
  • 网络laser;Laser light;Laser Lamps;RT-RGF
  1. 注意了,如何使一个小小的手电筒变成一个激光灯?

    How to turn a Minimag flashlight into a burning laser !

  2. 它可以在面积较大的地区垫治疗的激光灯。

    It can have the laser lights in pads that treat larger areas .

  3. 诊断CT机房在未安装三维激光灯的条件下CT模拟方法的探讨

    The study of CT simulation methods in the diagnostic CT machine room without three dimensional moveable lasers

  4. 你知道激光灯是一个危险的道具,千万不要用它指着任何活物。

    CAUTION ! As you know lasers can be dangerous . Never point them at any living object !

  5. 根据机架激光灯束在体表的投影,标出体表穿刺径路;

    The puncture path was marked on patient ′ s body surface according to the laser ray projected into the body surface ;

  6. 激光灯的控制系统可控制激光线在三维坐标系上做较大范围的移动,以完成体表标记。

    The laser control system can control the laser line move on a large range of journey in three-dimensional coordinates to mark the isocenter point on the body surface .

  7. 因而对于驯养员来讲,训练乌鸦在激光灯或者地面标记物的指引下飞到特定的地点并非难事,因而乌鸦可以飞到人类放置好的检测器上进行“情报采集”。

    It was therefore a simple matter to teach ravens to fly to a certain location indicated with a laser pointer and deposit objects , including surveillance devices . Ravens could even be trained to take pictures with a special camera carried in the bird 's beak .

  8. 系统采用了激光三灯对正装置进行炉门精确对正,整套系统包括数据采集、无线通讯及数据信息显示,系统的硬件设计考虑了未来功能项目的增加,预留了一些额外的输入输出通道。

    The system has data collection wireless communication and data display , the design of hardware provides some extra input and output channels .

  9. 方法:观察加速器等中心精度,灯光野,激光定位灯改变对摆位精度的影响。

    Methods : To observe the conrealtion between the position accuracy and the accuracy of isocenter , lamp field , targeted field , laser lamp .

  10. 通过激光前照灯的使用,德国奥迪公司(Audi)又将汽车技术向前推进了一小步。

    Audi is stepping things up a notch with laser light headlamps .

  11. 利用激光和LED灯对Yb原子进行激发,探测其荧光以及激发态的吸收光谱,对其在基质中的能级结构、亚稳态寿命、以及其动力学过程进行了研究。

    The Yb atoms are excited by a laser ( or a LED lamp ) . The fluorescence and the absorption spectrum of the excited molecules are detected . The energy structure , lifetime of the metastable state , and the dynamics have been studied .

  12. 光学接口能够完成激光通过裂隙灯显微镜的传输和光斑的调节。

    Optical interface can complete the laser transmission through the slit lamp microscope and the spot regulation .

  13. He-Ne激光与红色荧光灯对作物的生物效应实验研究

    Experimental study on biological effect of He-Ne laser and red fluorescent light on plants

  14. 光纤干涉传感器可以使用一种新技术,即低相干、宽带光源,比如光发射二极管(LED),多模激光二极管或者卤素灯。

    A new technique for optical fiber interferometer sensor use is possible , namely that associated with the use of low coherence , broad band spectral sources such as light emitting diodes ( LED ), multimode laser diodes or halogen lamps .

  15. 概述了Er∶YAG晶体的光谱特性,在此基础上设计研制了2套激光装置,单灯单椭圆和双灯双椭圆聚光腔及电源,比较了两者的优缺点。

    This paper describes the emission spectrum characters of Er ∶ YAG crystal . Two sets of laser devices are designed & one is single flash tube with single ellipsoidal condenser cavity , the other is double flash tube with double ellipsoidal condenser cavity and its power supply .

  16. 在分析了半导体激光泵浦与氪灯泵浦激光器各自特点的基础上,提出了在氪灯泵浦腔内倍频Nd:YAG激光器上进行不稳定性和混沌研究以及探索混沌消除方法的设想。

    In this paper , base on analysing the characters between the diode-pumped and krypton flashlamp-pumped lasers , we put forword a study of instability and chaos and of the elimination of chaos in krypton flashlamp-pumped intracavity frequency-doubled Nd ∶ YAG lasers .