
ɡuàn ɡài xì tǒnɡ
  • irrigation system
  1. 就在一个重要的灌溉系统的北边,这些河流交汇在一起。

    The rivers merge just north of a vital irrigation system

  2. 这个模型展示该灌溉系统的全貌。

    The model shows the whole project of the irrigation system .

  3. 基于组件式GIS的管道输水灌溉系统规划设计软件研制

    Design for software system of pipe irrigation planning based on GIS

  4. GPS节水灌溉系统的研究

    Research on the GPS Water-Saving Irrigation System

  5. 自动控制器LOGO!控制的温室自动灌溉系统

    Automatic Irrigation System in Glasshouse Based on LOGO ! Control

  6. MIS,ES,DSS在灌溉系统优化调度中的应用综述

    The Application of MIS , ES , DSS in the Optimum Operation of Irrigation System

  7. 印度灌溉系统制造商JainIrrigation通过跳舞和唱歌向不识字的农民解释滴灌的好处。

    Jain Irrigation , an Indian maker of irrigation systems , uses dance and song to explain the benefits of drip irrigation to farmers who can 't read .

  8. 通过遥感监测的ET,不仅可以对农业用水效率、灌溉系统性能作出更符合实际的评价,还可服务于流域水资源管理和区域水资源利用规划。

    The estimated ET based on the remote sensing is not only useful for evaluating agricultural water ′ s use efficiency and irrigated system performance , but also helpful for managing river water resource and planning regional water resource utilization .

  9. 这些集中供水灌溉系统的购买和使用成本都比较高,ChrisSchaefers家就拥有8个这样的系统,他说使用这个系统,农作物的产量提高了,在银行也能获得更好的信用,完全可以收回投入的成本。

    These center-pit irrigation systems are expensive to buy and operate . But Chris Schaefers whose family owns 8 of them says they get their money back in better yields and better credit at the bank .

  10. Chartres提到了印度,在那里他的研究所正在鼓励农民使用地表水灌溉系统补充地下水。

    Chartres mentioned India , where his institute is encouraging farmers to use surface water irrigation systems to recharge groundwater .

  11. 佛教和先进的灌溉系统成为岛上北部中心古典僧伽罗文明(200bc-1200ad)繁荣的支柱。

    Buddhism and a sophisticated system of irrigation became the pillars of classical Sinhalese civilization ( 200 bc-1200 AD ) that flourished in the north-central part of the island .

  12. Chidambaram说:“马哈拉斯特拉邦项目包括了灌溉系统的恢复和现代化,还有改善大坝安全,都支持了我们国家的目标”。

    " The Maharashtra project supports our national objective as it covers rehabilitation and modernization of irrigation schemes as well as improving the safety of dams ," Chidambaram said .

  13. IIIMP试验的成功表明了当我们重新设计一种灌溉系统以便把水作为一种稀缺的、珍贵的商品来对待,并调动农民参与管理时,可以取得什么样的成就。

    The success of the IIIMP pilot in Egypt shows what can be done when an irrigation system is re-engineered to treat water as a scarce , precious commodity and to involve farmers in management .

  14. 我们想建立一个先进的灌溉系统。

    We plan to set up a modern system of irrigation .

  15. 作物精量灌溉系统的无线传感网络应用开发

    Development of wireless sensor networks in precision irrigation system for crop

  16. 多级提水灌溉系统的临界经济扬程分析

    Analysis of Critical Economic Lift for Multilevel Water Pumping Irrigation System

  17. 大型灌溉系统中附属小水库的多用途管理

    Multiple-use management of auxiliary small reservoirs in a large irrigation system

  18. 设施栽培反馈自控低压灌溉系统研究

    Study on Feedback Autocontrol Low Pressure Irrigation System in Greenhouse

  19. 抽水灌溉系统站库联合优化调度数学模型

    An Optimal Operation Model for Pumping and Storage Irrigation Systems

  20. 调压灌溉系统水泵机组运行状态的改善

    The Improvement of Pump Unit Running in Pressure Regulated Irrigation

  21. 无线通信网络在农业灌溉系统中的应用

    The Application of Wireless Communication Network in Agricultural Irrigation System

  22. 整个种植园是根据滴水灌溉系统所调控。

    The whole plantation is under a drip irrigation system .

  23. 全美灌溉系统衬砌工程及其争议

    Lining Project of the All-American Canal System and its Controversy

  24. 双泵并联灌溉系统的有效度分析

    The Efficiency Analysis of a Parallel Connection Double-Pump Irrigaton System

  25. 压力灌溉系统的水力计算有限元分析

    Finite element method for hydraulic computation of pressure irrigation system

  26. 让你的工作进行自动化灌溉系统之间。

    Let your automation and irrigation systems work it out amongst themselves .

  27. 沉淀使灌溉系统中的发射器发生被阻塞。

    Emitters on trickle system can be blocked by precipatate .

  28. 灌溉系统也容易受到海啸毁灭性破坏的影响。

    Irrigation systems are also vulnerable to a tsunami 's destructive effects .

  29. 选择这样一个灌溉系统很少会阻塞。

    An irrigation system is selected that is less prone to plugging .

  30. 相应的,灌溉系统的产权具有了嵌套分层的特征。

    Correspondingly , property right of irrigation system has nesting layered characteristic .