技术的一个应用。

    The main results in this part are the following theorems A and B. Theorem A offers a new technique for studying character theory and theorem B is an application of it .

  3. 一般说来,力和通量可以具有不同的张量特征标。

    In general , fluxes and forces may have different tensorial characters .

  4. 不可约特征标和Bπ-特征标的对应关系

    Correspondent Relationships of Irreducible Characters and B_ π - Characters

  5. Bπ-特征标的对应及扩张

    Correspondences and Extentions of B_ π - characters

  6. 几类特征标维数图的Fitting高有界

    Bounding Fitting Heights of Several Classes of Character Degree Graphs

  7. C(60)对称群Ih的特征标和Ih群CSCO&I的本征值谱

    Characters of symmetry group of C_ ( 60 ) and Eigenvalue of CSCO-I of I_h group

  8. 每个Monolithic特征标至多零化两个共轭类的有限群

    Finite Groups Whose Monolithic Characters Vanish on at Most Two Conjugacy Classes

  9. 本文利用群表示理论研究α&AlO(OH)水硬铝石晶体可约表示特征标并找出声学模和光学模变换的不可约表示。

    The character and reduction of the reducible representation for a-AlO ( OH ) diaspore are investigated using the group theory .

  10. Monolithic特征标的核-余-次数对群结构的影响

    The Influence of Kernel - Co-Degrees of Monolithic Characters on the Group Structure

  11. 本文用群论方法推出多原子分子正则振动模式的可约表示特征标公式,在IBM微机上实现程序化,使红外光谱振动模式分解更加简便、实用。

    The character of reducible representation for normal models of multi-atomic molecular system is formulated by group theoretical approach .

  12. 量子群主Tilting模的形式特征标

    Formal character of principal Tilting modules for quantum groups

  13. 特征标高度为0具有例外权的不可约H(2r,n)-模

    Simple H ( 2r , n ) - Module with Character Height O and a Maximal Vector with a Exceptional Weight

  14. 给定一个p-可解群G以及G的一个关于该素数p的不可约Brauer特征标χ。

    Given a p - solvable group G and an irreducible Brauer character χ of G with respect to the prime p.

  15. 本文主要利用广义限制李代数的概念研究不可约H(2r,n)-模,确定了特征标高度为0,并且具有例外权(?)

    By using the concept of generalized restricted Lie algebra , the simple H ( 2r , n ) - modules are studied .

  16. π-可分群子群的Fong特征标

    Fong Characters in Subgroups of π - separable Groups

  17. Lewis在1997年将其推广到互素幂零完全分歧的基本构型上,也构作了相应的Lewis幻特征标及其相关的特征标对应。

    In 1997 , Lewis promoted it to coprime nilpotent fully-ramified basic configuration , constructed Lewis magic character and character correspondence related to it .

  18. 提出了基于特征标度核Fisher判别分析和特征提取的多光谱图像分类方法。

    We propose a classification method for hyperspectral images based on feature scaling for kernel fisher discriminant analysis ( FS-KFDA ) and feature extraction .

  19. 本文提供一种由Ih群的不可约表示的特征标来求Ih群的CSCO-I本征值谱的方法。

    In the paper We present a Calculating method for eigenvalue of CSCO-I of Ih group using Table of characters of irreducible representation of Ih group .

  20. 关于Frobenius群的一个特征标刻划

    A Characterization of Frobenius Groups with Characters

  21. 特别地,得到了非线性不可约特征标次数的重数均小于2p的奇阶群G的分类结果.这里p为群阶G的最小素因子。

    In particular , we classify finite groups G of odd order in which the multiplicities of nonlinear irreducible character degrees are all less than 2p , where p is the minimal prune divisor of the group order | G | .

  22. 作为应用,得到了Isaacs一个特征标对应定理的π-形式。

    As an application , the π - version of a theorem about character correspondence due to Isaacs is obtained .

  23. 关于Grothendieck代数的特征标

    On Character of Grothendieck Algebra

  24. 并且证明了,对任意整数c>2,常存在这样的正则语言,此语言具特征标c,并恰能被一个含变量个数为[(log2c)-1]的正则文法生成。

    It is also shown that , for any integer c ≥ 2 , there is always a regular language which possesses the characteristics c and can be generated by a regular grammar containing [ ( Iog2c ) - 1 ] variables . For secondary characteristics there exist similar facts .

  25. 进一步,当正规子群为单位元群时,前面一个空间的基就是不可约Brauer特征标的集合。

    Furthermore , when the normal subgroup is the idendity group , the basis of the first space is just as the set of irreducible Brauer characters .

  26. 给出用特征标构造群码的方法.作为应用实例,构造了21阶Frobenius群的一个二元(21,16,3)码。

    Gives a method to construct the group codes by using the character tables . As an example of its application a binary ( 21 , 16 , 3 ) code of Frobenius group of order 21 is constructed .

  27. Arad和Blau在1991年从有限群的不可约特征标和共轭类的积的分解中抽象出表代数的概念,它是一类满足特定条件的定义在复数域上的有限维交换结合代数。

    Arad and Blau abstracted the concept of table algebras , which are a class of finite dimensional , associative and commutative algebras over the complex numbers with certain specified properties , from the decompositions of products of either irreducible characters or conjugacy classes of finite groups .

  28. 给出了置换表示的概念及性质,并利用它得到了的三级不可约特征标。

    This paper gives the concept and property of permutation representation .

  29. 证明了对称幂等正交类系统的正交定理;得到了有限群的不可约特征标的一个重要定理。

    Prove the orthogonal theorem for symmetry idempotent orthogonal class system .

  30. 群的不可约特征标个数与群的阶

    The Number of Irreducible Characters and the Order of a Group