
zànɡ lǐ jìn xínɡ qǔ
  • funeral march
  1. 浅议门德尔松《葬礼进行曲》音乐风格的特性

    On Grasping the Characteristics of Musical Style in Mendelssohn 's Funeral March

  2. 葬礼进行曲在高速播放时会变成欢快的丁零声。

    The Funeral March when played at high speed become samerry tinkle of sounds .

  3. 伴随着肖邦葬礼进行曲阴沉的调子,人群逐渐聚集在伦敦金融城(CityofLondon)边上的一个房间里,其中有些人身着西装,绝大多数人则穿着牛仔裤和运动鞋。

    The sombre tones of Chopin 's funeral march is the soundscape to the gathering scores of people , some in suits , most in jeans and trainers , in a room on the fringes of the City of London .

  4. 葬礼进行曲是适合于葬礼的一种悲伤、庄严的音乐。

    A funeral march is a sad and serious piece of music suitable for funerals .

  5. 这首作品以一段加长尾声作结,在葬礼进行曲般沉稳的持续低音衬托下,歌声中半音对位的唱和更为突出。

    The work is concluded by an extended coda in which chromatic contrapuntal interplay among the voices are supported by a steady funeral-march drone .

  6. 就像在我的老家新奥尔良——像那些葬礼进行曲一样。维列克,从大门口,我们一路走到墓地,演奏着发自内心的进行曲——当然是铜管乐队。

    The ' Same as we did in my ' Home Town ' New Orleans ' - those ' Funeral Marches etc. " Why ' Gate " ' Villec , we ' played those ' Marches with ' feeling from our ' hearts . ' All the way to the Cemetery - ' Brass Band of course .