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ài měi
  • love beauty;be fond of making up or looking smart;set great store by one's appearance;like to be well groomed
爱美 [ài měi]
  • [enjoy dressing up] 追求漂亮,保持外表美丽

  1. 爱美就是要求光明。

    To love beauty is to see the light .

  2. 爱美是人的天性。

    It 's human nature to love beauty .

  3. 爱美之心,人皆有之。

    The desire to look attractive is universal .

  4. 数十亿美元的健身产业利用我们的爱美之心赚取巨额利润。

    The multibillion-dollar fitness industry rakes in fat profits from our hunger to look good .

  5. 据悉,啤酒中的“大麦成分”会让肌肤有焕然一新的感觉,这一项在伦敦Browns酒店推出的大麦啤酒美容疗法成功获取了许多爱美女士的芳心。

    The new beer and barley treatments at Browns Hotel in London are based on the nourishing benefits of barley , which is used to make beer .

  6. 有13年了吧,爱美?

    It 's been thirteen years hasn 't it , emi ?

  7. 圣爱美浓是波尔多地区最古老的酒区。

    Saint-Emilion is the oldest wine area of the Bordeaux region .

  8. 爱美:喂,很久没见啦!这次远征还顺利吗?

    Amy : hello stranger ! How did the expedition go ?

  9. 选择了烹饪,因为她爱自己的丈夫,也爱美食然而在烹饪的过程中

    because she loved her husband , and she loved food ,

  10. 圣爱美浓葡萄酒比认为是波尔多地区最浓烈的葡萄酒。

    Saint Emilion wines are considered the most robust of the Bordeaux .

  11. 这是她内心从小喜欢的“爱美”的体现。

    It 's the embodiment of her " beauty-love " since childhood .

  12. 古人也云,爱美之心,人皆有之。

    The sage said , The heart of loving beauty exists everywhere .

  13. 他爱美,在他们的诗平找到了美。

    He loved beauty , and there he found beauty .

  14. 女人天生爱美。

    A woman has an inherent love of beauty .

  15. 用的是爱美仕牌的昂贵丝巾。

    The scarf was hermes . it 's expensive .

  16. 艺术之城,爱美之城

    Paris - City of Love , City of Art

  17. 男人是爱美的,他们会在镜子前检视自己。

    Men are vain ; they will check themselves out in the mirror .

  18. 谈到美这个话题,常言道:爱美是人的天性。

    Turning to the U.S.this topic , saying : beauty is human nature .

  19. 许多年来,有些妇女爱美到着魔地步。

    Across the years some women have been literally dying to be beautiful .

  20. 老人沧桑的面容下依然保持着一颗爱美的心。

    There is still a heart of loving beauty under her wrinkled face .

  21. 爱美是诗人的天性。

    The love of beauty is inherent in poets .

  22. 爱美的女士,您想知道应如何健康愉快地度过这寒冷的季节吗?

    Do you know how to keep yourselves safe and sound on cold days ?

  23. 爱美并追求美是人类的天性。

    It is human nature to pursue beauty .

  24. 爱美及是整个健全人性不可或缺之一部分。

    The love of beauty is an essential part of all healthy human nature .

  25. 为什么爱美总要受罪呢?

    Why must your beauty be so painful ?

  26. 因而世界的存在,是为了满足人们灵魂中爱美的需求。

    The world thus exists to the soul to satisfy the desire of beauty .

  27. 而他爱露丝又甚于爱美。

    And more than beauty he loved Ruth .

  28. 爱美是人的天性,每个人天生都追求美。

    It is human nature that all of us should be fond of beauty .

  29. 不爱江山爱美人。

    He relinquished the throne for the woman .

  30. 我美食爱美神,是不怕你的!

    I , the drink eat warrior , will not be afraid of you !