
  • 网络gold price
  1. 如何消化国际金价波动带来的风险,提高在国际黄金市场的地位和影响力,争取黄金的国际定价权是我国长期的重要任务。

    It is a long-term task for China to remove the risk from international gold price fluctuations , enhance its status in and influence on global gold market , and acquire internal pricing of gold .

  2. 第二章在分析了国际金价和国内金价关系的基础上了,引出国际金价的定价机制以及国内黄金市场的发展状况,进而分析国内的研究现状。

    Based on the relationship of international gold price and domestic gold price , the second chapter introduces the international pricing mechanism as well as the development of the domestic gold market situation , and analyzes the domestic present situation .

  3. 国际金价短期均线粘合,多空双方胶着。

    International gold prices average short-term bond , straddle the two sides deadlocked .

  4. 强劲的亚洲买盘为国际金价提供了支持。

    The strong Asian buying has provided support for global gold prices .

  5. 国际金价的大幅上扬,使得沈阳的黄金价格也震荡上扬。

    In Shenyang , retail gold prices are also stirred up by the international market .

  6. 自去年10月起,国际金价持续下行,黄金市场由牛市转熊市已经酝酿数月。

    That 's now triggered worries that the extended bull run in the gold market may have come to an end .

  7. 就这一点而论,日本人买卖模式的变化不太可能成为影响国际金价的主要因素。

    As such , changes in Japanese buying or selling patterns are unlikely to become major drivers for international gold prices .

  8. 金价从此由政府设定,直到2002年上海黄金交易所开业,国内金价才开始跟随国际金价变动。

    Prices were set by the government until 2002 , when the Shanghai Exchange opened and domestic prices started to track international equivalents .

  9. 所以,黄金货币职能的衰退,是国际金价维持30年下跌的大背景。

    So the decline of its currency function is the great background of gold price sustaining falling for 30 years in the international market .

  10. 伴随国际金价的波动,如果投资者操作得当,可以从黄金投资中获得稳定的收益。

    With the price fluctuation of gold , if the investors operate properly , they will gain stable benefits from the investment in gold .

  11. 受传统习俗、通胀预期和国际金价上涨影响,金银珠宝类商品销售继续保持高速增长。

    Affected by traditional customs and inflation expectation as well as price hike of gold worldwide , sales of gold , silver and jewelry has increased markedly .

  12. 零售市场方面,沈阳的金饰品价格虽然没有大起大落的表现,但在国际金价冲高与节日促销的夹击之下,也偷偷地玩起了“拉锯战”。

    In local jewelry market , retailers are quietly launching a seesaw battle as China National Day is coming in dozens days and the gold price remains at high level although there 's no big up and down .

  13. 如此看来,黄金在“规避风险”时期理应表现最佳,但在整个股市受创的九月份,国际金价也从每盎司1900美元高位暴跌至每盎司1604美元。

    On these arguments , gold should do best on the " risk off " days . But as equity markets took fright in September , gold suddenly plunged from a high of $ 1900 an ounce to a brief low of $ 1604 .

  14. 受国际市场金价飙升的影响,中国主要城市金饰品的零售价格创下新的纪录。

    The retail price of gold jewellery has hit a record high in key Chinese cities , stimulated by a price surge for the precious metal in the international market .

  15. 去年十二月,国际市场上的金价突破了14年的最高点,自那之后,金价继续上涨,偶尔在低位震荡。

    Last December , the international markets broke a14-year high and since then prices have continued to rise , with only occasional fluctuations .