
  1. 爱不需要理由,因?理由可以打动我们,却无法感动我们。

    Love does not need any reason for reason can inspire us , but does not move us .

  2. 爱你不需要理由,因为你值得我们爱!

    No matter where you go , we are always here !

  3. 父亲说被爱是不需要理由的。

    Father says being loved is never needing to ask .

  4. 爱她不需要理由,正如你找不到恨她的理由一样。

    You don 't need a reason to love it , as you can 't find a reason to hate it .

  5. 水在流,鱼在游,爱你不需要理由;风在吹,雨在下,很想抱你亲一下;天有情,地有情,国庆浪漫一下行不行?

    Water in a stream , fish in travel , love you no reason ; Blowing in the Wind , rain the next , you want to have some affinity ; Days affection , and love , the National Romantic Will it work ?

  6. 我爱你,不需要理由,我会爱你一辈子,你是我的命,自己翻译吧不行就来青云翻译网。

    I love you , no reason , I will love you forever , you are my life , not on their own translation of it to translate Albatron network .

  7. 去明白他们永远不能用特殊的举动使我爱他们,我爱人类不需要理由;

    To learn that they can never do something extraordinary for Me to love them ; I simply do .