- 网络Exciton absorption

The exciton absorption resonaces ( HH and LH ) and step accumu-tive density Of state have been observed .
Monodispersion CdSe nanocrystalline with obvious exciton absorption peak and stronger band-edge photoluminescence were prepared in organic coordinating solvent .
Picosecond absorption spectra of excitons in GaAs
The UV-Vis absorption spectra showed that the band gap energy increased and the exciton peak had an obvious blue-shift with increasing Mg content .
The absorption of the longitudinal optical ( LO ) phonons and the free-excitons was observed at room temperature .
In comparison Ce-doped ZnO nanoparticles and ZnO nanoparticles by UV - visible absorption spectra , we do not find that exciton absorption peak has significantly red-shifted in adulterated samples .
Comparison of the calculated Stark shift with the experimental value obtained from the absorption line shape showed good agreement when well width was about 9 nm and the electric field was about 100 kV / cm .
Uv-Vis test and temperature-change I-V test on F doped silica film , shows that there are intrinsic adsorption and exciton adsorption existed in the film . The energy band structure diagrammatic sketch of the low k material in MOS structure was obtained .
A strong excitonic effect on ZnO thin films at room temperature is observed in optical absorption spectra . An excellent free exciton emission with a narrow FWHM of 90 meV is obtained .
The Exciton Absorption and Light Modulation Characteristics of MQW Light Switch Devices
And it makes the absorption peak of the exciton move to higher energy .
A type excition absorption line of ZnO was observed from optical transmission spectra .
The results showed : an applying field resulted in a blue shift of the exciton absorption .
The excitonic spectrum of a symmetric triple-coupled-quantum-well containing a diluted magnetic semiconductor layer under magnetic fields is studied .
It is shown that the electric field produces multiple absorption peaks which come from the quantum confined Stark effect .
The variations of excitonic spectrum with different radial electric fields are similar to those of square coupled-double quantum well .
At low magnetic field , the effects of magnetic-field-induced confining potential on the main features of the excitonic spectra are negligible .
The numerical results show that the magnetic field can be used to adjust the excitonic spectra and the coupling behaviors of the quantum wells effectively .
By this way , we can obtain not only the dispersion relation of the real and imaginary part of the refractive index , but also the resonant excitonic absorption spectrum .
ZnO films give rise to characteristic Raman bands at about 438 cm-1.The transmission spectra reveals a characteristic absorption of excitons and a shift of the absorption edge for the doped ZnO films towards short wavelength .
The exciton of the crystal and influence on the absorption edge
Secondly , the system dimension , exciton wave functions and absorption spectrum in hexagonal microtube ZnO film were calculated and simulated , and the confinement of microtube is discussed .
At last , the nonlinear absorption / gain has been discussed at the presence of exciton and biexciton .
The results indicate that the satellite peaks show up due to the interaction between the exciton and THz field .
The battery works by harnessing the power of " excitonic energy " - the state in which an electron absorbs sufficiently charged photons of light .
There exist charged exciton due to the coupling between excitons with free carriers , which induce the increasing of the satellite peaks .
A model of the interaction of excitons and optical wave interaction and mode function distribution is built to describe the enhancement . The calculation using the model shows the consistence of calculated enhancement of exciton absorption with the experimental result .