
  • 网络Moon face;moon facies;moon-shaped face;moonface
  1. 结果7例患者中5例有典型库欣综合征(CS)的临床表现,包括满月脸,向心性肥胖,高血压等;

    Results 5 of the 7 patients showed typical clinical features of Cushing 's syndrome , including moon face , central obesity , hypertension , etc.

  2. 特征为躯干和面部(满月脸)肥胖、肌肉萎缩、血压升高、皮肤易发生瘀斑、骨质疏松、糖尿

    " Symptoms include obesity of the trunk and face (" moon face "), muscle wasting , high Blood pressure , easy Bruising , osteoporosis , diabetes mellitus , and fat Between the shoulders (" Buffalo hump ") . "

  3. 结果:两组药物总有效率均为73.7%,但接受曲安西龙治疗组的体重增加和满月脸的副作用发生率低于醋酸泼尼松组。

    RESULTS : The total efficacy rate in the two groups was the same ( 73.7 % ) . Increased weight and moonface in patients after treatment of triamcinolone were noted less than those after treatment of prednisone .

  4. 他那形如满月的脸上绽开了笑容。

    A smile spread over his moon of a face .

  5. 最后雨终于停了,乌云消散,满月露出脸来。

    The rain had finally stopped and the clouds had parted to reveal a full moon .

  6. 满月就是一张脸。

    The full moon was a face .