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shù zú
  • garrison soldiers
戍卒 [shù zú]
  • [garrison soldier] 防守的士兵

  • 夜至张柴村,尽杀其戍卒,据其栅。--《资治通鉴.唐纪》

  • 戍卒叫,函谷举, 楚人一炬,可怜焦土。-- 唐. 杜牧《阿房宫赋》

  1. 唐代桂州戍卒兵变论析

    Comments on the Mutiny of Guizhou Garrison Soldiers in the Tang Dynasty

  2. 除了军事工作外,为了补给军需,这些戍卒们也会从事屯田等农业活动。

    In addition to military work , in order to supply munitions Garrison have also engaged in agricultural activities .

  3. 由于受环境因素的影响,居延地区的戍卒大多来自于附近的几个郡,如魏郡、张掖郡等。

    Due to environmental factors , the the Juyan region Garrison mostly from the nearby Counties , such as Wei Jun , such as Zhangye County .

  4. 戍卒的身份既有普通农民、良家子弟,也有刑徒与罪犯,可见汉代对于戍卒的身份并没有严格的规定。

    Garrison the identity of both ordinary farmers , decent children , Prisoners and criminals , we can see the Han Dynasty Garrison identity and strict rules .

  5. 关于戍卒的经济来源,一般都是由政府供给,同时政府也会为他们提供一些必要的文化教育与医疗保障。

    Garrisons the source of income , are generally supplied by the Government , the Government will also provide them with the necessary cultural and educational and medical insurance .

  6. 汉代政府对戍卒的管理已形成一套完整的制度,从戍卒的名籍、到服役期限、免役条件以及应对逃亡等都有严格的规定。

    Han Dynasty Garrisons management has formed a complete system from Garrisons the membership to the service period , the adaptive immune conditions and respond to flee , there are stringent regulations .

  7. 敦煌汉简中记载了大量关于汉代敦煌郡戍卒的武器装备情况,可分为长兵器、短兵器、远射兵器和防御器具四大类。

    Dunhuang Jane recorded a large number of Ham Dunhuang County Shuzu on the weapons can be divided into long weapons , short weapons , long-range weapons and defense equipment four categories .

  8. 为了巩固既得成果和稳定西北边疆,汉廷征调大匹人员来此戍边,这些人被称为戍卒。

    In order to consolidate the acquired results and further reinforces the Northwest Frontier , the Han dynasty mobilized many army personnel to come to frontiers , these people are called Garrisons .

  9. 防御性军事工程与移民、戍卒所构筑的边防体系在维护王朝意志的同时也成为中原与西域,东方与西方经济文化交流互通的历史见证。

    The frontier defense system the Great Wall , migration and soldiers is not only the vindicator of empire spirit but also the witness of cultural exchange between hinterland and frontier , east and west .
