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  • 网络Buffalo Villages
  1. 牛在村里的草地上吃草。

    The cattle were grazing on the village green .

  2. 惊牛奔向村里的栅棚。

    The anxious cattle run to their stalls in the village .

  3. 黄泛平原农村合理利用与开发生物质能的探讨&以山东省鄄城县糖牛楼村为例

    Studies of how to use and develope bio-energy in rurals of Yellow River Plain

  4. 皖南古黟牛形村&宏村古村落规划中的图腾和风水

    Buffalo-shaped Village in Southern Anhui-Yi County & Totem and Feng Shui in the Planning of Ancient Hong Village

  5. 白牛厂银多金属矿床,位于云南省蒙自县老寨乡白牛厂村,是一个以银、铅、锌、锡、铜金属为主的超大型矿床。

    Located in Mengzi county , Yunnan province , Bainiuchang deposit is a super-large poly-metal deposit with silver , lead , zinc , tin and copper .