- 名Louvre

In 1911 a maintenance worker at the Louvre walked out of the museum with the " Mona Lisa " , hidden under his smock .
The " Mona Lisa " may not be a worthy world champion , but it was in the Louvre in the first place , and not by accident .
After queuing to see the " Mona Lisa " in its climate - controlled bulletproof box at the Louvre , he came away puzzled : why was it considered so superior to the three other Leonardos in the previous chamber , to which nobody seemed to be paying the slightest attention ?
Removing him from the pantheon of English literature would make about as much sense as the Louvre selling off the Mona Lisa .
You can see objects and paintings from different centuries in the Louvre Museum .
No visit to Paris is complete without a trip to Louvre , one of the largest and most famous museums in the world .
During the week 's time , we visited London and Paris — as much as we could , Big Ben , the Louvre and so on .
The elderly curator of the Louvre has been murdered inside the museum , his body covered in baffling symbols .
The N 's were scratched off the Louvre .
The Louvre in Paris also has a Tactile Gallery that contains copies of some of its sculptures .
The pedestrian bridge connects the Institut de France and the central square of the Palais du Louvre .
CNN 's Jim Bitterman was also given a personal behind-the-scenes tour of the Louvre by the museum director himself .
In 1987 the G7 changed stance at Louvre and pledged to support the falling greenback .
There followed the Louvre Accord in February 1987 , which was intended to stabilise a dollar that threatened to go into free fall .
while Herzog & de Meuron 's new Paris building , with its glass triangle echoing IM Pei 's Louvre pyramid , will hold office space and a hotel .
Whereas nearby Abu Dhabi is franchising outlets of the Louvre and the Guggenheim , Qatar is growing its own museums .
After having languished in obscurity for most of its early existence , Leonardo da Vinci 's work was pushed into the spotlight in 1911 when it was stolen from the Louvre .
In order to avoid further yen appreciation after the 1987 Louvre agreement , they followed easy monetary and financial policies that gave rise to huge asset price bubbles and expansions in credit that set the stage for the subsequent downturn .
By boosting the US economy through a weaker dollar , he says , plaza and a subsequent 1987 deal to stabilise the dollar , the Louvre accord , allowed the white house more freedom to reduce the deficit .
Chic-est Fete The opening of the Dries Van Noten exhibition at the Louvre 's Mus é e des Arts D é coratifs drew notables from design icon Claude Montana to erotic-jewelry designer Betony Vernon .
The Louvre , Uffizi , Vatican , Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam and Prado in Madrid all offer timed tickets for sale , allowing visitors to avoid lines .
Eventually [ Chinese ] travellers will visit Paris to go on a cultural tour through the Louvre or do a class to learn how to make chocolate instead of just heading straight to the Louis Vuitton store to buy a bag .
To help protect and reassure Chinese tourists , Mr. Deschamps said , the city has beefed up security at popular sites like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre , while instituting warnings in Mandarin to be vigilant against pickpockets on the Paris Metro .
The widely publicized theft remained unsolved for two years until Vincenzo Peruggia , an Italian maintenance worker at the Louvre , was apprehended after trying to sell the painting to the Uffizi Gallery in Florence , Italy .
Jack Pan : What does the Louvre mean to French ?
For more information check out the mini site for the .
Have you taken the Louvre at all , sir ?
Because we could learn something about history from Louvre .
1911-The Mona Lisa was stolen by a Louvre employee .
Visit the Louvre if you get the chance .