
  1. 应用P矩阵法推导了Y型、S型及一字型双声路声表面波质量传感器件的传输特性;

    Transmission characteristics of Y type S type and " - " type SAW mass sensors are derived by P matrix representation .

  2. 其二,通过在主塔底部施加增设不同形式的横梁(一字型、X型、K型)的方法,减小既有横梁的剪力,来达到间接提高横梁抗剪承载力的目的。

    Secondly , by imposing additional different forms of the beam ( onetype , X type , K type ) through the bottom of main tower , reducing force on the beam , itcan enhance shear bearing capacity of the lower beam indirectly .

  3. 提高一字型硬质合金钎头产品质量的主要途径

    An approach to improving the quality of chisel insert bits

  4. 一字型防波堤口门通航水流条件的试验研究

    Test Study on Navigable Flow Conditions at the Entrance of Breakwaters Arranged in Straight Line

  5. 为什么恋爱的人要手拉着手?拉手:采用内嵌一体式一字型把手。

    " And why do lovers often hold hands ?" Handle : lnlaid handle with drawers .

  6. 立式延时自闭冲洗阀特点:延时自闭、水流路径成一字型,有手柄式、按钮式、脚踏式。

    Characteristics of vertical time-lapse self-closing flush valve : they are time-lapse , self-closing , beeline of water route .

  7. 液力端为最新设计制造卧式一字型泵头,成功地解决了超高压泵泵头强度的难点。结构紧凑,操作、维修简单方便。

    The hydraulic end is update designed horizontal pump head , which solved the problem of the pump head strength with the character of closed structure and convenient to maintenance .

  8. 双螺杆、一字型三螺杆、三角形三螺杆和四螺杆反应器的流量、回流量、回流系数以及平均剪切速率依次逐渐增大。

    For double-screw extruder ," & " - shaped tri-screw extruder , triangular tri-screw extruder and four-screw extruder , flow rate , back flow rate , coefficient of back flow rate and average rate of shear are incremental gradually .

  9. 首先应用程式必须提出一个字型的样式需求。

    Font matching starts with an application constructed pattern .

  10. 同时,为了完成字符的标记,还对每一个字型进行了路径规划。

    At the same time , in order to write the font better and quickly , also plan the route for each font .

  11. 同时,通过研究径向压应力与温度变化对“一”字型保偏光纤应力双折射的影响,得到了光纤能稳定工作的压应力与温度环境。

    Moreover , the effect on the birefringence from different compression stresses and temperature variation were investigated , the suitable stress and temperature circumstances was acquired .

  12. 采用实验观测与理论模拟相结合的方法对“一”字型保偏光纤进行了研究。

    The " capsule " shape type polarization-maintaining optical fiber ( PMOF ) built by our country independently was investigated using theoretic simulation along with experimental observation .

  13. 不管是哪一种字型的复苏,经济学家说有一件事是确定的,就是当亚洲渡过了危机最糟糕的时刻,经济版图已经改变。

    No matter the shape of the recovery , economists say one thing is certain : when Asia passes the worst of the crisis , the economic landscape will have already changed .

  14. 用红色的或者一种特殊字型印刷的标题。

    A heading that is printed in red or in a special type .

  15. 但是,我们是一队人字型的雁阵,每个人的身边都会有可以彼此扶持的坚实的臂膀。

    But we are a V-shaped flock of wild geese , and we can support each other by our strong arms .

  16. 如何采用先进的曲线字型轮廓替换传统的向量字型轮廓,建立一个曲线字型生成系统是本文的主要研究内容。

    It is the primary contents for this thesis how to build a system of generating curvilinear font with using advanced curvilinear font outline to take place vector font outline .

  17. 实验表明该方法对具有两个主方向的建筑物提取效果良好。5.提出了一种人字型屋顶建筑物快速重建算法。

    This extraction framework works well for buildings with two dominant directions in experiment . 5 . A quick reconstruction method of the building whose roof is a gable is put forward .

  18. 空腹血糖浓度与血浆胰岛素分泌水平表现为一条倒U字型曲线。

    The relationship between the insulin secretion and elevated fasting glucose showed an inverted U shaped curve .

  19. 为了提高大规模布线的布通率,加快布线速度,提出了一个基于V字型框架的总体布线与详细布线交替进行的多层无网格布线算法。

    In order to improve the routing ratio and routing speed in large scale routing problem , a multi-layer gridless routing algorithm with V-shaped framework was presented , in which global and detailed router ran alternately .

  20. 该文介绍一种五笔字型背口诀记字根及徒手练习速成教学方法。

    This article is to introduce a speeded-up teaching method of reciting the pithy formula and Memorizing the etymon and practicing bare-handed .

  21. 文中以一简支工字型梁为研究对象,分别采用基于应变模态差的三种定位准则和神经网络方法,对其进行了单处和两处焊缝损伤定位的研究。

    In the paper , by using three damage location principle based on strain mode and neural network methods , the approach to locate single and double weld damage in a simply support steel beam with open I-formed is investigated respectively .