
yǎn zòu huì
  • concert;recital;session
  1. 演奏会将现场直播。

    The concert will be broadcasted live .

  2. 我很小的时候就开了我的演奏会。

    I gave my first concert when I was your age .

  3. 他组织了一场空前盛大的莫扎特作品演奏会。

    He staged the most lavish productions of Mozart

  4. 我会再召集一些人的今晚将上演Rufus木吉他演奏会

    Rufus : I 'm bringing a couple of the guys . It 'll be Rufus unplugged .

  5. 2011年他们在北京一场名为“纳什维尔”(Nashville)的音乐现场演奏会上相遇。

    They ended up in Beijing , where their paths crossed in 2011 at a live music venue called Nashville .

  6. 不到三岁的小女孩LaviniaRamirez第一次钢琴演奏会技惊四座,让专家也大跌眼镜。

    But even before she is three years old , Lavinia Ramirez has astounded experts - with her first public performance on piano .

  7. 古斯塔夫·莱昂哈特的演奏会与众不同。

    A CONCERT by Gustav Leonhardt was not like any other .

  8. 户外表演和午餐时间的演奏会提供了休闲、轻松的娱乐节目。

    Outdoor performances and lunchtime concerts offer casual and light-hearted entertainment .

  9. 现场演奏会是我工作中最有趣的一部分。

    Love gigs are the most enjoyable part of my work .

  10. 他的演奏会使他赢得了天才演奏家的赞誉。

    His recitals have earned him recognition as a talented performer .

  11. 麦克只是送你去演奏会。

    Mike 's just giving you a ride to the gig .

  12. 一间常举行室内乐演奏会和诗歌朗诵会的客厅。

    A drawing-room where chamber concerts and poetry recitals were held .

  13. 明天这个时间,那位钢琴家将正在举办一场钢琴演奏会。

    The pianist will be giving a recital this time tomorrow .

  14. 我们以为他不得不结束这场演奏会,

    We thought that he would have to stop the concert .

  15. 我们接受了大家的起立鼓掌,以此结束了这次演奏会。

    We finished the recital by receiving a standing ovation .

  16. 您有空来欣赏星期六的演奏会吗?

    Would you be free to come to a concert on saturday ?

  17. 伊恩,我今晚有演奏会记得吗?

    Ian , I have my concert tonight . Remember ?

  18. 她会在演奏会上帮我翻谱。

    She 's turning for me at the radio concert .

  19. 放学后要去听我妹妹的钢琴演奏会。

    You have my sister 's piano recital after school .

  20. 欣赏公开的演奏会通常都是免费的。

    Going to public concerts is often free of charge .

  21. 他已被邀请在演奏会上表演独唱。

    He has is ask to sing a solo at the concert .

  22. 我要回纽约参加一个演奏会

    Hey . I 'm back in New York for a gig .

  23. 你上次演奏会也是这样快。

    You did it at our last concert , too .

  24. 他表演了一场将古典音乐与中国民族音乐相结合的演奏会。

    By giving a concert combining classical music with Chinese folk music .

  25. 如欲得悉长笛演奏会资讯,请选择演奏会。

    For more Flute Recital details , please click above Concert button .

  26. 演奏会进行当中,电灯突然熄灭了。

    The light went out bang in the middle of the concert .

  27. 那么,我们去一个户外的交响乐演奏会。

    Well then , let 's go to an outdoor symphony concert .

  28. 他们开始在酒吧间举行免费的爵士乐演奏会。

    They started out doing free gigs in bars .

  29. 我想邀请你去听演奏会。

    I Want to Invite You for a Concert .

  30. 麦:去听演奏会固然很棒,但是我们还可以做些什么呢?

    M : Concert going is fantastic but what else can we do ?