- special drawing rights

Other potential solutions would include the IMF creating more special drawing rights , an intergovernmental currency .
Such a solution is readily available in the form of special drawing rights .
France appears to have secured some form of agreement of conditional renminbi inclusion in the SDR .
Approval of an SDR allocation requires an 85 per cent majority vote of the IMF membership .
The IMF needs to change the SDR inclusion criteria and preserve verifiability of the currency selection .
In2009 China also saw an increase of $ 16.3 billion in reserve assets that are not foreign exchange , primarily gold and IMF Special Drawings Rights .
Gold is no longer the unit of account of the sdr .
The SDR basket review represents an opportunity to position the IMF as catalyst for change and promoter of inclusiveness .
The SDR is a synthetic currency unit maintained by the international monetary fund that represents a basket of actual currencies .
The IMF boss was referring to an IMF currency basket known as the special drawing rights system .
The money would come from the International Monetary Fund , from financial instruments known as special drawing rights .
In March , Mr Zhou said that role could be filled by the special drawing right , a basket of currencies used by the International Monetary Fund as a unit of account .
Special drawing rights are assets and liabilities of the Fund provided to each member in proportion to its quota share in the institution .
The idea of a large issuance of SDRs – the IMF 's own reserve asset – is an excellent one .
Share allocation of IMF , SDRs and foreign exchange monitoring system of the three key plays an important reform in its value and significance .
Whether the renminbi is added to the currencies that make up the International Monetary Fund 's special drawing right unit will be a litmus test .
Come June , the International Monetary Fund will probably decide to include the Chinese renminbi in its special drawing rights ( SDR ) .
Currency baskets , SDRs , even internationalisation of the renminbi , have been mooted , but not the obvious alternative .
They should make a commitment to an immediate , one-time allocation of $ 250bn in special drawing rights by the International Monetary Fund to its 185 member countries .
Increasing the role of the SDR would clearly require a major leap in international policy coordination , Strauss-Kahn said , according to a prepared text of his speech .
Second , the IMF should agree to add the renminbi to the basket of four currencies in the Special Drawing Rights , its international reserve asset .
Some , including Chinese officials , talk of a shift towards SDRs ( Special Drawing Rights ) as a reserve asset .
This reflected some real achievements : a generous increase in funding for the International Monetary Fund , a new issuance of special drawing rights and a boost for trade finance .
It also made an intriguing proposal to enlarge the role of special drawing rights so they could become an alternative to the dollar as a reserve currency .
Countries and markets may also experiment with financings denominated in Special Drawing Rights – or SDRs & which reflect a portfolio of major currencies .
These methods are establishing a unified reserves system , redistributing the SDR , and reinforcing the regional monetary cooperation and the international reserves management .
The proposed new issuance of $ 250bn of special drawing rights by the IMF would increase the world 's pool of reserve assets , freeing the hands of emerging and developing economies .
In a detailed and serious analysis , he suggested expanding the scope and function of special drawing rights , a unit of account used by the International Monetary Fund .
The International Monetary Fund is exploring the role of the special drawing right ( SDR ), a little-used artificial reserve asset , and emerging markets currencies in the system .
China has called for reform of the global reserve system and creation of a new international reserve currency based on Special Drawing Rights ( SDRs ) .