- pet name;term of endearment;diminutive

[diminutive; pet name] 表示亲昵、喜爱的称呼
She explained her choice on air , saying , It 's a personal album , and all my family , they always called me Britney Jean , adding , It 's like a term of endearment . I just wanted to share that with my fans .
Tom is the pet name of Thomas .
The 10 most popular names for every pet 1 .
Let 's face it - if Honest Abe really wanted equality , Martin Luther King probably wouldn 't have a holiday named after him .
Therefor , namely given " global village " this nickname .
I mean love of ideals I would call passion for ideals .
Benny is a pet name for the rabbit .
But at 10 Lenny discovered the piano .
Teddy was her pet name for him .
Just started you to shout " pet name " time , my first came out .
Alfie is the most popular pet name in Britain , according to a new survey .
Calling something like love mundane , of course , is true only as far as it goes .
Earlier that year , in January , the couple had a daughter named Lieserl ( diminutive for Elisabeth ) .
Alfie is also the most popular dog name while Charlie topped the poll as the number one name among the cats .
It is not known if Jerry is similarly a diminutive of Gerald or Jerome , as no one calls him by his name .
The girlfriend voice is characterized by a higher pitch and a more effeminate tone with speech patterns scattered with pet names and childish words .
He referred to her as his Swedish " flicka " ( or " girl " ) or his " Gorilla " -- a pet name for Gunilla .
A woman was having dinner with a friend and her husband , when she noticed that her friend always called her husband loving names like Honey , Darling , Sweetheart etc.
Bonnie had driven an hour and a half to see if the doctors at the hospital could do anything to help her fourteen-year-old black standard poodle , Cassandra , affectionately called Cassie .
Bernie looked at Morris and remarked ," That is really nice , that after all these years that you have been married , and you keep calling your wife those pet names . "
More family , even little earth without the nickname " global village " in the boundless universe , wandering among the sea of tiny humans upon earth isn 't should not be a family ?
As a representative of Fauvism Howard players and athletic ability in the force also has the advantage of the ruling class , which is why we have better pet name him " Superman " reasons .
Remember one thing about not employing the girl 's actual name instead drawn on the name you call her with love . Demonstrate that poster in front of her home or her place of work 。
Table Tennis , known as the " national ball " in China , is the physical fitness item beloved by people , along with the ever - deeping reforms of the curriculum of Physical Education , it is stepping into the university .
Study researcher Frank Nuessel , a professor of classical and modern languages at the University of Louisville , said of the findings to MSNBC : ' Typically hypocorisms , the shorter form of a given name , are used in intimate situations as a nickname or a term of endearment .
The more than 40 photo albums in the collection contain some images of Mr. Castro , as well as a visual chronicle of the private Gabo , as Garc í a M á rquez was affectionately known throughout Latin America , beginning with his early life in rural Colombia , Mr. Montelongo said .
People who are in need of a meal are encouraged to take from the fridge at any time , for any reason . Minu Pauline , who runs Pappadavada , has nicknamed the fridge , which was placed there on March 23 and is shaded by a neighboring tree , " tree of goodness . "