- 名parent process

When a shell script process exits or returns to the parent process , the exit code should be0 .
In this example , the parent process calls fork , waits for two seconds , then exits .
The pointers to the next and previous elements in the list of the sibling processes , those that have the same parent as P.
Because the child process is running in the background , control returns to the shell as soon as the parent dies .
A process also has a parent , which in most cases is the PID of the process that launched it .
So that each process is displayed on the screen of a Characters : parent display characters a , respectively , two sub-processes and sub-character display character bc .
The init process is Linux 's first process , parent to all the other processes .
Init is the parent of all other processes that will run on your Linux OS .
The exit () function causes normal program termination and the value of status & 0377 is returned to the parent .
This process is the parent , or root , process to all other processes running on AIX .
Although a parent process can access the process ID of its child process and can thus pass arguments to it , the reverse is false .
This must be used along with the fork () command so both the parent and child processes are running : pid_t fork ( void ) .
After the fork , the parent and child have copies of all open file descriptors and data values , so the pointer works for both .
Comparing the PIDs printed , you can see that the original process is the parent process ( PID 767 ), and the child process ( PID 768 ) knows who its parent is .
The first lists the user the process is running as , the second lists the ID of the process , and the third lists the ID of the parent of the process .
With the return value of fork in mind , the code can now check to see if it is the parent or child process and act accordingly .
If you do not specify any PIDs , then another useful option is the & forest option , which displays the commands in a tree hierarchy , showing which process has which other process as a parent .
In Listing 3 , the PIDs are printed out at each step , and the code checks the return value from fork to determine which process is the parent and which is the child .
Let 's now send a SIGTERM to the parent process .
You can see that the PPID changes to1 as the parent dies .
Fork () creates a child process that differs from the parent process only in its PID and PPID ; in fact , the resource utilizations are set to0 .
When a process forks , the operating system creates a new child process with a new process ID , duplicating the state of the parent process ( memory , environment variables , and more ) .
Note how the child knows its parent through getppid and how the parent uses the result of fork to locate its child .
The signal handler is called with a value of 18 ( SIGCHLD ), the child 's exit is acknowledged , and the parent goes back to its sleep ( 60 ) .
PID2934 is the parent process , and PID2935 is the one that is forked off and terminated immediately .
BInheritHandles determines whether the handles have to be inherited to the child from the parent .
Recall that each process has a parent , and you can trace this family tree of sorts all the way back to PID1 , otherwise known as init .
The parent process running on one processor toggles the value of num_proc1 based on the value of num_proc2 ( and branches based on the value of the variable modified by another process ) .
The kernel handles this system call by releasing the resources owned by the process and sending the parent process a SIGCHLD signal , which is ignored by default .
The rationale for the0 and non-zero return values is that a child can always find out who its parent is through a call to getppid ( 2 ), but it is more difficult for a parent to find all its children .