
zhōnɡ jí zhí chēnɡ
  • Intermediate title;medium-grade professional title;middle-rank professional title
  1. 认为申请CNS认证的最低学历要求应该是研究生、学士和大专的分别占9%、40%和47%,应具有中级职称的占61%。

    Master degree ( 9 % ), bachelor degree ( 40 % ), and associate degree ( 47 % ) were considered as the lowest academic degree for CNS respectively . 61 % thought that CNS must have moderate level of professional titles .

  2. 其中具有高级职称的2人,中级职称11人。

    Advanced titles with one of2 people , 11 were intermediate grade .

  3. ②中级职称人员的继续教育工作重视“讲”;

    " speaking " should be emphasized particularly for the staff with the intermediate title .

  4. 公司高、中级职称和本科以上学历的工程技术人员占公司总人数的82。

    Enginees and technicians who has mid-level title or undergraduate education account for82.36 % of the staff .

  5. 中级职称教师职业倦怠程度显著高于其他类别教师。

    The degree of job burnout of the teachers with medium professional title is obviously higher than other teachers .

  6. 具有高级职称的从业人员占13.2%,中级职称的占43.4%,初级职称的占33.3%;

    13.2 % staff were high professional title ; 43.4 % were middle professional title and 33.3 % were primary professional title .

  7. 很清楚的记得年初的目标,公司那个破体系,我的中级职称,可爱的驾照还有那个该死的硕士学位。

    Do remember the target of2010.The damn ESH system in the plant , intermediate engineer certification , driving licence and my master degree .

  8. 组织遗忘在职级上差异显著,具有高级和中级职称的员工的组织遗忘状况要优于初级职员。

    Organizational unlearning was significantly different in rank variable , the organization unlearning of senior and intermediate rank was significantly better than junior staff .

  9. 从各类肉牛场人员组成看,饲养员的比例最大,占65.81%,技术人员比例较小,其中有高中级职称的仅为2.56%。

    With regards to the personnel on beef farm , the cattle men are 65.81 % . Technicians and professionals are only 2.56 % .

  10. 有57.73%的学员职业为医师,54.81%的学员具有中级职称,54.81%的学员参加学习的专业为临床医学;

    57.73 % of the students are physicians , 54.81 % have middle level professional title , and 54.81 % major in clinical medicine .

  11. 结果社区卫生服务中心的卫生技术人员专科学历以上占5303%,中级职称以上占4908%;

    Results The ratio of health technicians who graduated from junior college and graduates was 53 03 % and the secondary above 49 08 % .

  12. 目前,企业拥有具高、中级职称的生产技术、产品研发及经营管理人员18人,技术工人200余人。

    Recently , it attains employees who engage in technology of production with high and middle titles and No.18 managers , more than No.200 technicians .

  13. 职称分布以初级及其它为主,高级职称上升显著,中级职称变化不明显,初级以下职称呈下降趋势。

    Title distribution to junior and senior professional titles , rose significantly , intermediate title changes not obvious , the junior title following a downward trend .

  14. 从整体上看,我国医药卫生科技查新人员队伍的职称结构匹配较为合理,高级职称与中级职称的人员是查新工作的主要承担者。

    Overall , the novelty personnel in medicine in China have a reasonable matching structure . Advanced and intermediate professional titles are the main stakeholders in novelty searches .

  15. 获中级职称者仅占0.06%,初级职称占6.71%,未获得任何技术职称者占93.23%。

    Those who received only 0.06 % of the intermediate grade , junior titles accounted for 6.71 % , did not receive any titles accounted for 93.23 % .

  16. 卫生技术人员当中,大中专学历占69.6%,本科以上学历不到25%;无职称和初级职称占绝大多数,中级职称比例较低。

    Among these health technical workers , people with college diploma accounted for 69.6 % , while people with bachelor degree or above accounted less than 25 % .

  17. 对初、中级职称教师的科研不作硬性要求,让青年教师有更多的时间提高教学水平。

    On the initial , intermediate and professional title of science teachers for strict requirement , let the young teachers have more time to improve teaching standards . 3 .

  18. 乡镇卫生院人员高级职称占0.02%,中级职称占7.79%,初级职称占69.85%,无任何技术职称占22.34%。

    Township hospitals , the senior titles accounted for 0.02 % , accounting for 7.79 % intermediate grade , junior titles accounted for 69.85 % , without any technical titles account for 22.34 % .

  19. [结果]40岁以下、中级职称以下、工龄20年以下的员工满意度较低,分别为9%、8.79%、8.99%。

    The percentages of satisfaction were comparatively low . For staff under 40 , middle level and work years under 20 the rate of satisfaction was 9.00 % , 8.79 % and 8.99 % respectively .

  20. 检测人员中中级职称者占50.0%,95.8%已从事病毒血清学检测工作3年以上,均有上岗证;

    Among the laboratorian , 95.8 % of all had engaged on viral serology test for over 3 years and had certification for HIV test , those who had middle level technical titles covered 50.5 % .

  21. 教练员学历研究生占11%、本科占79%,大专占10%,我国网球教练员以中级职称为主,高级职称只占10%。

    Coach education graduate students accounted for 11 % , the undergraduate college accounted for 79 % , accounted for 10 % , our country tennis coaches to intermediate grade , senior titles accounted for only 10 % . 7 .

  22. 在636篇标识了作者职称中,高级职称占52.67%,中级职称研究者达42.13%。表明女性体育的研究论文水平较高,质量较好。

    There are 636 theses marked with authors ' title in which senior and associated senior account for 52.67 % , and intermediate titles occupy 42.13 % , which shows that the level and quality on female sports research are relatively high .

  23. 妇幼与疾控相比,专业技术人员占人力资源总量的比例小、学历水平低、高、中级职称比例低。

    Compared to that of the disease control and prevention organization , maternal and child care organization sustains smaller proportion of health professionals in the overall human resource , lower academic level and smaller proportion of senior and middle professional positions . 3 .

  24. 全市共有卫生监督人员951人,其中,完成改制的7家机构共302人。中级职称及以上占25.24%,年龄结构中30-50岁占75.92%,所学专业以卫生和医药为主,占53.63%。

    Among the 951 members in the health inspection staff in the whole city , 302 members had restructured , 25.24 % had middle and high titles of technical posts , 75.92 % were 30 ~ 50 years old , 53.63 % were professional sanitation and medicine staff .

  25. 财务会计本科学历,持有会计师中级以上职称。

    Bachelor degree in finance and accountant , at least have an intermediate accountant certificate .

  26. 正规院校大专以上学历,有财会工作经验,中级以上职称。

    Junior college graduate with finance major , working experiences in accounting , with middle-level certificate .

  27. 对工作上确实需要的中级专业职称的技术人员,也不宜提前退休。

    To the technical personnel of the intermediate and professional title that needs really on the job , unfavorable also retire ahead of schedule .

  28. 无高级技术职称,中级技术职称16人,占10.39%,初级职称129人,占83.77%,无职称9人,占5.84%;

    16 persons have intermediate technical titles , accounting for 10.39 % . The elementary title for technical personnel is 129 persons , accounting for 83.77 % . 9 people have no technical titles , which accounts for 5.84 % .

  29. 结果社区医护人员平均年龄34.6岁;中级以上技术职称占31.5%;

    RESULTS The average age of community doctors and nurses was 34.6,31.5 % staffwere middle professional title ;

  30. 职称结构中,高级、中级、初级职称数量结构接近合理比例,为3:4:2;

    In the structure of academic title , the senior , intermediate and junior develop in proportion , as 3:4:2 ;