
yǎn chànɡ huì
  • vocal concert;vocal recital/performance
  1. 该乐队目前正在策划在美国举办一系列演唱会。

    The band are currently planning a series of Stateside gigs .

  2. 我希望大家记住现场演唱会上的猫王。

    I want people to remember Elvis in concert .

  3. 鲍勃·迪伦正在组织一个为期两周的英国新年巡回演唱会。

    Bob Dylan is lining up a two-week UK tour for the New Year .

  4. 该乐队举行了13场全国巡回演唱会,其中包括在纽约的一站。

    The group made a 13-concert cross-country tour , including a stop in New York .

  5. 11月28日,这两支乐队将携手在谢菲尔德剧场举办一场演唱会。

    The two bands join forces for a gig at the Sheffield Arena on November 28

  6. 在利兹举办的一场演唱会上,一些小流氓朝他们吐口水,扔啤酒罐。

    At a concert in Leeds , some punks gobbed at them and threw beer cans .

  7. 他在他的酒店举行了一场历时3个钟头的家庭卡拉OK演唱会,其间高歌了辛纳屈和甲壳虫乐队的一些热门歌曲。

    He held a three-hour family Karaoke session in his hotel , belting out Sinatra and Beatles hits .

  8. 乐队的演唱会遭冷场。

    Few audience attended the band 's concert .

  9. 他们在CBS电视台53街演播室举行了他们在美国的第一场演唱会。

    They performed their first concert in America at CBS television 's 53rd street studio .

  10. 他们举办大型演唱会,也在俱乐部演出。

    They held large concerts and performed at clubs .

  11. 2016年,俄勒冈州圣诞演唱会开始前的几个月里,内奥米告诉导演她有一个特别的想法:"忧郁之花"

    In the months leading up to the 2016 Oregon Repertory Singers Christmas concert , Naomi told the director she had a special one in mind : " Melancholy Flower "

  12. W:是的,我想去。顺便问一下,你知道谁会在演唱会上唱歌吗?

    W : Yes , I 'd like to.By the way , do you know who will sing at the concert ?

  13. W:为什么不先来我家?我们可以在我家吃饺子,然后去听演唱会!M:棒极了!那到时候见。

    W : Why not come to my home first ? We can have dumplings at my home , and then go to the concert . M : Great ! See you then .

  14. 这也许是他们最后一次开演唱会了。

    This may be their last tour ever .

  15. 我要是能买到阿黛尔演唱会的门票,那就太好了。

    I would be pleased as Punch if I could get a ticket to Adele 's concert .

  16. 不管是刮风还是下雨,我都要去参加那场户外演唱会。我迫不及待地想看到我最喜欢的乐队演出!

    I 'm going3 to the outdoor4 concert5 come rain or shine – I can 't wait to see my favourite band6 !

  17. 演唱会之后,X光显示出格鲁确实骨折。

    After the concert , x-rays confirmed that Dave Grohl had broken his leg .

  18. 歌迷泪洒BEYOND告别演唱会

    Fans weep at Beyond 's goodbye concert

  19. 2009年FeralessTour演唱会霉霉:大家!

    Fearless Tour Taylor Swift ( 2009 ) : Y'all !

  20. 多亏了“liveearth”演唱会,下周全球将响彻音乐之声。

    Next weekend , thanks to live earth , the globe will be alive with the sound of music .

  21. 周一,这位27岁的流行歌手公布了Reputation演唱会的相关细节。

    The 27-year-old pop star announced the details of her upcoming Reputation tour Monday .

  22. 去年年底,麦当娜和老东家华纳音乐结束了长期合作关系,并以天价签约演唱会经纪公司LiveNation。

    Late last year , Madonna ended her long relationship with Warner Music Group Corp and reached a recording deal with concert promoter Live Nation Inc.

  23. 乐团的家伙藉由把特别的CD送给我来补充我的精神营养&演唱会现场的录音,发售的专辑之类的东西。

    The guys in the band help feed my spirit by sending me special CDs-live recordings , outtakes , demo sessions , and stuff like that .

  24. 她也曾在拉斯维加斯的MGM豪华酒店举办过一场著名的现场演唱会。

    She also famously performed a live TV special from the MGM Grand hotel .

  25. “好吧,我会在睡梦中死去”Gaga在巡回演唱会瑞典站向观众如是说。

    ' I 'll sleep when I 'm dead , OK ? 'Gaga tells audience in Sweden .

  26. 2008年Jay-Z与演唱会经纪公司LiveNation联合成立RocNation时,他进账1.5亿美元,其中包括一份每张专辑1000万美元的合同。

    When he set up Roc Nation with the concert promoter Live Nation in 2008 he got $ 150m , including a $ 10m-per-album deal for himself .

  27. 一个MJ演唱会的旧录影带将要待命上映防止出现任何问题。

    A tape of an old Jackson concert would be held on standby in case there were any problems .

  28. 分部AEG厂家的直播娱乐部,分部AEG厂家Live是一个世界领先的演唱会宣传及旅游公司。

    AEG 's live entertainment division , AEG LIVE is one of the world 's leading concert promotion and touring companies .

  29. 如果当初救了雷曼,股市也没有一泻千里,那么迈克尔杰克逊(MichaelJackson)就没有必要答应在伦敦开50场复出演唱会。

    If only Lehman had been saved and the stock market had not tanked , Michael Jackson would not have needed to commit to those 50 comeback gigs in London .

  30. TaylorSwift是唯一一位在格莱美奖博物馆中拥有个人主题展览的候选人,这项展览将展出她的个人照片、手写歌词和巡回演唱会服装。

    20.Taylor Swift is the lone nominee who is the subject of a current exhibit at the GRAMMY Museum . Featuring personal photographs , handwritten lyrics , tour costumes .