- 名relation between parents and children

Abnormal-relationship between parents and children is the important component part of relation between parents and children .
The practice of " Yi Jue " accordingly had relevant legal effects on the litigants and the relation between parents and children .
The Relationship between Stepparents and Stepchildren in a Comparative Context
Of this prophet 's birth-place , parentage , and life we have no reliable information .
Consanguinity and pregnancy are two essential factors to be a mother and to establish a parent-child relationship in traditional civil law .
In Chapter One , the writer defines the concept , type and characteristics of the relationship among the step-parents and step-children .
The visitation right which is one kind of rights of personal status is based on the relationship between parents and children .
Explicitly stipulate that the relation of the step parents and the step children forming maintenance relation between them is the legal fiction blood relative relations .
On the nature of the relationship between stepparents and stepchildren . it is focused on debate and differences of stepparents and stepchildren in the nature found .
At the same time , as to the regulations on the post-divorce relations between parents and children , the protection of children 's interests should be emphasized .
The legislative experience of some foreign countries on Chinese legislative amendment and perfect has a very large reference , and after sorting out the trend of national legislation .
The relevant provisions in this Law governing the relationship between parents and children shall apply to the rights and duties in the relationship between stepfathers or stepmothers and their stepchildren who receive care and education from them .
From the legal in the relation between parents in the children , we can know that visitation right is one existed in the non - normal relation between parents and children , not limited to the divorce parents .
The third part is the thinking about the inheriting legal issues sparked by the case . 1.The inheritance legislation in the future should continue to retain the regulation that the step parents and children forming maintenance relation between them have the right of inheritance with each other .
In common law countries , the United Kingdom on the Indirect damages the spirit of the victim requests the following conditions : one is the victim directly between the plaintiff and must be reliable and sufficiently close relationships , including the relationship between parents and children , spouse relationships .
Visitation right , an integral part of parental power , arises from the relation between parent and child .
The significant differences of relationship between parents and children were found in total procrastination , postponing executing and postponing remedying .
There were eight donors whose relation were parents and children in the last 76 donors , their results was consistent , six donors were all positive , two donors were negative ;
The system of parent 's right is an important legal system which regulates the relationship between parents and children in civil law of different countries in modern times . But there is no conception or completed regulation of parent 's right system in China .
In family laws , the public power has intervened in the domestic field .
The conjugal relationship and parent-child relationship constitute the most basic triangle of the family relationship .
A relationship with our parents or children which is not based on compassionate , unconditional regard creates isolation and misery .
Firstly , the relationship between parents and children is interpreted , with an emphasis on the relationship between father and son .
It is believed that in the future promotion of Civil Code amendments , stepparents and stepchildren relation problems will certainly get more improvement and attention .
In the relations between rights and obligations of parents ' and children , regard protecting and bringing up minor children the right of relative 's of the purpose as its key content .
The former is the relationship between parents and children in their birth families , whereas the latter is that children live in the host , and the relationship between the children and the owners .
Therefore , I suggest them to change their teaching methods to ease the relationship between parents and children , for example , On the guidance of the homework , take her out to play and so on .
In the contextof this discussion , it seems valuable to first find out the cause of change in the case of parents ' involvement with their grown children .
Article 36 The relationship between parents and children shall not come to and end with the parents " divorce . After divorce , whether the children are put in the custody of the father or the mother , they shall remain the children of both parents .
It is important to understand the relations between parents and their children .