
  1. 我费了九牛二虎之力才找到你。

    I 've had a devil of a job finding you .

  2. 我们费了九牛二虎之力才使他们同意。

    We had no end of trouble getting them to agree .

  3. 我拿出来锤子,费了九牛二虎之力终于拔出了一根钉子…居然有六寸长,看起来很不错。

    I pulled my hammer from the box and with much effort I eventually pulled out the first nail … It was six inches long .

  4. 为使上学不迟到,约翰费了九牛二虎之力。

    John nearly broke his neck trying not to be late to school .

  5. 为了弄到了你想要的东西,我真是费了九牛二虎之力。

    I busted my ass trying to get just the thing you wanted !

  6. 警察费了九牛二虎之力让川流不息的车辆统统停了下来。

    With extreme difficulty , the policeman brought the various streams of traffic to halt .

  7. 我和妻儿们费了九牛二虎之力在基辅旅馆找到一个房间。

    With my wife and children I found with great difficulty a room in the Kiev Hostelry .

  8. 每天,由于在入口处排队,世博展馆的工作人员得花上九牛二虎之力才能进入自己的展馆。

    Every day EXPO pavilion staff has serious difficulties to get access to their pavilions , due to queues at gates .

  9. 费了九牛二虎之力,身上多处被树枝划破,他们终于走出了树木最稠密的地区。

    With some difficulty , and with some stings from nettles and pricks from thorns , they struggled out of the thicket .

  10. 他又费九牛二虎之力为老柯帕乌在一家银行里找了一个职员的位置。

    And also , by considerable effort , he had succeeded in securing Cowperwood , Sr. , a place as a clerk in a bank .

  11. 我们正在费尽九牛二虎之力啃那些可恶的字母和音素,班上却大有其人,在课堂上唧哩呱啦地和老师用英语对起话来了。

    When we were trying with tremendous effort to delve into those abhorrent letters and phonemes quite a few of them babbled English with the teacher .

  12. 费了九牛二虎之力,好不容易到了车跟前时,我差点儿失去了重心,好在我设法紧紧抓住了倒车镜,才没有摔倒。

    I almost lost my balance when I finally got to the truck , but I managed to cling to the side mirror and save myself .

  13. 下行(顶推)驳船队西西弗花费九牛二虎之力,将一块巨石推到山顶,巨石只是在山顶作瞬间停留,又从原路滚落下山。

    Every time he reached the top of the mountain with tremendous effort , the rock would only stay for a moment and roll back to the base .

  14. 有一大群人在那儿干活,马鞭子嚼嚼啪啪地响,马儿拖动木头时拉拉扯扯,使出了九牛二虎之力。

    There was a great crowd of people at work , and a cracking of whips , and horses tugging and straining as they dragged at the logs .

  15. 微小牛蜱产卵力受温度和湿度的影响不显著,而与雌蜱的重量呈现正相关直线关系。

    The influence of temperature and humidity to the oviposition of Rhipicephalus ( Boophilus ) microplus was not significant . But the weight of female ticks was positively related to the oviposition in linear relationship .

  16. 嚯嚯,生活老伙计可真是有意思。福特暗自得意起来,然后他又突然发现,自己费了九牛二虎之力才钻进这间屋子,可它实在有些无趣。

    Hey ho , it 's a funny old life , he was just thinking to himself , when he suddenly realised that the room he had gone to all this trouble to break into was not a very interesting one .