
  • 网络Click Through Rate;click-through rate;ctr;Click Rate;CLICKS RATIO
  1. 点击率(Click-throughrate,CTR)作为广告效果最常使用的评价指标,广告点击率预测对提升广告投放的收益和用户的体验有至关重要的作用。

    CTR ( Click-through rate ) is the most commonly used evaluation about advertising effectiveness , advertising click-through rate prediction play a crucial role to enhance advertising revenue and user experience .

  2. 尽管如此,商业网站却获得了远远超过新闻网站的点击率和资金回报。

    Nevertheless , commercial websites has received far more CTR and financial returns than news websites .

  3. 一些广告商开始转向互联网广告,其更便宜且能提供更具体的如点击率这样的衡量标准,这在市场营销预算紧张的时期尤为重要。

    Some are turning to the Internet , which is cheaper and offers concrete measurements like click-through rates — especially important at a time when marketing budgets are tight .

  4. 点击率到目前为止一直保持在较高的水平(大约在3%~4%之间,而网络广告只有不到0。3%),但这种高点击率可能只是由于新鲜感导致的。

    Click-through rates have been high so far ( around 3 – 4 % , compared with less than 0.3 % online ) , but that may be a result of the novelty .

  5. 在视频网站YouTube上这段视频点击率已经超过23万,视频中两岁大的克莱尔数出了所有的理由,证明她的妈妈是“最好的妈妈”,其间偶尔停下来,用手指数着已经说过的理由。

    In a YouTube clip that has been viewed more than 230000 times , two-year-old Claire lists all the reasons why her mommy is the ' greatest mommy , ' stopping occasionally to try and count each of them on her fingers .

  6. 基于Ajax技术实现Web系统点击率的统计

    Implementation of Click Reports on Web System Based on Ajax Technology

  7. 鸟叔的《江南Style》是YouTube上点击率最高的视频,点击量超过15亿。

    PSY 's " Gangnam Style " is YouTube 's most-viewed video with 1.5 billion .

  8. 我发表的第一篇新闻故事《大熊猫中餐馆,德卢斯中国人的家》在当时的明尼苏达大学德卢斯校区写作系主管的LakeVoiceNews上获得了该网站创办以来的最高点击率。

    My first published story Giant Panda home for Chinese Duluthians received the highest view count on Lake Voice News ran by Writing Department at UMD .

  9. 鸟叔的《江南Style》成为Youtube上点击率最高的视频,在此之前他曾在波士顿大学就读管理专业。

    PSY studied management at Boston University years before his hit " Gangnam Style " became YouTube 's most-viewed video .

  10. 新广告目前在YouTube视频上的点击率是940万。

    The current count for this new video on YouTube is9.4 million .

  11. 上个月,他的公司宣布“注意力标准”首度受到媒介视听率评介委员会(MediaRatingCouncil)的认可衡量标准,这个标准既不是看点击率也不是看加载时间。

    On Monday , his company announced the first-ever accreditation by the Media Rating Council for metrics around attention , rather than clicks or load time .

  12. 自从去年十月,关于这只猫的YouTube点击率已超过120万。

    MJ 's YouTube video has received more than 1 . 2 million hits since October .

  13. 这段MV名叫PrinterJam,由Mr.species乐队演唱。这段MV是网友们最喜欢的,点击率达到了120万。

    This video for a song called Printer Jam by the band Mr.species is Radar 's most popular commission having been viewed 1.2 million times .

  14. 最近贵网站的点击率上升,进入网民,争做品牌,一定要有LOGO,易与让人接受。

    Recently your website 's click rate rises , enters the netizen , to become the brand , must have LOGO , easy and acceptable .

  15. digg风格的在线游戏列表.可以选择最近更新的游戏列表,或按点击率排列的列表。

    GameSnips : online games list , digg style .

  16. Venus在YouTube上有几个点击率15万次的视频,数千人点了“赞”。

    Venus has several YouTube videos which have been seen about 154000 times with thousands clicking the ' like ' button .

  17. Tumblr则拥有大量网页点击率,靠做展示广告赚钱的时机已经成熟了。

    Tumblr represents a ton of page views ripe for display monetization .

  18. DjangoWeb栈是从头开始创建的,最终的结果是获得了一个稳定的框架,这个框架已经被用来创建了多个每天处理数百万点击率的Web站点。

    The Django Web stack was created from scratch , and the end result is a stable framework that has been used to create several Web sites that handle millions of hits per day .

  19. 这种格式的广告能够有比较高的CTR或者点击率。

    This same format have the tendency to result in higher CTR , or the click-through rates .

  20. 他在YouTube网站放出了一段一小时的原始音频,很快就有了每天400次的点击率,他说。

    He put an hour of raw audio on YouTube , and quickly I got 400 hits in a day , he said .

  21. 下面接着讨论本系列文章的例子,我创建了一个工具,用来检查我的Web服务器log文件中的点击率,不过这次是在一条加密的SSH通道上完成的。

    In continuing with the example of this series of articles , I created a tool to examine hits to my Web server log file , but to do so over an encrypted SSH channel .

  22. 对于R5以后的版本,您主要关注性能的哪些方面&点击率最高的问题是什么?

    What performance areas are you concentrating on for post-R5 & what 's your top hit list ?

  23. 过去两年,该公司大约制作了1800到1900条视频短片,在YouTube上的总点击率超过了17亿次。

    In the last two years , the company has produced between 1,800 and 1,900 short videos with a total of 1.7 billion YouTube views .

  24. 他在YouTube网站放出了一段一小时的原始音频,“很快就有了每天400次的点击率,”他说。

    He put an hour of raw audio on YouTube , and " quickly I got 400 hits in a day , " he said .

  25. Facebook的首席运营官雪莉·桑德伯格告诉分析师,在消息推送中的广告点击率是屏幕右侧广告的“数倍”。

    Sheryl Sandberg , the chief operating officer , told analysts that click-through rates on ads in news feeds were " multiple times better " than on ads to the right of the screen .

  26. 或许更令人鼓舞的消息是,移动广告的点击率正在持续攀升,杰富瑞公司(Jefferies)分析师布莱恩•皮兹如是写道。

    Perhaps more encouraging , clickthrough rates on mobile ads are rising , Jeffries analyst Brian pitz wrote .

  27. 然后验证了基于LRM的点击率优化算法也具有较高的准确率。

    Secondly , we verify that click-through rate optimization model base on LRM has a high precision on experimental result .

  28. Arisxandra在youtube上的视频目前点击率超高。

    Arisxandra has already proved a hit with YouTube viewers , her stand-out voice attracting her attention on the site .

  29. 该视频在Youtube上的点击率飙升,但有人质疑这可能只是宣传噱头,至少我们在商场火车上看到了“不太甜(蜜)”的广告标语。

    The clip has since gone viral on YouTube but there is a strong suggestion it could be a publicity stunt , not in the least because the mall train bears the advertising message ' not so sweet ' .

  30. 调研公司comScore估计,在1月份通过搜索引擎查看广告的点击率有所减少,比去年同期下降了0.3%。随后,谷歌(Google)股价再次下猾。

    Google 's share price slid again after comScore , a research firm , estimated that the number of clicks on ads on the search engine had fallen by0.3 % in January compared with the same month a year ago .