
  1. 扑救特大火灾时,有关地方人民政府应当组织有关人员、调集所需物资支援灭火。

    For ultra large fire disaster , relevant local people 's government shall organize relevant personnel and assemble necessary goods to support the fire fighting .

  2. 基于GIS的城市特大火灾蔓延模拟

    The GIS-based Simulation of Urban Mass Fire Spread

  3. 6.27特大火灾事故的原因分析

    The analysis of the reason of 6 · 27 fire accident

  4. 重大危险源是发生重特大火灾的根本载体。

    The major hazards are the fundamental carrier of major fires .

  5. 剩磁法在一起特大火灾事故中的应用

    The application of remanence method to a disastrous fire accident

  6. 2009年的今天,泰国曼谷夜总会发生特大火灾,共造成66人死亡。

    2009 – 66 die in nightclub fire in Bangkok , Thailand .

  7. 某仓库特大火灾场景的数值模拟重构

    Reconstruction of a Storage Fire Scene Based on Numerical Simulation

  8. 群死群伤特大火灾明显增多,公众聚集场所是火灾高发场所;

    Public place was the most high - risk place for conflagration .

  9. 1993&2003年特大火灾发生规律、特征及原因分析

    Analysis of causes and characteristics of conflagrations from 1993 to 2003 in China

  10. 4.22青州特大火灾事故调查案例评析

    Case Study - " 4.22 " Catastrophic Fire Investigation

  11. 我国重特大火灾事故发展趋势预测

    The Trend of the Catastrophic Fire Accidents in China

  12. 哈尔滨天潭大酒店特大火灾原因的认定

    Fire cause identification of the disastrous Tian Tan Hotel fire in Harbin city

  13. 特大火灾后建筑结构的鉴定和加固

    The investigation and reinforcement of the post-severe-fire architectural structures

  14. 关于湖南衡阳11·3特大火灾坍塌事故几个重要问题的研究

    Several critical problems concerning the severe conflagration of 11 · 3 in Hengyang

  15. 公共场所特大火灾事故调研及对策分析

    Investigations and Studies on Major Fires in Public Places

  16. 建立完善重、特大火灾预警机制的基本方法

    Method of Mechanism Establishing of Conflagration Fore-warning

  17. 从特大火灾事故分析看我国大型公共场所火灾风险

    Study on Fire Risk of Chinese Large-scale Public Places Based on Analyzing of Super Fire Accidents

  18. 对一起特大火灾现场主体结构进行了调查。

    An agent structure of enormous scene of fire is surveyed in the burning area of the fire .

  19. 通过开展整治消防统一行动,全省将确保在“两会”前不发生群死群伤重特大火灾事故。

    The province intends to completely eradicate fire disasters of great injuries and deaths before its provincial assemblies .

  20. 上海花祭是指上海市民自发前往11·15特大火灾现场献花祭奠逝者。

    Shanghai flower offering refers to Shanghai citizens spontaneous to11 · 15 super-large fire scene wreath-laying memorial gesture .

  21. 吉林省辽源市中心医院12·15特大火灾迅速蔓延、群死群伤的主要原因及启示

    The main cause and revelation to 12 · 15 disastrous fire occurred in the central hospital of Liaoyuan city

  22. 欣丰棉纺厂遭遇特大火灾,保险公司理赔2000万。

    After the big fire , the Xinfeng Textile Factory received a settlement of 20 million yuan from insurance company .

  23. 1987年特大火灾后不同树种种植比例对大兴安岭森林景观的长期影响

    Long-term effects of different planting proportion on forest landscape in Great Hing ' anling Mountains after the catastrophic fire in 1987

  24. 特大火灾定量与定性风险管理技术应用探讨

    Talking about the qualitative and quantitative risk management technique from the serious fire accident of the center hospital of Liaoyuan city Jilin province

  25. 不过自水上航运出现以来,客轮的重特大火灾事故屡见不鲜,并带来惨重的人员伤亡和财产损失。

    Since the development of water shipping , serious fire disaster on passenger liner occurred frequently , which cause serious casualties and wealth damage .

  26. 城市消防供水存在问题及其对策随着城市建设与经济的发展,火灾事故与重特大火灾越来越多,火灾损失也越来越大。

    Question and countermeasure about city water supply on fireDeveloping with construct and economy of city , the fire accident or great fire is more and more .

  27. 对于特大火灾事故,国务院或者省级人民政府认为必要时,可以组织调查。

    For ultra large fire disasters , in case the State Council or the people 's government at provincial level consider it necessary , an investigation can be organized .

  28. 对湖南衡阳11.3特大火灾事故的重要可燃物木耳,进行了小尺寸和全尺寸实验。

    The combustion characteristics of agaric , an important combustible in Hengyang ' 11.3 ' Fire in Hunan province , China , was investigated using different scale experiment equipments .

  29. 2010年11月21日,是11·15特大火灾发生的第七天,上海民众在头七之日前往事故现场献花哀悼火灾逝者。

    By2010 , nov.21 is11 · 15 ultra large fire happen on the seventh day , Shanghai people in the first seven before the accident site wreath-laying condolences to fire gesture .

  30. 群死群伤火灾事故成因分析&轨迹交叉论分析吉林省辽源市中心医院12.15特大火灾

    Analysis of the Causes of Casualty & Using the " Track-cross Theory " to Analyze the Cause of " 12.15 " Fire Casualty in Central Hospital of Liaoyuan City , Jilin Province