
jié máo jiá
  • eyelash curler
  1. 连个卷睫毛夹都怕。

    You 're afraid of an eyelash curler .

  2. 我使用的是资生堂睫毛夹。

    I 'm using Shiseido 's Eyelash Curler .

  3. 我想送些稍微有点怪异的美容产品,比如唇部磨砂膏或者电动睫毛夹或者commedesgar?

    I like to give slightly outlandish beauty products such as lip exfoliators or electric eyelash curlers or comme des Gar ?

  4. (ShinobuAbe)却持有不同观点:“日本女性们模仿西方女孩儿的眼妆,好让自己的眼睛看起来又大又圆。她们把睫毛夹得翘翘的,涂上一层层的睫毛膏,还装上假睫毛。”他这么说道。

    make-up artist Shinobu Abe disagrees : " Japanese women copy western girls ' eyes , to make them look bigger and rounder . They curl lashes , apply layers of mascara , then false lashes , " he says .

  5. 睫毛夹?噢,正是我梦寐以求的!

    Eyelash curlers ? Hmm & just what I 've always wanted !

  6. 记得在使用前稍微加热睫毛夹,这样才能达到最佳效果!

    Remember to mildly heat the curler before you use it for the best results !

  7. 用吹风机加热睫毛夹几秒钟,就能让你的睫毛持久弯曲。

    Heat for a few seconds , then curl your lashes for a lasting effect .

  8. 她们把睫毛夹得翘翘的,涂上一层层的睫毛膏,还装上假睫毛。他这么说道。

    They curl lashes , apply layers of mascara , then false lashes , he says .

  9. 这是我的睫毛夹,真是小巧精致。

    These my eyelash curlers . yeah , that 's more delicate . that 's more delicate .

  10. 5.将睫毛夹弯

    Step 5 Curl your eyelashes

  11. 再用睫毛夹将睫毛夹翘,为之后贴上假睫毛做好准备。

    Garnish with eyelash clip eyelash clip becomes warped , will for with false eyelash after ready .

  12. 所有男人都害怕睫毛夹。所以我的枕头下面放着一个睫毛夹,而不是一把抢。

    A cosmetic applied to darken the eyelashes . All men are afraid of eyelash curlers . I sleep with one under my pillow , instead of a gun .

  13. 接下来,把睫毛夹弯,让眼睛看上去更大,确保夹的位置尽可能靠近睫毛根部,多用一点黑色的睫毛膏来强调上部的睫毛,睫毛刷从根部向顶部刷。

    Next , curl the eyelashes to really open up the eyes , making sure you get as close to the roots as possible , and emphasise the upper lashes with lots of black mascara , working the wand from root to tip .

  14. 用卷睫毛器夹上眼睫毛,然后涂上睫毛膏。

    Curl your upper eyelashes with the eyelash curler , and then apply the mascara .

  15. ExtremeCurlLashes…弯弯睫毛市场上有几种带加热功能的睫毛夹,但其实你可以不花冤枉钱,自己动手加热睫毛。

    There are several heated lash curlers on the market right now , but you can save yourself a few bucks by heating up your own lash curler with a blow dryer .

  16. 加重你的妆容:再画一层睫毛膏,重点描画外层睫毛,然后用睫毛夹使睫毛更蜷曲。

    Ramp up your makeup : Add a layer of mascara , concentrating on the outer lashes , and then curl your eyelashes .