
Sending a child off to college can certainly be stressful for concerned parents .
No matter how much he hurt his parents with his previous wrong-doing , he would soon turn around and do something else wrong & knowing he would be forgiven .
When you 're nearing your end you 'll likely regret more the sacrifices you made to your individuality than how pleased your parents were of you .
But the fact is , bowing ceremonies were a Chinese tradition for thousands of years until they were abolished in1912 for representing feudal values .
Pain , sweat and tears , Ian 's six-month journey with the kids inspires not only the kids and the parents , but also every single one of us .
Another tradition is to give cards an d gifts.Children make them in school.Many people make their own presents.These are valued more than the ones bought in stores.It is not the value of the gift that is important , but it is " the thought that counts "
The warnings of the teacher and the parents have sunk in his mind .