
diǎn hào
  • Point number;comma
点号 [diǎn hào]
  • [punctuation mark] 用来点断句子、表示停顿的一类标点符号,包括顿号、逗号、冒号、分号、句号、问号、感叹号等

  1. c文件扩展名是一种文本模式,它仅匹配点号加小写字母c的情况。

    The . c file name extension is a literal pattern that matches only a period followed by a lowercase c.

  2. 尽管名称可以包含数字和点号,但是不能采用IP地址格式。

    Though names can have numbers and periods , they cannot be in the IP address format .

  3. 在password框中,输入一个点号(.)

    For the password field , enter a single period , or " dot "( . ) .

  4. 选择Existinguser并单击浏览按钮(上面显示三个点号),然后选择主组中的Allusers。

    Select Existing user and click the browse button ( a box with three dots on it ) and select All users in the primary group .

  5. 使用点号(“.hr”)来检索batstattROW类型中的一个元素。

    Use the dot notation (" . hr ") to retrieve one element from the batstat_t ROW type .

  6. LOCAL关键字表示匹配所有不包含点号(.)的主机;这表示所有与域不相关的主机。

    The LOCAL keyword means to match any host that does not have a dot (" . ") in it ; this means any local host not associated with a domain .

  7. 当您输入names之后的点号时,必须等待几秒才能出现一个方法名的清单。

    After typing the period after names , you have to wait half a second for a list of method names to appear .

  8. 精美的模拟数字LED的控件。除了显示十个数字之外,还能显示分号、点号、横杆,以完整地显示时间。

    In addition to displaying ten digits outside , but also shows a semi-colon , dot , bar , in order to fully display the time .

  9. 应用LISP自动移位排水管线图的管线点号

    Using LISP to Displace Automatically the Sign of the Pipeline Dots From Drainage Pipeline diagram

  10. ActionScript中的点号(.)被用来更深层次地浏览结果对象,但这个需要您知道在响应XML中result对象代表了什么。

    The ActionScript dot notation is used to further navigate the result object , but requires that you know what the result object represents in the response XML .

  11. 默认情况下,ls命令不会列出特殊文件,这些文件的文件名以点号(.)开头。

    By default , the ls command does not list special files , those whose names start with a dot ( . ) .

  12. Logger是一种命名实体,采用点号隔开的字符串作为名称,比如“java.awt”。

    Loggers are normally named entities , using dot-separated names such as " java . awt " .

  13. 请检查网址(URL),确保大、小写字母、点号和斜线号输入正确,然后重新再试。

    Please check the address ( URL ), making sure that upper and lower case letters , dots and slashes are entered correctly . Then please try again .

  14. subsequence()的第二个参数是开始位置,点号表示上下文项。

    The second argument to subsequence () is the starting position ; the dot represents the context item .

  15. 在Python大会上,常常会看到开发人员穿着黑色T恤衫,上面印着nosetests命令,后面是表示测试成功的点号。

    At Python conventions , it is now common to see developers wearing black T-shirts showing the nosetests command , followed by the field of periods with which it denotes successful tests .

  16. 标号与点号配合使用新探

    A New Probe Into the Cooperative Use of the Punctuation Mark

  17. 跟踪点号按照年月顺序出现在格式化的输出文件中。

    Trace point numbers appear consecutively in a chronologically formatted output file .

  18. 在创建好脚本之后,我们使用点号。

    After our script is created , we use the .

  19. 逗号(,)和点号(。)循环选择笔刷。

    Comma (,) and dot ( . ) cycle through active brush .

  20. 到了唐代,点号又可用作校对符号。

    In Tang Dynasty , the point was also used for proofreading mark .

  21. 一个域名名称分三部分并由句点号分隔开。

    A domain name is divided into three segments and separated by periods .

  22. 反转了域名后,可将点号想象成子目录。

    After your reversed domain name , the dots are intended to represent subdirectories .

  23. 是不是每个点号,大括号,和分号都在合适的位置上?

    Is every period , brace , colon and semi-colon in its right place ?

  24. 论语气三角和句末点号

    The Qi ( vital energy ) A Discussion of the Mood Triangle and End Punctuation

  25. 注意:域名后缀是域名的结尾部分,包括点号。

    NOTE : The domain suffix is the end of domain name , including the period .

  26. 您还可以使用.(点号)匹配任何单个的字符。

    You can also use " . " ( a period ) to match any single character .

  27. 有效的名称只能包含小写字母、数字、点号、下划线和连字符。

    A valid name can contain only lowercase letters , numbers , periods , underscores , and dashes .

  28. 只使用字母数字字符&不使用空格、下划线、点号、逗号或其他标点符号。

    Use alpha-numeric characters only & no spaces , underscores , periods , commas , or other punctuation marks .

  29. 著录过程中对题名用语中的标点符号处理方式之探讨标号与点号配合使用新探

    Study on the Description of the Punctuation Mark in Title A New Probe Into the Cooperative Use of the Punctuation Mark

  30. 提示:当将标记类添加为标记的值时,不要使用点号。

    Tip : When you add a tag-class selector as a value to a tag , do not use the dot .